Saturday, June 6, 2015

True Church: 4th Edition

Is belonging to a particular denomination within the barriers of Christianity, which you believe portrays The Holy Bible and Jesus Christ's perfect example correctly and truly guaranty you a ticket to heaven? Short and straight to the point simplified simply speaking for any eight grader to understand, “can we as Christians belonging to a particular denomination call ourselves the true church?” Well let’s start by defining everything related to this question once again (that were previously defined in my past-related- previous blogs).  

The Church can be defined as the people who choose to be Jesus Christ’s followers or disciples here in this dark planet we call earth after accepting His love prior to learning and understanding Jesus Christ, God or Love (which is God). We refer to them as Christians now a days… Well for a much better understanding (which is a repetition considering all my previous blogs), humanity within God’s creation are in fact the church and true church before the Fall of Man- created in God’s Image and likeness (were in righteousness) according to the book of Genesis within The Holy Bible. Or in other words, the relationship between God and Adam and Eve (human beings) were not broken and they were connected to the tree of life which is God (love)-God visited and was within Adam and Eve (their body, soul, temple, or church). Due to the introduction of sin or the Fall of man, this relationship was broken. So that would mean, people who once again believe in Jesus Christ and want this relationship to be reestablished when Jesus Christ returns, are in fact the church.

A denomination is a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith. Or in other words, a denomination is a blueprint, teaching, guide or a distinctive faith that is believe to direct the church, believers and followers of Jesus Christ in the right direction in order for them to learn and know God according to His Word The Holy Bible (which the ultimate goal should be to 100% fully and truly follow God-Jesus Christ’s perfect example). Today we have many denominations within the barriers of Christianity (The Seventh Day Adventist Church, Catholic Church, Lutheran Church, Baptist Church, Assembly of God, etc…)

The true Church can be defined as the people who 100% fully and truly follow (obey) Jesus Christ’s example as stated in The Holy Bible during their unknown duration of time here on planet earth. Meaning following every aspects: from keeping the Sabbath Day on the right day as stated in The Holy Bible, how to be baptize by water and the Holy Spirit as stated in The Holy Bible, Body temperance since our Body is the temple of God as stated in The Holy Bible, how to repent and confess our sins as stated in The Holy Bible, etc… The true Church are the people that will follow Jesus Christ or God throughout their life time here on planet earth (which can only happen if they have Jesus Christ within them).

So can we as Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, or the church belonging to a particular denomination call or refer to ourselves as the “true church”? Or in other words, can we as Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, or the church belonging to a particular denomination say we are in fact without sin and are just like Jesus Christ, righteous and perfect in God’s character or principality which is love? No! We would be liars if we think or say such a thing. Only God is the true and just judge since His Principality and Character is just, righteous and everlasting. Psalm 7:11 reads, “God is a just judge, And God is angry with the wicked every day.” Also, Psalm 145:17 reads, “The Lord is righteous in all His ways, Gracious in all His works.” Since we are not the true judge, than we are not to judge others or say we are in fact the true Church because only “The” true Judge can judge and say who is fact the true Church or not-upon judgement day when Jesus Christ returns, simply because only the true church (those who 100% fully and truly follow Jesus Christ’s example can have eternal life which was promised by Jesus Christ within John 3:16)! Jesus in fact stressed this within Mathew 23 (Woe to the scribes and Pharisees), simply because both the scribes and Pharisees are human beings just like you and me-born into this dark sinful earth-not righteous. Then one would ask, what about Jesus Christ? Was He born a human being just like you and me? Well, yes, but even better… Jesus Christ was in fact born God in human form (incarnation) through the Holy Spirit’s which is mysterious  and miraculous in which Mary was with child which is Jesus Christ, and He was found without sin from His childhood until the day He died, arose from the grave and ascended to  heaven-that is why only He can be our perfect example and light to this sinful dark planet earth. Or in other words, He is righteous, that is why He said woe to the Scribes and Pharisees according to Mathew 23. Also in John 8 when faced with an adulteress, Jesus Christ proved that He is in fact righteous and the true judge. Mathew 8:7 reads, So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” So that would mean, only Jesus Christ can determine who is in fact the true church upon His second coming, and the judgement day.

That is how essential we must receive Jesus Christ and keep Him within us (God’s temple or church) in order to have “that” eternal life which was promised by Christ in John 3:16. You see my friends, in Luke 15: the other sheeps that were not lost did not went out looking for the sheep that was lost, the Shepard did until He found the sheep. The other coins or even the woman’s friends who after celebrated with her, never went looking for that one lost coin, the woman did until she found the lost coin. The servants, maid servants, or the father’s eldest son that was loyal and remained with the father were not with compassion, who then ran, fell on the younger son’s neck and kissed him, the father did! That’s how great love is: Jesus Christ is… Only through Him, we can have eternal life since He is the way, the truth, and the life-light to this dark planet we call earth. We must have Jesus Christ within us (His temple or church) throughout our “LIFETIME” or “EVERYDAY” here on planet earth-since Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He promised us The Holy Spirit according to John 14:15-31. Having the Holy Spirit within us is in fact having Jesus Christ within us, since our Trinity God is one and united in love, which is their principality and character (God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit). And when we as Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, or church have The Holy Spirit within us throughout our lifetime here on earth, we can be able to become the true church and have eternal life (which only God can determine upon Jesus Christ’s second coming and the judgement day). So that would mean anyone else or even our own judgments mean nothing except God’s judgement. Remember, “Jesus Christ is coming again, time is something we all don’t have, and the power of choice is yours!”

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

True Church: 3th Edition

The only way mankind or humanity can reestablish their relationship to God which is the tree of life, is through Jesus Christ our Lord. Only through Jesus Christ we can have eternal life the way humanity or mankind was created to be before the Fall of Man: before Adam and Even sinned. Or in other words, mankind or our great ancestors Adam and Even according to the book of Genesis within the Holy Bible, were created in The Image of God-mind you, God is love, and love is righteous and everlasting. Everlasting (according to Revelation 1:8). Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life-the light to this world. Only through Him (because He is everlasting: which means the truth of His Word is everlasting), we could walk in His way (follow Him 100% fully and truly, become a true Church, enlighten this world with His light) and have eternal life which was promised to everyone who believe in Him, according to John 3:16. See my friends, Jesus Christ ascended to heaven but He gave us The Holy Spirit or comforter (His promise for the Holy Spirit according to John 14:15-31). Or in other Words, having The Holy Spirit or Comforter within us is having Jesus Christ since our God is The Trinity Perfect God (God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit). Having one of them is having all of them since they are one or united in love-which defines them-character and principality. To further stress this fact, let’s take a closer specific look at the parable of the virgins according to Mathew 25 within The Holy Bible, in which some were wise while others were foolish.

To make things much simpler for any eight grader to understand (which they must be able to), let’s start by defining every entity within this parable. First of all, the word Virgin symbolizes something pure and unused. Since God is love (righteous), those united in love (God’s Character- His principality) are in a relationship with each other and God: in which they are His creation united in Him, God or love. So the term virgin symbolizes those who are in a relationship with God-following Jesus Christ’s example 100 % fully and truly simply because they have The Holy Spirit within them.

The oil within this parable symbolizes The Holy Spirit. Referring to the parable, they were all virgins simply because they had The Holy Spirit within them. So by having the Holy Spirit within them (which is the same as having Jesus Christ within them), they were able to follow Jesus Christ’s example 100% fully and truly.

The lamp/s within this parable symbolizes the human soul which is made up of God’s breath plus dust- which is a living human being. According to the book of Genesis within The Holy Bible, God formed Adam or man (the first human being) out of dust and breathed His breath of life into Adam’s nostrils which Adam became a living soul- the state of being alive. Note that any lamp shines light because of oil.

Darkness within this scenario or context of this parable symbolizes sin, iniquity, selfishness or this sinful planet we call earth. Ever since Adam and Eve first sinned or the introduction of sin to planet earth in The Garden of Eden (in which we refer to as The Fall of Man), planet earth reaped the consequences of sin, according to Genesis 3:15-19. Thus simply saying or explaining the fact that every human being born to this earth is born into sin or darkness.

The light from the lamps which enabled the virgins to “see” through the darkness is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the light to this planet earth since He is our perfect example. He was born into this sinful earth, yet found without sin (illuminating God’s principality or Character) and then ascended to heaven.

A bridegroom in simple definition, is a man participant in his own wedding ceremony or the man who is about to marry the woman in a wedding ceremony. The bridegroom here within this parable symbolizes God (God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit).

A bride in simple definition, is a woman participant in her own marriage or the woman who is about to marry the man in a wedding ceremony. The bride within this parable symbolizes The Church, God’s Church-The true Church (people who 100% fully and truly follow Jesus Christ’s example according to God’s Word The Holy Bible).

Marriage is actually a ceremony verifying and acknowledging the joining or union of a life time relationship in and through love, between a man and a woman (a male and a female according to The Holy Bible). Marriage within this parable symbolizes Jesus Christ’s second coming-when God reestablishes the relationship with mankind that was previously broken due to the introduction of sin (since The Fall of Man).

The Delay and the state of the virgins falling asleep (slept) within Mathew 25:5 symbolizes the day and the hour of Jesus Christ’s second coming. No one knows the day or the hour of Jesus Christ’s second coming except God, simply because only God controls time (pause, rewind, forward, knows the future, etc…) and no one else (not even any living organisms created within this entire universe).

The wise virgins who carried extra oil with them which gave them light till the bridegroom came, symbolizes those (people) who grow in Christ, baptize with The Holy Spirit, infilled with The Holy Spirit, have The Holy Spirit (which is the same as having Jesus Christ within them) throughout their life time (every day of their life) here on planet earth.

The foolish virgins who never carried extra oil with them, symbolizes those (people) who do not grow in Christ every day, still have iniquity or sin within them and not The Holy Spirit (or Jesus Christ) within them throughout their life time (every day of their life) here on planet earth.

That’s how important or essential “The Oil is” for every Christian or follower of Jesus Christ, metaphorically speaking. Yes, Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life-light. We can only follow His example 100% fully and truly if we have Him within us: His temple, vessel, church or lamp. Having Jesus Christ within us is in fact having The Holy Spirit within us. We do that by simply dying to the “self” (selfishness: satan’s principality) everyday through Jesus Christ, growing in Christ, baptize with The Holy Spirit, infilled with The Holy Spirit, having The Holy Spirit within us every day of our lives by reading The Holy Bible and most essentially prayer (which we must ask Jesus to baptize or infill us with The Holy Spirit: Him to come and abide within us apart from our other requests). This is the only way we can have eternal life, be the true church, and do the church’s commission effectively and efficiently simply because Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life-light. “WE CAN DO NOTHING BUT ONLY THROUGH HIM.” Remember, eternal life is real, Jesus Christ is coming again, time is something we all don’t have, and the power of choice is yours…