Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Freewill vs Possession

Huge difference but yet with exchangeable association… Does that make any sense? Well, let’s take a ride down explanation’s glamorous road that leads toward understanding. Let’s take a look at an illustration that might help come to a conclusion toward what we’re looking for: within Mark 5 especially verses 2, and 6-7. Did the man who was with the unclean spirit ran to Jesus or did the unclean spirit (many), Legion ran to meet Jesus? Or in other words, who “made the decision” or “choose” to meet Jesus, did the man or the unclean spirit within him? Directing our point of views back toward the main idea, when a human being has been possessed by a spirit in particular (whether it be good or evil), does he or she still have the power of choice (under possession)? In order to come to a much clearer understanding within this context, we must first examine the terms, “human being (the state of being alive), spirit and possession.”

Firstly, God created man in His own image. Genesis chapter 1:27 reads, “God created man in His own Image, in the Image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” The term image can be defined as: a visual representation (of an object, scene, person or abstraction) on a surface, language used in a figurative and nonliteral sense, a representation of a person, and a standard typical and perfect example (see reference below). So what makes a human being a human being? Well, Genesis chapter 2:7 reads, “And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his norstrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” So here we see that man was formed from the dust of this earth and the breath of God which initiates life: in which man became a living soul. Soul is described as the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life and human being (see reference below). So the “Spirit” of God (which is God Himself) created man with His own “breath”, with the dust from this earth initiating life itself within mankind: when that breath that giveth life to man is from the source of life itself, which is God. Jesus also mentioned in John 14:6 that He (Our Trinity God) is the way, the truth and the “life”. Or in other simpler words, life only exist by God, through God, and with God.

Spiritus… The breath of life from the Spirit of God initiates life within a human being. Thus saying that any human being under the state of being alive: a soul is made up of God’s breath and dust from this earth. When there’s separation from the two, there’s no life: mankind’s state of being dead. Does that describe God’s breath as part of His own Spirit within us when He is life? Yes! Or in other words, God is within every human being within this planet earth, thus amplifying the fact that He is omnipresent within creation in general because He is life: He gives life: He is within life. Job 12:10 reads, “In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Also Job 32:8 states, “But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.” Yes indeed, the breath of God within us human beings “is” categorized as a “spirit” from God. Does that mean that God could just control or manipulate us like puppets or robots to His will? Yes He could, “but”, if He did than He would be going against Himself: His principality, His Characteristics: which is love. Or in other words, because God loves us all, He gave us all the power of choice or freewill to choose between His principality and satan’s.
God's breath is within us: that gives us life...

 Possessed can be described as having some degree of control over something else. It also can be described as being influenced or controlled by a powerful force… Like mentioned above, the power of choice is ours as individuals since “The only” true creator, our Trinity God is love. Thus saying that our souls are like a shelter or a house: because of the fact that we know the difference between good and evil due to “The Fall of Man” back in the Garden of Eden. Our choice determines who abide within us every single moment we’re alive here on planet earth. Revelation 3:20 states, “Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Wow, it all depends on our choice. Whether to choose to allow Jesus Christ (the rightful owner) or satan (the lying deceiving guest seeking ownership: due to his principality, selfishness), it all depends on our choices. Yes let us not forget that! Let us not forget the real purpose of this illustrated shelter that is found within 1 Corinthians 6:19 “Or know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have from God? And ye are not your own;”  

Yes, it is your power of choice! Like the man with the unclean spirit in Mark chapter five, When Jesus commanded these unclean spirits to leave, they begged Him to send them into the pigs simply because they knew Jesus had authority over them because He is God: The Creator. But before that, even when that man allowed these spirits to abide within him (through his choices), he himself choose to meet Jesus (simply because he had the power of choice!). I mean, common sense would tell us that if we mankind or “souls” are in fact situated within this Great Controversy (The Battle between God’s principality and satan’s), than why would satan, demons or these evil spirits run to meet Jesus when they knew He had the power to remove them from the very “soul” in which they possess: when “the” battle is for “souls” here on earth? Yes, the power of choice is ours! Whether you and I will be like the four men who believed and had faith in Jesus within Mark 1:3,4; or the paralytic that believed and had faith in Jesus and stood up and walked after so many years (as found in Mark 1:12), it all depends on our power of choice. Or in other words, do you believe Him? Do you trust Him? Do you see Him? Completely? Completely hundred percent fully and thoroughly? Yes it’s my question and your question to bear… But eternal life is real, given as a gift from God who is life (as stated in John 3:16) simply because He is love. As a friend to a friend under God’s community of love and followers/ Church, “THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS BUT TIME IS SOMETHING WE DON’T HAVE…”

Reference: Image. Retrieved from Soul. Retrieved from Possessed. Retrieved from Possessed. Retrieved from

Friday, February 13, 2015

Meaning Church Portraying Remnant Illuminating Love which is God!

Pioneer Memorial Church here at Andrews University
Just by saying or viewing the word “Church” makes me think of Pioneer Memorial Church, located here within the campus of Andrews University. “Different people, different perspectives, different world views, different understanding but with cross-sectional similarities, all in all unique since creation because God is love: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth with diversity, purpose and uniqueness.” I guess that just clearly portrayed and explained why the first thing that came to mind is in fact the first thing that came to mind: my perspective… Anyways, I’m pretty sure you’re perspective or understand may vary in different aspects but also convey a similar interpretation. As described in Wikipedia, Church is a religious institution. It is a building used for religious activities, particularly Christian worship services. Also, it identifies a group of people or worshipers referred to as Christians or followers of Jesus Christ. As stated in 1 Corinthians 6:19 within the Holy Bible, the church is “the” temple of God: the human body is in fact God’s temple or Church. Or in other words in a much more general perspective narrowed down into simple straight path, the Church is God’s temple and sanctuary. But how can you and I “see” the meaning behind Church with the word “Church”?

As a Christian, it is clearly understood that our trinity God abides within the Church. One word, “relationship…” The Church signifies, portrays, illuminates and illustrates the relationship between God, humanity and the rest of His creation based on God’s principality and character: love, which is God Himself. This relationship toward the human race was established back at creation when God breathed the breath of life into the dust to form Adam the first human being, as stated in Genesis 2:7.  Wikipedia describes the word spirit as breath. So in this  scenario, the breath of God was in fact referring to the spirit of God. Think of it from this angle of my perspective, from the moment Adam was alive this relationship was established between God and humanity. From the moment God created the dogs, cats, rivers, dust, trees, sun, moon, etc.., this relationship was established. Thus explaining how God is “omnipresent, omnipotent, and everlasting: the beginning, present and never-ending: analogically stated in Hebrews 4:12.” And so applied to the rest of God’s creation (universally speaking). This breath was in fact God Himself initiating this relationship within His creation (abiding within them) while “they” the created leaving apart and outside of God within “His” creation (which is in fact God Himself). Additional proof to this statement would be the fact that God can read our thoughts, minds and hearts as stated in 1 Samuel 16: 7, Mathew 9:4, 12:23, Luke 6:8, 9:47, Psalm 139:2, and especially John 2:25. Does that mean that God can control each and every one of us like robots or puppets? Yes He can but that would absolutely go against His principality and Character: which is love. Or in other words, If God had done that, than He’s not love! Thus saying that he would have gone against Himself (which cannot happen because God is simply the same, in the beginning, today and for the rest of eternity). Because God is love and loves us, He gave each and every one of us (including the angels: explaining why iniquity was found within Lucifer at the first place) the power of choice. He never forced everyone to obey Him but offers us all the power to “choose” whether to follow Him or not (not meaning satan).  John 1:1-4 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life; and the light was the light of men.” Or in other words simply speaking in general perspective, in the beginning God was that word, and still is today and the rest of eternity: He never changed and still will never… That would mean that God is “life” and life is of God as portrayed within John 1:4. Or in other words, that “relationship” between God and His creation is in fact the Church. Then why do people (men who desire sin: including satan and his angels) who rejected this relationship are still found with “life” and are not found “without life: the wages of sin, death” from the moment iniquity was found within them? Well, they are still alive simply because God is “love”. Or in other words because God is love, God The Son Jesus Christ had to reestablish that relationship that was lost on the cross (plan of salvation) as stated in John 3:16. But what about Lucifer or satan, does that mean that applied to satan? Answer: No! Absolutely not, God already gave the “time” for Lucifer to repent and He did not as stated in Revelation 2:21. Let us not forget that the wages of sin is death as stated within Romans 6:23, within The Holy Bible: The Word of God, who is the beginning, the present and the future: everlasting. Stepping back out of this deep hole of explanation into our track of general perspective, this relationship is in fact established at the very first place or beginning simply because God is love.

Viewing this scenario from a much broader, wider and universal perspective, this relationship between God and His creation describes and best illustrate His Community. Or in other words, His Community is in fact the Church: His creation (Church being singular simply because they, the creation are united in Love which is God). His community (universal: earthly, heavenly, etc…) is based on His principality and character: love. Or in other words, this community of love describe how God is perfect and righteous in love: within this multi-dimensional relationship based on love: which is love. Thus while "trying" my best to describe and portray love’s fullest capacity of being love, “I cannot” simply because God is perfect, righteous, The creator, and above genius: which is love. Luke 17:21 “Neither shall they say, lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Here within this passage, Jesus clearly stated that His Kingdom, His Community is within us: due to the fact that He, the breath of life, the life, is already within us as stated within 1 John 4:4. But does that mean this relationship is already established within us and we are automatically saved from the wages of sin: death? Well, this “relationship” is already established within us but God cannot force us to be automatically acceptable and be of total submission to this relationship simply because God is love. Yes, because He’s love He gave us all (creation) the power of choice to simply “choose” to accept or reject this relationship: which is based on love. But remember that the opposite of love (the Law of God or God’s character) is sin: and it’s wages is death as stated within Romans 6:23.

Those who choose to incline onto this relationship, are in fact incline with God through Jesus Christ. One word that certainly best describe, illuminate and portray them here within planet earth, “Remnant.” Or in other words, here on planet earth those who choose this relationship through Jesus Christ, follow Him which is the light unto this world truly and fully according to His example, and are in fact the Remnant as stated within Isaiah 10:21. Those are the saints or followers of Jesus Christ who will in fact inherit and enter God’s heavenly community of love as stated within 1 Corinthians 6:9. Also they prepared the way of Jesus Christ in order for the sacrifice to take place and the restoration of that relationship which was previously broken: as stated in Revelation 12. Thus saying that they fully shortly portray this relationship and God’s community of love while being here on earth awaiting Jesus Christ’s second coming. Or in other words, they are the followers of Jesus Christ which fully and truly follow Jesus Christ’s example or footsteps: which He Himself is the light to this dark gloomy sinful world. Revelation chapter twelve illuminate this community of love based on their relationship

Simply summarizing from a much general sophisticated perspective, the Church is in fact a sacred place where God abides. The Church is God’s creation, those created in His Image, His earthly, heavenly and universal community, and united through Him who abided, abides and still will abide in them, love. Or in other words, the “Church” as so to speak was established in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth.
Generally portraying from information technology's simple perspective, think of the "church" as  zillion series of hosts, nodes, routers, switches, hubs, cables, etc.., within God's Universal Area Network while God Himself being the Network Administrator, main server,  and the source to the entire network itself: while the packets of information which are meant to be sent to and forth the source and network administrator Himself is in prayer. Thus briefly explaining how God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and eternal, etc... While “trying” to explain His complexity, righteousness, everlasting and perfection which cannot be explained by any “created” to love’s fullest capacity of being love, but from an understandable perspective from his created (you and me), this is my perspective toward God's "Church". But the question here is that, "are you and I willing to accept God's relationship and the sole true purpose of the  Church that He created you and I to be?" Remember, "TIME IS UNKNOWN, JESUS CHRIST'S SECOND COMING IS UNKNOWN, ETERNAL LIFE IS REAL AND THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS..."



Saturday, February 7, 2015

Every day Last day

Last days... When will it happen? Sometimes in the near future? Have you ever wondered how the battle of Armageddon’s going to be like? Have you ever wondered how "last days" is actually going to be like?  Just imagine… Will it be an invasion of an anonymous supernatural army from out of space, with the intention of capturing planet earth? Will it be World war three, a war castrated and implemented by some of the world’s most powerful nations over power, wealth and territory? Will it be a worldwide national Sunday law (day of worship) castrated and implemented by the Vatican or Catholic Church, which the end-deliverable emerges the imprisonment and persecution of any other denomination opposing the decree? Will it be a worldwide terrorist group focused mainly on persecuting Christians of any age all over the world in order to establish their new world power? Etc… Well, one thing’s for sure is that only time would tell…

In order to understand the term "last days", one must first understand the barriers and circumstances surrounding time itself. Or in other words, the term "last days" is situated within time's unknown qualities. First of all, no one, not even angels or any president, power, etc.., can control or manipulate (pause, rewind, forward, fast forward, etc...) time accept God Himself. Time has an unknown future from the “created” accept from the “creator”. Meaning, as humanity our death dates and future is unknown to us all except God. Only God knows the future. So who created time? Answer: God did! Our creator God created time... So when did time evolve: did the existence of time emerged after the fall of man or during creation? Well as stated clearly in Genesis 1: 5,8,13,19,23,31 and Genesis 2:1-3, God created time during creation. Or in other words, God described time as the passing of a day: from sunset to sunrise (in the evening and the morning). So does that describe time as being eternal or limited and counting down in nature since creation? One of the most important thing we must come to understand is that, God created time and humanity to be eternal. Due to the introduction of sin to this planet (The Fall of Man), humanity and time became limited in nature. As stated in Genesis 3:19, because of sin mankind became subjected and eligible to death in nature. Also, time itself became limited (counting down in other words) in nature due to sin’s introduction to planet earth. But God promised to purify planet earth from sin and its wages due to His love for humanity: because He is love (His plan of Salvation). As stated in 2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 19:20 and 20:10, God will “clean” this earth from sin, its wages, satan, false prophets, those not found within the book of life and Hades by intense heat.

Simply speaking in accord to time’s nature, mankind or humanity do not control, manipulate or predict time in general. The future is unknown! Can you predict the future upon factual grounds and solid proof? Answer: No! Only God can! Our death dates are unknown! No one can assumedly state their death date on factual grounds unless it’s intentionally planned or scheduled: like suicide and death sentence (which is against God’s Commandment, as stated in Exodus 20:13).  Even our Lord Jesus Christ’s second coming is unknown! No one, no man under this magnificent universe or angel can factually determine the date and hour of His return simply because He is God! All in all simply speaking in a general perspective, “Man do not control time and cannot predict the future!” Ecclesiastes 9:12 "For man does not know his time: Like fish taken in a cruel net, Like birds caught in a snare, so the sons of man are snared in an evil time, When it falls suddenly upon them."

Yes in did, if time cannot be manipulated, controlled and predicted by humanity, than our everyday lives here on planet earth “is” in fact our “last days!” Think of it as how, every choice we make (due to the inputs from this world by our senses entering our brains for processing, analyzing and summarizing which determines our end-deliverable or choices by every second, minute, hour, day, month, and year) each and every day while being alive is essential in determining our final ground within this Great Controversy since time is in fact unknown. Have you ever heard the story of the frog that was placed in a pot of cold water gradually boiling? Guess what, he never realized that the pot was boiling… After enjoyably, clumsily, calmly relaxing within the pot, he was unconsciously killed when the pot finally reached its final heated capacity of actually being “boiled as bubble and hot as red!” Don’t be like that frog! Yes, “TODAY MIGHT BE YOUR LAST DAY AND THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS: JESUS CHRIST OR satan!”  Time is something we don’t have…

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Am I worthy enough for love? Can I find true love?

"LOVE..." I hear the term love often used in our societies today, and often expressed in various means and ways. Some describe love as the deep affection or feeling of admiration and submission toward someone else. Others say it's when a male and a female unite in complete submission and connection. Mothers say, it's the unconditional feeling of affection, connection and submission they have toward their offspring/s. Complex as it may seem judging from my perspective, "LOVE" cannot be defined in a single sentence. Why not? Why can't there be only one definition to the word love? 

There can't be one complete meaning or definition to the word love itself, simply because God is love. Love is God and God is love: as stated in 1 John 4:8 (He that loveth not knoweth God not; for God is love.) Or in other words, God's characteristic is based on love. His principality is based on love.Thus saying, we cannot even understand love to it's entire capacity of being "love" simply because we cannot understand God (because He is the creator: He created us). God is love and love is God (He is Higher than the Highest: The Creator, Omnipotent, Omnipresent God). Also in 1 John 4:16 "And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." Yes, the only "TRUE LOVE" we can ever find within this universe is "GOD". Mathew chapter 27, the entire Bible and the life of our Lord Jesus Christ previously here on earth illuminate God's character, His principality, His government, and love: which is God. Just imagine, Jesus Christ (within Mathew chapter 27) was rejected by the very people He came to save. He was mocked by them, literally spat on by them, stripped from His own clothes by them, whipped by them, even killed by them, but because He loves them (because He is love), He accepted their cause (which was manipulated by sin: the devil) and gladly bowed His head and said "It is finished..." in the event of being crucified by them and died. He loves everyone and anyone (sick, poor, rich, murders, thieves, presidents, savages, black people, white people, yellow people, brown people, fat people, thin people, pretty people, ugly people, etc...) that's is why He had to save us all from the wages of sin and reestablish the relationship between God (as stated in John 3:16) and humanity which was previously lost due to the introduction of sin (as stated in Genesis 3). This is who our trinity God (God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit) really is...

Basic mathematical theory for any grad school student to understand, "1+1+1 = 3, 1*1*1=1 and 3/3=1." Or in other words, three is equal to a perfect one... With subtraction there is negativity: there can be no perfect love, perfect infinity, perfect power and perfect word cause three is dimensionally perfect and righteous: which is equal to the oneness circle of love. Yes, "love needs someone else to love." Or in other words simply speaking, if our God is not trinity in nature, then there would be no love: perfect love. 

Yes indeed, God's community is based on love. Perfect and righteous love. You and I can be a part of it. All we have to do is accept His love. Accept His gift of eternal life which was given out of love (as stated in John 3:16). And if we have love, we have God: and if we have God, we'll express love to this gloomy, dark, and sinful earth. "Yes, you and I are loved, we can know love, we can express love, we can live in love, all we have to do is to accept love (as stated in John 3:16)"

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Was Lucifer cast out from heaven before or after the earth was created?

Before we go into the further illuminating some aspects or panoramas behind the question, we have to first understand how and what made Lucifer fall (the origin of sin). We have to understand that he, satan (intentionally spelled in lower case letters) was created by God beautiful and intelligent in nature as stated in Ezekiel 28: 11-15. Created meaning, his beauty and intelligence comes from God. The text specifically referred to the King of Tyre but fig-literally illuminate the spiritual power behind him: satan! We have to understand that Lucifer was previously perfect and in righteousness before sin was found within him: as stated in Ezekiel 28: 15. 
God created Lucifer with perfect beauty and intelligence.

So how could Lucifer who was created perfect, living in a righteousness environment, was found with iniquity or sin when sin did not exist at all? First of all, we have to understand that iniquity was found within Lucifer: as stated in Isaiah 14:12-14. Lucifer was with pride or selfishness because of his wisdom or intelligence corrupted by his beauty: as stated in Ezekiel 28:17. Or in other words, because of the beauty God gave him, he was found with iniquity. Yes, God gave him! God gave him every thing he had... But why did not God destroy Lucifer from the moment sin was found within him? It's simply because of the fact that God is love and Love is God: as stated in 1 John 4:8! If God destroyed Lucifer, than God is not love: He would be going against His own principality and character. The same scenario applies to humanity today in this sinful earth. Why did not God destroyed Adam and Eve when iniquity was first found in them? Why did God place the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the garden, when it could lead to the Fall of mankind? If God destroyed Mankind when Adam and Eve first sinned, than He would be going against His own principality: which is love, His character. Because His principality and character is love (while devil satan's based upon selfishness), he gave the free will to choose or power of choice to His created beings: even angels. If God did not, than He is not love

So was Lucifer cast out of heaven before the earth was created or after the earth was created? Well according to my perspective, Lucifer was cast out from heaven after the earth was created: as stated in Revelation chapter 12: 9 (And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.)  If Lucifer was cast out before earth was created, than there would be no earth to house or accommodate him and his angels. Therefore, he was indeed cast out from heaven after the earth was created!

Yes, indeed he, that serpent of old was cast out because of iniquity but  thank God for reestablishing the relationship between mankind and God Himself: which was previously broken. Thank God for life and the escape from the wages of sin. Thank God for eternal life: as stated in John 3:16. Remember Ephesians 6  12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. " Yes, "IT ALL HAPPENS UP IN OUR MIND: WHEN INPUT FROM OUR SENSES ARE TRANSMITTED INTO OUR MINDS, THEN THE MIND PROCESS THESE INPUTS FOR CHOICE: WHICH RESULTS IN YOUR CHOICE: FINAL GROUND EVERY DAY!" So where do you stand?