Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Freewill vs Possession

Huge difference but yet with exchangeable association… Does that make any sense? Well, let’s take a ride down explanation’s glamorous road that leads toward understanding. Let’s take a look at an illustration that might help come to a conclusion toward what we’re looking for: within Mark 5 especially verses 2, and 6-7. Did the man who was with the unclean spirit ran to Jesus or did the unclean spirit (many), Legion ran to meet Jesus? Or in other words, who “made the decision” or “choose” to meet Jesus, did the man or the unclean spirit within him? Directing our point of views back toward the main idea, when a human being has been possessed by a spirit in particular (whether it be good or evil), does he or she still have the power of choice (under possession)? In order to come to a much clearer understanding within this context, we must first examine the terms, “human being (the state of being alive), spirit and possession.”

Firstly, God created man in His own image. Genesis chapter 1:27 reads, “God created man in His own Image, in the Image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” The term image can be defined as: a visual representation (of an object, scene, person or abstraction) on a surface, language used in a figurative and nonliteral sense, a representation of a person, and a standard typical and perfect example (see reference below). So what makes a human being a human being? Well, Genesis chapter 2:7 reads, “And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his norstrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” So here we see that man was formed from the dust of this earth and the breath of God which initiates life: in which man became a living soul. Soul is described as the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life and human being (see reference below). So the “Spirit” of God (which is God Himself) created man with His own “breath”, with the dust from this earth initiating life itself within mankind: when that breath that giveth life to man is from the source of life itself, which is God. Jesus also mentioned in John 14:6 that He (Our Trinity God) is the way, the truth and the “life”. Or in other simpler words, life only exist by God, through God, and with God.

Spiritus… The breath of life from the Spirit of God initiates life within a human being. Thus saying that any human being under the state of being alive: a soul is made up of God’s breath and dust from this earth. When there’s separation from the two, there’s no life: mankind’s state of being dead. Does that describe God’s breath as part of His own Spirit within us when He is life? Yes! Or in other words, God is within every human being within this planet earth, thus amplifying the fact that He is omnipresent within creation in general because He is life: He gives life: He is within life. Job 12:10 reads, “In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Also Job 32:8 states, “But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.” Yes indeed, the breath of God within us human beings “is” categorized as a “spirit” from God. Does that mean that God could just control or manipulate us like puppets or robots to His will? Yes He could, “but”, if He did than He would be going against Himself: His principality, His Characteristics: which is love. Or in other words, because God loves us all, He gave us all the power of choice or freewill to choose between His principality and satan’s.
God's breath is within us: that gives us life...

 Possessed can be described as having some degree of control over something else. It also can be described as being influenced or controlled by a powerful force… Like mentioned above, the power of choice is ours as individuals since “The only” true creator, our Trinity God is love. Thus saying that our souls are like a shelter or a house: because of the fact that we know the difference between good and evil due to “The Fall of Man” back in the Garden of Eden. Our choice determines who abide within us every single moment we’re alive here on planet earth. Revelation 3:20 states, “Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Wow, it all depends on our choice. Whether to choose to allow Jesus Christ (the rightful owner) or satan (the lying deceiving guest seeking ownership: due to his principality, selfishness), it all depends on our choices. Yes let us not forget that! Let us not forget the real purpose of this illustrated shelter that is found within 1 Corinthians 6:19 “Or know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have from God? And ye are not your own;”  

Yes, it is your power of choice! Like the man with the unclean spirit in Mark chapter five, When Jesus commanded these unclean spirits to leave, they begged Him to send them into the pigs simply because they knew Jesus had authority over them because He is God: The Creator. But before that, even when that man allowed these spirits to abide within him (through his choices), he himself choose to meet Jesus (simply because he had the power of choice!). I mean, common sense would tell us that if we mankind or “souls” are in fact situated within this Great Controversy (The Battle between God’s principality and satan’s), than why would satan, demons or these evil spirits run to meet Jesus when they knew He had the power to remove them from the very “soul” in which they possess: when “the” battle is for “souls” here on earth? Yes, the power of choice is ours! Whether you and I will be like the four men who believed and had faith in Jesus within Mark 1:3,4; or the paralytic that believed and had faith in Jesus and stood up and walked after so many years (as found in Mark 1:12), it all depends on our power of choice. Or in other words, do you believe Him? Do you trust Him? Do you see Him? Completely? Completely hundred percent fully and thoroughly? Yes it’s my question and your question to bear… But eternal life is real, given as a gift from God who is life (as stated in John 3:16) simply because He is love. As a friend to a friend under God’s community of love and followers/ Church, “THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS BUT TIME IS SOMETHING WE DON’T HAVE…”

Reference: Image. Retrieved from Soul. Retrieved from Possessed. Retrieved from Possessed. Retrieved from

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