Saturday, February 7, 2015

Every day Last day

Last days... When will it happen? Sometimes in the near future? Have you ever wondered how the battle of Armageddon’s going to be like? Have you ever wondered how "last days" is actually going to be like?  Just imagine… Will it be an invasion of an anonymous supernatural army from out of space, with the intention of capturing planet earth? Will it be World war three, a war castrated and implemented by some of the world’s most powerful nations over power, wealth and territory? Will it be a worldwide national Sunday law (day of worship) castrated and implemented by the Vatican or Catholic Church, which the end-deliverable emerges the imprisonment and persecution of any other denomination opposing the decree? Will it be a worldwide terrorist group focused mainly on persecuting Christians of any age all over the world in order to establish their new world power? Etc… Well, one thing’s for sure is that only time would tell…

In order to understand the term "last days", one must first understand the barriers and circumstances surrounding time itself. Or in other words, the term "last days" is situated within time's unknown qualities. First of all, no one, not even angels or any president, power, etc.., can control or manipulate (pause, rewind, forward, fast forward, etc...) time accept God Himself. Time has an unknown future from the “created” accept from the “creator”. Meaning, as humanity our death dates and future is unknown to us all except God. Only God knows the future. So who created time? Answer: God did! Our creator God created time... So when did time evolve: did the existence of time emerged after the fall of man or during creation? Well as stated clearly in Genesis 1: 5,8,13,19,23,31 and Genesis 2:1-3, God created time during creation. Or in other words, God described time as the passing of a day: from sunset to sunrise (in the evening and the morning). So does that describe time as being eternal or limited and counting down in nature since creation? One of the most important thing we must come to understand is that, God created time and humanity to be eternal. Due to the introduction of sin to this planet (The Fall of Man), humanity and time became limited in nature. As stated in Genesis 3:19, because of sin mankind became subjected and eligible to death in nature. Also, time itself became limited (counting down in other words) in nature due to sin’s introduction to planet earth. But God promised to purify planet earth from sin and its wages due to His love for humanity: because He is love (His plan of Salvation). As stated in 2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 19:20 and 20:10, God will “clean” this earth from sin, its wages, satan, false prophets, those not found within the book of life and Hades by intense heat.

Simply speaking in accord to time’s nature, mankind or humanity do not control, manipulate or predict time in general. The future is unknown! Can you predict the future upon factual grounds and solid proof? Answer: No! Only God can! Our death dates are unknown! No one can assumedly state their death date on factual grounds unless it’s intentionally planned or scheduled: like suicide and death sentence (which is against God’s Commandment, as stated in Exodus 20:13).  Even our Lord Jesus Christ’s second coming is unknown! No one, no man under this magnificent universe or angel can factually determine the date and hour of His return simply because He is God! All in all simply speaking in a general perspective, “Man do not control time and cannot predict the future!” Ecclesiastes 9:12 "For man does not know his time: Like fish taken in a cruel net, Like birds caught in a snare, so the sons of man are snared in an evil time, When it falls suddenly upon them."

Yes in did, if time cannot be manipulated, controlled and predicted by humanity, than our everyday lives here on planet earth “is” in fact our “last days!” Think of it as how, every choice we make (due to the inputs from this world by our senses entering our brains for processing, analyzing and summarizing which determines our end-deliverable or choices by every second, minute, hour, day, month, and year) each and every day while being alive is essential in determining our final ground within this Great Controversy since time is in fact unknown. Have you ever heard the story of the frog that was placed in a pot of cold water gradually boiling? Guess what, he never realized that the pot was boiling… After enjoyably, clumsily, calmly relaxing within the pot, he was unconsciously killed when the pot finally reached its final heated capacity of actually being “boiled as bubble and hot as red!” Don’t be like that frog! Yes, “TODAY MIGHT BE YOUR LAST DAY AND THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS: JESUS CHRIST OR satan!”  Time is something we don’t have…

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