Saturday, March 28, 2015

Are you an Original or a fake-processed-earthly?

 Come to think of it, there’s a difference between something original and something processed or not so original. Since time is something we don’t have, jumping into reality’s huge bowl of questionable and answerable soup within the Holy Bible is our best alternative for an understandable and acceptable solution, metaphorically speaking.  Differentiating between The Original and the not-so original is something we all should understand in order to determine which ground we’re standing on. So is there an original race and a fake race (since we have, White Caucasian, African American, Latin American, Asian, European, African, Pacific Islander, etc…)? Is there an original culture and a fake culture? Is there an original language and a fake language? Is there a true original church and a fake church? Which “is” in fact the Original and which “is” the fake-processed or not so original? Before we answer the above questions, we have to first understand the fact that God is the source to all origins because He is in fact “The Original”: meaning He was the beginning, present and future simply because He is everlasting.  John chapter 1:1-3 reads, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. “Thus saying that God is the Original: meaning He, His Principality of Love, His Community of love, His Character, His Culture and His reign “is” the one and only true “ORIGINAL” within the entire Universe. He created man original: meaning righteous in His Image-with His Characteristics, principle and nature of love. Mankind lost “his” originality or righteousness when Adam and Eve sinned (when sin first entered this world). Or in other words, the introduction of the knowledge of good and evil to Adam and Eve allowed them to be influenced by “that” which is not original or fake: evil.  1 John 2:15 reads, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him.”

Well diving down further into this tasty bowl of answerable soup within The Holy Bible metaphorically speaking, which race within humanity today (Caucasian, African American, Latin American, Asian, Indian, Pacific Islander, etc…) is in fact “The” original race? Or in other words simplified from another perspective, are Israelites “The Original” race created by God since The Holy Bible (The Holy Scriptures) originated from their race? First of all, God did not mentioned in the Holy Bible that He created African Americans, Caucasians, Latin American, The Islanders, Asians or even Pacific Islanders but rather He created “man” in His own Image from dust and His own breath!  Genesis chapter 2:7 reads, “And the Lord God formed the man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. That would lead to the question, how could we all seem to “differ” when we all are in fact descendants of Noah’s sons: when his sons descended from his very own seed? We have to understand that after the flood in Noah’s time, everyone spoke the same language (Genesis 11:1 reads, “Now the whole earth had one language and one speech.”) but they all choose to live their lives accordingly to their own choices since God gave mankind the power of choice because He is Love (after the Fall of Man). Thus implementing a definition to their diverse culture as you can find in Genesis chapter 10. Some choose to live within the coast lines and adapt themselves to their environment (meaning their skin to the climate, their ways for acquiring food, their clothing), some choose to live within the mountains and adapt themselves to their environment (meaning their skin to the climate, their ways for acquiring food, their clothing), etc… Also, when they tried to unite and form one standard culture (thus making it their original: which is earthly) God came down and changed their language. So when they no longer understand each other accurately, they were scattered all over the face of this earth with their fellowman where understanding lingers.

Digging deeper for a real taste of flavor within this bowl of soup within the Holy Bible metaphorically speaking, God changed their language in order to teach them “the” original: which is Him and not them. Genesis chapter 11: 4 reads; And they said to one another, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, least we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” Meaning, selfishness ruled their minds which is satan’s principality. As we all know, language is the means to understanding, while understanding determines choices, and with choices an idea original becomes acceptable… They were united in selfishness and not in love (which is God’s principality) like they were created to be: God’s Community, His Church (Genesis chapter 11: 6 reads; And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing they propose will withheld from them.”)

See my friends, God’s way, principality, and characteristic is in fact the original way or direction that illuminates our Creator God Himself. Jesus in fact concluded Himself in John 14:6 (Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.”)  He is our origin because He is life: through Him we have life. Everything else that seemed acceptable today (our earthly cultures such as: money talks, sex and fornication is pleasure, our specific race is the original and special, I’m always right, etc…) but not according to God’s original way, principality or characteristics is in fact the counterfeit to original-which can be defined as fake, processed, and earthly. Remember God in fact mentioned the outcome of this in 1 John 2:15, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him.” And if the love of the father is not found within you and me (by accepting the cultures and fake origins and principles of this earth) than how can we have eternal life? Because only through Him, Jesus Christ (which is love) can we have eternal life (become one or original-connected to His Community of love: The Church. None of us, Caucasians, African Americans, Latin Americans, Asians, Islanders, Pacific Islanders, Indians, etc.., are in fact the originals (in righteousness which is God’s Characteristic and principality) due to the ‘Fall of Man” previously. Only God is the true judge! Only God can determine whether you and I are in fact original or earthly fake on the second coming when Jesus Christ returns. All we have to do is “BE HIS FAITHFUL FOLLOWER: TRUE CHRISTIAN”, in order to gain our originality which was lost previously (which should be the greatest desire of us Christians: the desire and need to become original again). Nobody said it would be easy. John 15:18 reads, “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.” And so this is not a message to you my friend but also to myself, May we keep the faith until Jesus Christ returns. Remember, “ORIGINALITY-ETERNAL LIFE IS REAL, THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS, AND TIME IS SOMETHING WE DON’T HAVE!”

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