Wednesday, May 20, 2015

True Church

The word defines and describes it all, Christianity. Followers of Jesus Christ here on earth. Disciples of Jesus Christ here on earth. People who acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the light-life and follow His every footsteps as portrayed by the Holy Bible. Attaching this blog to my previous blogs title: "Meaning Church Portraying Remnant Illuminating Love which is God, Are you an Original or a fake-processed-earthly, and Virgin or Prostitute," there's an understanding that can add on further into answering the following question. Today we have a lot of denominations within the barriers of Christianity. Seventh Day Adventist, Catholic, Lutheran, etc... So the question here would be, how can we define the term "True Church"? What do we mean when we say "The true Church"? And who is/are "The true Church"?

First of all straight to the point simply speaking, Jesus Christ is the founder of the Church. Jesus stated in John 15: 5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."Or in other words, the true Church follows Jesus Christ fully and truly every step of the way. In simple explanation, these are people who follow Jesus Christ's example as portrayed in the Holy Bible fully and truly within their unknown duration of time allocated for them by God here in this planet we call earth (since only God controls time). Also adding further weight as described above in John 15:5, the true Church are the people that are in a relationship with Jesus Christ or Spiritually alive-growing in Christ everyday which results in God's Holy Spirit dwelling within them. Thus upholding the very purpose of the Church. Thus explaining what a Christian should be like.

Only God is the true judge, meaning He is righteous, perfect and just. God see's our hearts and minds. At the end of the day, let us not forget that only Jesus is the way, the truth and the light, and only through Him, we could have life and avoid the wages of sin which is death. He is a perfect example of "the" true church. He is our perfect example. We could only be a true church (meaning follow His example as portrayed by The Holy Bible fully and truly) through Him-is comforter The Holy Spirit by growing in Christ everyday. And mind you, the Holy Bible did not say Seventh Day Adventist is the true church, Catholic is the true Church, Lutheran is the true church, etc... If so, then please feel free to share the Bible text with me. Else for more information, please read my other blog titles mentioned above in the introduction paragraph for further understanding, while comparing what you read with The Holy Bible verses stated.

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