Thursday, July 2, 2015

When we have The Holy Spirit...

As Christians we know that Jesus Christ Himself promised us The Comforter or The Holy Spirit before He ascended to heaven after His resurrection. Well straight to the point short and simple as possible for any eight grader to understand, The Holy Spirit has a lot of function when He abides within us. We are going to further discuss and elaborateon these functions or roles The Holy Spirit performs so that we can come to a fair understanding and to better appreciate the work of The Holy Spirit in this age and generation today after the death of Jesus Christ.

Frist of all it is important to understand that, having The Holy Spirit within us is exactly the same as having Jesus Christ within us, due to the fact that our God is The Trinity God-God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit all united or one in love which is God’s principality and character. According to John 14: 6 Jesus Christ said, “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one comes to The Father except through Me.” When we have The Holy Spirit within our hearts and our minds, we have Jesus Christ (which is the way, the truth, and the life: the only light to this dark sinful planet)-we have Jesus Christ our savior.

With The Holy Spirit in our hearts, we can be able to follow Jesus Christ’s example as clearly stated in The Holy Bible 100% fully and truly. According to John 14: 6, Jesus is “The Way” that leads to Life (eternal life in God’s principality love) which is in fact Himself. When we have The Holy Spirit within our hearts and minds, we will be able to walk in that right way that leads to life. Also in John 15: 5 Jesus Christ said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in Him bears much fruits; for without me you can do nothing.” Yes indeed, without Jesus Christ, we can do nothing-without Jesus Christ, we cannot follow God’s commandments, laws, or Jesus Christ’s example 100% fully and truly. But with Jesus Christ in our hearts and minds through The Holy Spirit, we will be able to follow God’s commandments, laws, and Jesus Christ’s example 100% fully and truly (from our hearts and not forced by skin).

With The Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds is exactly the same having the seal of God in our foreheads. 2 Corinthians 1: 22 states, “Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of The Spirit in our hearts.” Or in other words, when The Holy Spirit is in our hearts, we are sealed with God’s seal.  The seal of God is also referred to as God’s name (according Exodus 33:18-19, Revelation 14:1) and mark (Ezekiel 9:1-7). Mind you, only those who receive the seal of God can have eternal life. The seal of God shall be received on the foreheads of those who are infilled, baptized or anointed with The Holy Spirit according to Revelation 7: 3. Furthermore, having the seal of God on the forehead is in fact having God’s name on our foreheads according to Revelation 14:1. Or in other words, when we are infilled, baptized, and anointed with the Holy Spirit, we receive the seal of God or God’s name on our foreheads-which clearly signifies that we are on God’s side within this Great Controversy between God and satan (between God’s principality of love and satan’s principality of selfishness).

When The Holy Spirit is in our hearts, God’s law or commandments are written in our hearts. Let us not forget the fact that God’s law or commandments are based on His character and principality of love-they are qualities of His principality and character of love. Hebrews 8: 10 reads, “For this the convenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their minds, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:” As human beings alive today, common sense would tell us that, what we have in our hearts is in fact what we have in our minds more often. Or in other words, what a human being has in his or her mind most often will automatically be in his or her heart. When we ask God to infilled us with The Holy Spirit after completely, fully, and truly repenting and confessing our sins, He abides in our minds-when He abides often in our minds (the process of growing in Christ through prayer, Bible study and witnessing automatically initiates action due to our choice of prayer, Bible study and witnessing because of The Holy Spirit present in our minds)-He’ll be in our hearts: and when He abides in our minds and hearts, the law of God is written in our minds and hearts.

As Christians, when we have The Holy Spirit within our hearts and minds, we can be able to bear The Fruit of The Holy Spirit. John 15:5 states, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in Him, bears much fruits; for without me you can do nothing.” As you can see from the text mentioned above, when we have The Holy Spirit within our hearts and minds as Christians, we will be able to bear The Fruit of The Holy Spirit-furthermore according to the text above, “much” fruits. Yes indeed, without The Holy Spirit within our hearts and minds as Christians, we cannot bear The Fruit of The Holy Spirit.

When we as Christians have The Holy Spirit within our hearts and minds, we can have eternal life. Or in other words, without The Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds, we cannot have that eternal life that was promised to us by Jesus Christ in John 3: 16. According to John 14: 6 Jesus Christ said, “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one comes to The Father except through Me.” The Life… When we have The Holy Spirit within our hearts and minds, we have Jesus-the true way that leads to life: which is Himself, our Trinity God The Creator. Furthermore, Jesus Christ stressed the importance of The Holy Spirit through the parable of ten virgins in Mathew 25-only the virgins who had extra oil will meet the bridegroom. Only Christians who have The Holy Spirit within their hearts and minds will have eternal life when Jesus Christ returns.

When we have The Holy Spirit within our hearts and minds as followers of Jesus Christ, we will be able to overcome temptations, traps, and works from satan, while carrying out Jesus Christ’s ministry here on earth effectively and efficiently. Also in John 15: 5 Jesus Christ said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in Him bears much fruits; for without me you can do nothing.” Without Jesus Christ within our hearts and minds, we can do nothing-including overcoming temptations, traps, and works from satan. With Jesus Christ within our hearts and minds, we can overcome temptations, traps, and works from satan. Furthermore, we could carry out Jesus Christ’s ministry here on earth effectively and efficiently.

That’s how essential the baptism, anointing, and infilling of The Holy Spirit is for every Christian, disciple, or follower of Jesus Christ. Without The Holy Spirit in our minds and hearts, we do not have Jesus Christ within us. With The Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds, we have Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we will be sealed with God’s seal or have God’s name on our foreheads, have God’s law written in our hearts and minds, bear the fruit of The Holy Spirit, follow Jesus Christ’s example 100% fully and truly, and have eternal life. But the most important thing one must come to realize is that, the infilling of The Holy Spirit should be an everyday thing-meaning, it is not okay to think that asking God for the infilling of The Holy Spirit just once or twice within our lifetime should be enough to sustain or guarantee everything mentioned above. Like the foolish virgins in Mathew 25 we will be, when “we don’t have any extra oil.” Thus to say, the baptism, anointing and infilling of The Holy Spirit throughout our life time here on earth is of “necessity”. All we have to do is, ask God to baptize, infill and anoint us with The Holy Spirit through prayer. Remember, “JESUS IS COMING SOON, TIME IS SOMETHING WE ALL DON’T HAVE, AND THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS.”

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