Thursday, February 4, 2016

Title: Illuminating The Great Controversy

Note; throughout this blog, the noun satan and devil is deliberately spelt in lower case letters since he screw my life up here on earth, fooled me many times, it was personal for me, and I want and wish to be on Jesus Christ’s side of this Great Controversy until His Second Coming-I feel I need to and you also need to. This is not a novel, some wonderful bed time story, your required essay on your assignment menu or your report in your work place. This blog is directly straight to the point illuminating our title. It is intended for every eye-both young and old who are currently within this Great Controversy. Just for introduction’s sake, this Great Controversy started in heaven and later came to our planet earth. Revelation 12:7-9 reads, “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the devil and satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” This Great Controversy is not between flesh and blood but between principalities according to Ephesians 6:12-God’s Principality and Character of Love, according to 1 John 4:7-10, and satan’s principality and character of selfishness according to Isaiah 14:13, 14. Man: both male and female were previously created in the Image of God in the beginning during creation. The Image of Love-which is God’s Character and Principality, everlasting and righteous. Our nature was Love. After the Fall of Mankind or when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, our nature as human beings shifted from Love to Selfishness-selfishness which is satan’s character and principality.

Let’s start by introducing us to the start of this Great Controversy. The Great Controversy was previously started in heaven when iniquity was found within Lucifer according to Ezekiel 12:15. Rewinding… Before iniquity was found within Lucifer, there was no sin present in heaven. Now, sin in simple definition is the transgression of God’s Law, Character and Principality of Love. However, “the power of CHOICE” or “Free Will” was given to Lucifer and all the angles and all created beings before iniquity was found within Lucifer since God is Love-and Love is everlasting... Simply speaking, if God forced all His created beings including Lucifer and all the angles in heaven to be obedient to His Principality by  not giving the power of choice to Lucifer and all the created beings in heaven, than God would not be Love, but selfish (which is not God’s Character and Principality)-but thank God He is Love.  After Lucifer was found with iniquity, He started rebelling against God and His Principality of Love. Due to his rebellion, he corrupted one third of the angels in heaven, according to Revelation 12:4. Then Lucifer and these one third of the angels that he corrupted were cast down to earth, since there was no place found for them in heaven anymore, according to Revelation 12:7-9.
satan and his angels cast down to earth.

satan and his angels cast down to earth.

Remember, after iniquity was found within Lucifer in heaven, he started corrupting the angels in heaven, until he won one third of them. After being cast out of heaven and down to earth with these one third of the angels, he still continued his rebellion right up until now, the present day in this modern era. Also, his name was changed from Lucifer to satan after he and his one third angels were cast down to earth. Remember, God created man: both male and female in His Image, according to Genesis 1:26,27-Love, which is God’s Character and Principality, according to 1 John 4:7,8-righteous since God is perfect and everlasting. When here on earth, satan and his fallen angels continued their rebellion against God’s principality of Love that lead to the Fall of Man… He, the devil or satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. She ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which his wife Eve gave him. Now that is described as “The Fall of Man”, according to Genesis 3:1-7. Both their eyes were open and they realized that they were naked after they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That is how our human nature shifted from Love to selfishness. After the Fall of Man right up until now, humanity’s nature is selfishness.

Question: Where does this Great Controversy take place?
Answer: Planet earth of course. Since devil satan and his one third fallen angels were previously cast out of heaven to earth. This Great Controversy is now fought on planet earth. Once again, this Great Controversy is between God’s Principality and Character of Love and satan’s principality and character of selfishness. Since then right up until now, this Great Controversy was fought on planet earth right up until now-this present day and age today.

Question: If it is so, then why do we not physically see devil satan and his angels, and God’s Holy angels at war right in front of our eyes? Or do they fight with swords, machine guns, grenades and other weapons invisibly here on earth, in which we human beings cannot see with our very own eyes?
Answer:  No! No indeed... They do not fight with swords, machine guns, grenades or other weapons invisibly behind the scene here on planet earth. The reason for this is because this war or Great Controversy is not between “flesh and blood” but principalities according to Ephesians 6:12: God’s Principality and Character of Love according to 1 John 4:7-10, and satan’s principality and character of selfishness according to Isaiah 14:13, 14.

Question: Where in this planet earth?
Answer: It’s in our head… Our minds to be specific! The core context of this Great Controversy or War here on planet earth is in the minds of every human being alive here on planet. With all do respect, there is a difference bet the term, mind and brain. Mind is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason. Brain is the part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord. Simple definition, the brain is the organ and the mind process and reasons. Once again, there is no middle ground in this Great Controversy: it’s a War! Either we be on God’s side and His Principality of Love or be on satan’s side and his principality of selfishness.
With that being said, every thought that comes across a human being (young or old) from the moment he or she awakes in the morning, regains consciousness, throughout the day, until he or she then falls asleep in the night can be influenced by satan or God: due to the fact that there is no middle ground in this Great Controversy-there are only two principalities at War. There’s a saying that goes, “Life is made up of choices”. Well, these choices cannot become “choices” unless we have options or alternatives to choose from. To make things clearer, we have two alternatives or options to choose from: good or evil every time a thought enters our mind which are inputted into our brain and our conscious mind through our senses-hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, and smelling.

Question: Explain how satan is the great telepath?
Answer: First of all, telepathy is defined as the communication of information from one mind to another mind without using any sensory perceptions (without using our senses like seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling and hearing). A telepath is someone with the capability of using telepathy has his or her means of communication.
Telepathy is an ability of communication which God did not create man to have, ever since creation. It is selfish since the information transmitted data or information (data and information in this manner can be voices, images, feelings, etc…) from the brain of the telepath to the receiving brain of someone is forced by the telepath to that person, rather than willingly receiving or rejecting the data or information like other data or information that a particular person receives through his or her senses-hearing, feeling, tasting, seeing, and smelling. Satan is a “greattelepath!
He and his fallen angles force their stimulus every day from the moment a human being awakes, regains consciousness, throughout his entire day, until he or she falls asleep and loses consciousness-with the intention of persuading, fooling and undetectably forcing that particular human being into his side of principality within this Great Controversy-selfishness. Or in other words, he is forcefully trying to control our minds into his side (mind control) by these forced stimulus which he conditions us with. Unlike this, God and His Holy angels do not force their way into our minds and hearts, but wait humbly for our request before entering our minds and hearts according to Revelation 3:20, since God is Love according to 1 John 4:7-10-His Character and Principality. God is always waiting for our request before entering our minds and heart, unlike devil satan who’s always trying to force his way into our minds and heart, since he is selfish!

Question: Then how can we explain how God communicated to humanity or His faithful people during the Bible times?
Answer: First of all, God doesn’t selfishly force His thoughts into our minds and hearts since He is Love-His Character and Principality. He patiently waits for us to willingly “ASK” Him to come into our minds and our hearts before He communicates to us. Revelation 3:20 reads, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Let’s take a look at a couple of verses within The Holy Bible in order to answer the question;
1.     Genesis 6:13 reads-And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold I will destroy them with the earth.”  In this text we can see that God communicated to Noah through the hearing sense of a human being. Or in other words, God spoke and Noah heard God speaking through his ears. It isn’t telepathy or according to its definition!  
2.     Genesis 7:1 reads-Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.” Once again, God spoke and Noah heard God speaking through his ears. It is no count of telepathy!
3.     Let’s take a look at Genesis 17:1-When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.”  Judging from a humanistic senses’ point of view, it is clear that Abram literally saw God with his eyes and heard God spoke with his ears. There’s no count of telepathy either! Etc…

Question: But what about our fellow human beings who claim or have the ability of telepathy?
Answer: Well, first of all, God created all human beings to communicate to one another using their senses-seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling.
There is no count of human beings being telepathic within The Holy Bible-there’s no mention of the term telepathy within The Holy Bible, or any word close to its definition. Human beings with such ability of telepathy got this particular ability from satan himself-if it didn’t came from God and not found within The Holy Bible, than it came from the devil since there’s no middle ground within this Great Controversy: there’re only two principalities at War within this Great Controversy. God’s Principality and Character of Love and satan’s principality and character of selfishness. Some examples of people with such abilities are, satanists (, witches, etc…

Question: How does telepathy work with such so called telepaths?
Answer: Well first of all, they got this particular ability from satan himself. “Got”, meaning they have evil-or are possessed with evil spirits (which they willingly and knowingly accepted). In the event of them communicating from brain to brain, it is the devil and his evil spirits who enables such communication to take place and not the person himself or herself! Well, all these people do is think, imagine, and speak to these/this evil spirit/s that are within them, which then telepathically communicate/s to the particular human being which the telepath wishes to communicate to, in order to get the desired responses from that particular person or so called subject, psychologically speaking. For example, here in Papua New Guinea some of the most common examples of telepaths are the “poisin mahn or poisin meri”, which practice witchcraft. These people may possess an item (it may be an oil, a human bone, lime, etc…), in which “is” the house or shelter of this/these evil spirit/s, or satan and his angles to be specific.
An example of such items that house evil spirits-human bones.
An example of such items.
So let’s use Sarah the “poisin meri” as our example. If she decides to bewitch the mind of a man, let’s say Derral in order to make him crazy, all she has to do is “ask” this/these evil spirits by thinking, imagining or speaking to the particular item, let’s say her oil made of human bones, meat and fat of a deceased person, in order for these/this evil spirit/s to stalk Derral and telepathically communicate to him while harassing him at the same time (which are actually stimulus from these/this evil spirit/s conditioning Derral psychologically speaking). Now Derral physically literally speaking may think or assume that Peter his neighbor is actually harassing him with bad languages, in which he responds or reply by also harassing Peter with bad language verbally. Now Peter on the other hand would be so confused and may alert the authorities, etc... But at the end of the day when Darrel was taken to the hospital to see a professional, let’s say a psychologist, he was diagnosed with Mental Illness-paranoid schizophrenia to be specific, due to his hallucinations and illusions that Peter was actually harassing him verbally when in reality invisibly speaking behind the scene, it was satan and his evil angels or spirits. This is only one example of what the telepath, witch or so called “poisin meri” Sarah can do to her subject, Derral psychologically speaking. She can telepathically persuade and force Derral into wasting all his money on alcohol, be stressed, etc…

Question: Explain how satan is like the greatest psychologist here on earth?
Answer: Yes, satan is like the greatest psychologist here on planet earth!
First of all, it is very important to understand the fact that devil satan and his fallen angels are old. Like, really old… He goes to and forth like a roaring lion studying and watching our every move and state of being, just so that he could force his way to have us on his side of his principality-selfishness. 1 Peter 5:8 reads, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
They were present in heaven before iniquity was found within Lucifer. They were cast out from heaven after they rebelled against God. He was there in the Garden of Eden when he tempted Eve and fooled Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good evil. He and his evil angles fooled Cain into killing his blood brother. He and his angles were in the time of Noah during the flood fooling everyone during that time which ignored Noah and his family and did not enter the Ark. They were present during the time of Abraham, and his grandsons Essau and Jacob. The devil and his fallen angels fooled Joseph’s brothers into selling him as a slave and persuaded them to lie to their father that he was killed by an animal out in the field. They were present in the time of Moses in Egypt fooling the Egyptian king not to set the Israelites free. The devil and his fallen angels fooled the children of Israel into doubting God through his servant Moses in the wilderness. They also fooled the children of Israel into asking God for an earthly human king-in which God appointed King Saul. They persuaded King David into committing adultery in which he did. They fooled one of the wisest man on planet earth, King Solomon into disobeying God and marring foreign wives with foreign gods-in which lead to King Solomon building temples for these foreign gods, plus offering incents and offerings to them. The devil and his fallen angels also fooled the Israelites into not obeying God’s instructions which was proclaimed through Prophet Jeremiah. They also fooled the Scribes, Jews or Israelites and the Roman soldiers into persecuting Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. The devil and his angels also fooled the Roman soldiers into persecuting Peter the apostle. They also persuaded and fooled the Roman Empire during the Antiquity period to persecute Christians or followers of Jesus Christ. The devil and his fallen angels persuaded and fooled Emperor Constantine into merging his pagan religion into Christianity, polluting Christianity and the originality of Christianity and The Holy Scriptures. They also fooled the existing Roman Empire during the Middle Ages through the Papacy to persecute Christians during that time-attempting to destroy and remove The Holy Scriptures from their possession. And the list goes on right up until now, in this present day and age…  

Question: Can satan, his angels or any telepath read another human beings mind?
Answer: No! Only God reads our hearts and mind since He alone is The Creator-our Creator: Our Trinity God whose Principality and Character is Love. Examples of how “only” God can read our minds and hearts found within The Holy Bible;
1.     Genesis 6:5 reads, “Than the Lord saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
2.     1 Chronicles 28:9 reads, “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.”
3.     Psalm 94:11 reads, “The Lord knows the thoughts of man, That they are futile.”
4.     Mathew 9:4 reads, ‘But Jesus knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts?”
5.     1 Corinthians 2:11 reads, For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.”
Thus proving that no human being or someone claiming to be or is a telepath can read our minds and thoughts! Even the devil cannot read our minds and thoughts-he can only interpret us by constantly stalking us. One word, “Psychology”. He is really good at this-like the greatest psychologist here on planet today.

Question: Combination: please explain?
Answer: The devil satan and his fallen angels are some of the greatest psychologists here on planet earth today. They use their selfish ability of telepathy to apply their stimulus to us human beings in order to forcefully and selfishly persuade us into choosing their stimulus, as our chosen alternative out of the two options which are applicable and available for our choosing-within every choice since there are only two sides within this Great Controversy: God’s Principality and Character of Love and satan’s principality and character of selfishness.  See, satan and his angels telepathically communicate, transmit or send selfish options as stimulus everyday in a human being’s life, from the moment he or she awakes and regains consciousness or his or her state of being, throughout his or her day, until he or she falls asleep and loose her consciousness or state of being-we can portray it as a form of “Constant stalking & stimulus” by satan and his fallen angels, which they always forcefully persuading us to choose satan’s alternative within this Great Controversy which is selfish, psychologically speaking. 

Question:  Give an example and please explain?
Answer: Our first Example is Jack. Let’s say Jack was walking down the street on his way to the nearby service station. While on his way few meters to the service station, he saw a pretty young woman standing beside the entrance. His seeing sense through his eyes inputted this data or information up to his frontal lobe-which processed the data and told Jack that this young woman is attractive due to Jack’s limbic system motivated Jack to be interested and excited by sending the message back to the frontal-which decided that she is attractive because she’s pretty according to the data or information that was inputted through Jack’s eyes. In Jack’s mind he has two options; a) whether to walk pass her and whistle with rude bad annoying words, or b) just say “good afternoon” and walk pass her. Jack chose option b). Now option a) is selfish since Jack did not showed good manners plus he did not considered what the woman would think of him using those annoying bad words. Option b) was out of “Love for fellow human beings” since, Jack was not selfish because he considered what the woman would feel, and respected her even though he admired her.

Our next example is Mary. Mary was that pretty woman in our first example. So Mary was standing near the entrance of the service station, texting her boyfriend Andrew, waiting patiently for him. While on the phone, Mary heard Jack’s good afternoon as he passed by. These are stimulus inputted through Mary’s hears into her frontal lobe which processed the data or information, and told Mary that it’s not her boyfriend but someone else: in which Marry’s  Limbic system sent a disgust message to her frontal lobel, which than confirmed that she is now upset, angry at that person that said those words-which was Jack. Now, in Mary’s mind she has two options; a) whether to answer Jack with a “Shut up! Do I know you?” or option b) whether to reply Jack with a “thankyou Sir, good after noon.” Mary chose option a) since she was really disgusted while texting her boyfriend on the phone.  

Question: Give the solution in being protected against the great telepath and psychologist, satan?
Answer: To have or wear the whole armor of God.
Ephesians 6:11-17 reads, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against Flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to with stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;” Let’s briefly simply explain the whole armor of God according to the above text in Ephesians 6:11-17;
1.     Helmet= Salvation.
2.     Sword of the Spirit= The Word of God-The Holy Bible.
3.     Shield= Faith.
4.     Girded waist/belt= Truth.
5.     Breastplate= Righteousness.
6.     Shod feet, shoe= Peace.
We can wear the whole armor of God-have Salvation, The Word of God, Faith, Truth, Righteousness and Peace in our lives by willingly accepting Jesus Christ into our lives. By opening the doors of our minds and our hearts to Jesus Christ. By having being infilled and baptized with The Holy Spirit. That is how we can wear and have the whole armor of God…

 To summarize, we can say devil satan is really old. He was cast out of heaven to earth because iniquity was found within him. He was cast out with one-third of the angles that he corrupted in heaven. He and his fallen angles are some of the great psychologists here on planet earth. They are telepaths that use their telepathy ability to forcefully insert their evil selfish thoughts into the minds of humanity, persuading humanity to choose and accept these selfish thoughts of satan’s principality-in order for “the” particular human being to accept satan’s principality of selfishness, and be one of his tally. Yes, this is “The Great Controversy.” But thankfully Love, God’s principality is already victorious within this Great Controversy through Jesus Christ our Lord, according to Mathew 27:24-54. Yes, Jesus Christ was born into this sinfully earth a mere human being, but he was found without sin from the moment he was born into this earth, reached adulthood, baptized, did His Father’s will, died on Calvary, resurrected and ascended and went up to heaven. Or in other words, he overcame sin, selfishness, and was victorious against selfishness all his life here on planet earth-Love prevailed in Him, that is why Love is victorious within this Great Controversy. That is why we need Him to overcome selfishness since; He is The Only True Way that leads to Life according to John 14:6, and The True Vine according to John 15, especially John 15:5. It’s really simple, “WE NEED JESUS CHRIST.” Without Him, we’re nothing-we cannot overcome sin and selfishness on our own, and we cannot have life-that eternal life that was promised to us by Jesus Christ in John 3:16. We need Christ within us through The Comforter, The Holy Spirit which He had previously promised us before he ascended up to heaven. Remember, when we have The Holy Spirit within us, we have Jesus Christ within us-since The Holy Spirit is part of our Trinity God: God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. When we have The Holy Spirit within us, we can be able to choose God’s principality of Love within this Great Controversy as our choice. Remember, “JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON, TIME IS SOMETHING WE ALL DON’T HAVE, AND THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS.”



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