Saturday, March 26, 2016

Illuminating The Great Controversy 2: Telepathy Evil

As you have noticed, this blog is the continuation of my previous blog titled, “Illuminating The Great Controversy (” Here, our focus would be on how telepathy is evil. Before we get straight into it, let’s start by briefly introducing the term telepathy. First of all, telepathy is defined as the communication of information from one mind to another mind without using any sensory perceptions (without using our senses like seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling and hearing). A telepath is someone with the capability of using telepathy has his or her means of communication. Telepathy is an ability of communication which God did not create man to have, ever since creation. Or in other words, human beings are not telepaths. Remember that, human beings are not telepaths, only satan and his angles are! Even people who claim to have attained this gift from satan are not telepaths. It is selfish since the information transmitted or data (data and information in this manner can be voices, images, feelings, etc…) from the brain of the telepath to the receiving brain of someone is forced by the telepath to that person, rather than willingly receiving or rejecting the data or information like other data or information that a particular person receives through his or her senses-hearing, feeling, tasting, seeing, and smelling. Satan is a “greattelepath! He and his fallen angles force their stimulus every day from the moment a human being awakes, regains consciousness, throughout his entire day, until he or she falls asleep and loses consciousness-with the intention of persuading, fooling and undetectably forcing that particular human being into his side of principality within this Great Controversy-selfishness. Or in other words, he is forcefully trying to control our minds into his side (mind control) by these forced stimulus which he conditions us with. Unlike this, God and His Holy angles do not force their way into our minds and hearts, but wait humbly for our request before entering our minds and hearts according to Revelation 3:20, since God is Love according to 1 John 4:7-10-His Character and Principality. God is always waiting for our request before entering our minds and heart, unlike devil satan who’s always trying to force his way into our minds and heart, since he is selfish!

Facts, words and terms that need to be understood before we dig further into our questions and answers:
  • ·        Mindfulness- involves intentionally bringing one’s attention to the internal and external experiences occurring in the present moment.
  • ·        Stimuli or Stimulus- is something that causes a psychological response. Or in other words simply speaking, stimulus or stimuli are the data from the external world entering into our brain’s sensory nervous system. 

  • ·        Hallucination- is a perception in the absence of external stimulus that has qualities of real perception.
  • Are you hallucinating?

  • ·        An Illusion- is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. Though illusion distort reality, they are generally shared by most people. Illusions may occur with any of the human senses, but visual illusions (optical illusions), are the most well-known and understood. The emphasis on visual illusions occur because vision often dominates the other senses. Some illusions are based on general assumptions the brain makes during perception.
  • Are you having an illusion?

  • ·        Perception- is the organization, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment. All perception involves signals in the nervous system, which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of sense organs.
  • What is your perception of this picture?

  • ·        Sensory nervous system- is a part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory information. A sensory system consist of sensory receptors, neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in sensory perception. Commonly recognized sensory systems are these for vision, auditory (hearing), somatic sensation (touch/ feel), gustatory (taste), olfaction (smell), and vestibular (balance/ movement). In short, senses are converted from the physical world to the realm of the mind where we interpret the information, creating our perception of the world around us.

The sensory system and sensory organs on your left.

Let’s get straight into it with our questions and answers;

Question: How does telepathy work with such so called telepaths?
Answer: Well first of all, they so called got this particular ability from satan himself. “Got”, meaning they have evil-or are possessed with evil spirits (which they willingly and knowingly accepted). In the event of them communicating from brain to brain, it is the devil and his evil spirits who enables such communication to take place and not the person himself or herself! Or in other words, they themselves are not communicating but satan and his evil angels. Well, all these people do is think, imagine, and speak to these/this evil spirit/s that are within, close to, or around them, which then telepathically communicate/s to the particular human being which the so called human telepath wishes to communicate to, in order to get the desired responses from that particular person or so called subject, psychologically speaking. For example, here in Papua New Guinea some of the most common examples of telepaths are the “poisin mahn or poisin meri”, which practice witchcraft. These people may possess an item (it may be an oil, a human bone, lime, etc…), in which “is” the house or shelter of this/these evil spirit/s, or satan and his angels to be specific. So let’s use Sarah the “poisin meri” as our example. If she decides to bewitch the mind of a man, let’s say Derral in order to make him crazy, all she has to do is “ask” this/these evil spirits by thinking, imagining or speaking to the particular item, let’s say her oil made of human bones, meat and fat of a deceased person, in order for these/this evil spirit/s to stalk Derral and telepathically communicate to him while harassing him at the same time (which are actually stimulus from these/this evil spirit/s conditioning Derral psychologically speaking). Now Derral physically literally speaking may think or assume that Peter his neighbor is actually harassing him with bad languages, in which he responds or reply by also harassing Peter with bad language verbally. Now Peter on the other hand would be so confused and may alert the authorities, etc... But at the end of the day when Darrel was taken to the hospital to see a professional, let’s say a psychologist, he was diagnosed with Mental Illness-paranoid schizophrenia to be specific, due to his hallucinations and illusions that Peter was actually harassing him verbally when in reality invisibly speaking behind the scene, it was satan and his evil angels or spirits. Or in other words, Sarah the so called witch here within this example is not the telepath, but evil spirits, since all this thoughts Derral receives came from the evil spirit and not her-satan and his evil angels were the once literally communicating to Derral!  This is only one example of what the telepath, witch or so called “poisin meri” Sarah can do to her subject, Derral psychologically speaking. In fact it is not Sarah but satan and his fallen angles fooling both Sarah and Derral at the same time. They fool Sarah in believing she’s telepathic and powerful (to remain as a witch), while fooling Derral with the stimulus created and imagined by Sarah. 

Question: Further explanation of the above example within the answer?
Answer: Okay… First of all, let’s try to be mindful of what is actually happening here within our example. Let’s list our facts to explain;
·        Sarah the witch or so called telepath is a human being-man (both male and female), created in the Image of God according to Genesis 2: who is Love according to 1 John 4:7-10. Created in the Image and Likeness of Love.
·        She herself choose to become a witch-God gave us all the power of choice since He is love, according to 1John 4:7-10.
·        Both Sarah and Derral are within this Great Controversy. We all are, and there is no middle ground within this Great Controversy.

Okay, now let’s get back into our explanation. See, Sarah herself choose to become a witch, believing to be a so called telepath, and believing in telepathy. Thus simply saying, satan and his evil angels tempted her with the desire of being a witch or so called telepath in order to achieve her personal desires or wants. Let’s say she engaged in a conversation with a friend who was a witch, telling her all about her experiences and achievements as a witch or so called telepath (Let’s not forget the fact that her friend the witch, too, is in this Great Controversy and previously in her past experience or life, choose to be a witch or so called telepath when she was previously tempted by someone else who was influenced by satan: choose satan’s idea of witchcraft and telepathy). The stimulus or stimuli here from her friend would be her words in the form of sound waves entering Sarah’s ears, her friend’s facial expression through her smile and expression of excitement on her body language like data entering Sarah’s eyes. Theses combination of stimulus or stimuli enters her brain through her sensory nervous systems (to be specific, her cerebral cortex) which then process these sensory information and creates her (Sarah’s) perception (that being a witch with the capability of telepathy is cool, good and beneficial). Sarah’s frontal lobe choose to believe and want her perception by asking her friend to introduce her to witchcraft. Or in other words, she choose to be a witch. Now, this particular experience in which Sarah went through occurred five years earlier…

Five years later when Sarah’s already a witch thinking she has the capability of being a telepath, while walking down the neighborhood, she overheard Derral (who was under the influence of alcohol) verbally harassing her. The inputs, data, or should we say stimulus/stimuli (which are sound waves produced by Derral verbally) enter through Sarah ears, into her sensory nervous system, which process the data (her cerebral cortex) and creates her perception-in which the information (Derral is angry at her for no good reason), in which her frontal lobe than choose to bewitch (respond) Derral and make him crazy. Now remember, Derral too also went under the process of sensory information processing by his sensory nervous system, in which his frontal lobe previously choose to verbally harass Sarah while considering his perception-which was created by the external stimulus or data entering his sensory nervous system (seeing Sarah walking up the neighborhood).

Now this is the most interesting part when Sarah the so called witch with telepathic abilities, tries to “bewitch” Derral. Now, she with her “source of power”, whether it be a oil, a human bone, a bark of a tree, etc.., in which house and shelter for evil spirits, telepathically communicates to Derral by thinking, imagining or speaking to the particular item. Or in other words, she’s fooled to believe that “she” herself is communicating to Derral, but in fact its satan and his evil spirits. Now Sarah believing in her imagination continues the act… The evil spirit bound to her then does exactly what she desires-and that is to make Derral paranoid thinking, his neighbor Peter was actually verbally harassing him. Or in other words simply speaking, the evil spirit communicates telepathically to Derral using Peter’s voice fooling Derral-when in reality, there was never an external stimulus initiated by Peter to Derral. Or in other words, Derral is hallucinating that Peter is verbally harassing him. It all happens in Derral’s brain since there is no external stimulus present… Thus resulting in Derral’s frontal lobe choosing to harass Peter verbally.

Now, in Peter’s case… He receives these stimulus in the form of sound waves by Derral. Theses Stimulus enters his brain through He’s sensory nervous system which then process the data, creating his perception that Derral is verbally harassing him. Now Peter’s frontal lobe choose to alert the authorities which places Derral in big trouble-now the rest is history…

Question: But what about people who are not witchcrafts or Satanists but claim or are believed to be telepaths?
Answer: “Same story different version!” Remember, within The Holy Bible there is no mention of any word telepathy or telepath-communication from brain to brain. The Holy Bible surely did not mention that God created “man” with such an ability. Thus simply saying, it is the work of satan and his evil spirit fooling the subject (person) receiving the information to his or her brain and the person believed to be the telepath (thinking he has such ability: special in some ways). Or in other words, the subjects (people) are actually receiving data, message or information from satan and his evil angels telepathically which is described as hallucinations and illusions, psychologically speaking. Since there is no middle ground within this Great Controversy, every hallucinations or illusions that we has human beings have or experience is either influenced by God or satan!

Question: How does that make the spiritual aspects of our lives as human beings present in our everyday lives for some of us that undermine our spiritual aspect of life?
Answer: Well, we as human beings are spiritual beings-created beings. Remember, the breath of God + dust = a living soul/ a human being who is alive (separation of this is death). Genesis 2:7 reads, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”  Also, man a spiritual being was created by God who’s a Spiritual entity. How? Well, Genesis 1:1-2 reads, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” These following texts also affirm that God is a Spiritual God;
  • 1.     Romans 8:14, 16, 23, 26
  • 2.     Job 33:4
  • 3.     Psalm 51:10-13, and the list goes on, etc…

Question: According to The Holy Bible, what’s our proof that devil satan and his fallen angels are responsible for this deception?
Answer: Well, 1 Peter 5: 8 reads, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” If it is not mentioned in The Holy Bible, then it came from satan since there is no middle ground within This Great Controversy. Or in other words, the homosexual, poet, classicist, philologist and founder of the Society for Psychical Research, Frederic W.H Myers (6th February 1843, in Keswick, Cumberland-17th January 1901, in Rome) who invented the term during 1882, was either influenced by God or satan! Since his term and idea is not found within The Holy Bible, then I’m afraid we’ll say he was influenced by satan during 1882 because there is no middle ground within this Great Controversy-either we are influenced by God or satan!

Mindfulness… It is wise to be sober, vigilant and mindful of what is going on in our minds according to  1 Peter 5:8-and ask ourselves the following questions;
  • Ø What am I thinking about (define your thought)?
  • Ø Why am I thinking about it (identify how your perception or imagination was created)?
  • Ø Where is this thought coming from (identify the origin of the stimulus whether it is an internal or external stimulus)?
  • Ø Is it an internal stimulus (am I hallucinating, imagining or having an illusion) or an external stimulus (by someone or something I could see, feel, and hear)?
  • Ø What is the purpose of the stimulus to me (what is the desired response the entity initiating the stimulus wants from me)?
  • Ø Is this entity God or satan (is your thought influenced by God or satan)?
  • Ø Who will I choose (using your frontal lobe)?

Question: Give the solution in being protected against the great telepath and psychologist, satan?
Answer: To have or wear the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6:11-17 reads, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against Flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to with stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;” Let’s briefly simply explain the whole armor of God according to the above text in Ephesians 6:11-17;
  • 1  Helmet= Salvation.
  • 2.     Sword of the Spirit= The Word of God-The Holy Bible.
  • 3.     Shield= Faith.
  • 4.     Girded waist/belt= Truth.
  • 5.     Breastplate= Righteousness.
  • 6.     Shod feet, shoe= Peace.

We can wear the whole armor of God-have Salvation, The Word of God, Faith, Truth, Righteousness and Peace in our lives by willingly accepting Jesus Christ into our lives. By opening the doors of our minds and our hearts to Jesus Christ. By having being infilled and baptized with The Holy Spirit. That is how we can wear and have the whole armor of God…

To summarize, we can say devil satan is really old. He was cast out of heaven to earth because iniquity was found within him. He was cast out with one-third of the angels that he corrupted in heaven. He and his fallen angels are some of the great psychologists here on planet earth. They are telepaths that use their telepathy ability to forcefully insert their evil selfish thoughts into the minds of humanity, persuading humanity to choose and accept these selfish thoughts of satan’s principality-in order for “the” particular human being to accept satan’s principality of selfishness, and be one of his tally. Yes, this is “The Great Controversy.” But thankfully Love, God’s principality is already victorious within this Great Controversy through Jesus Christ our Lord, according to Mathew 27:24-54. Yes, Jesus Christ was born into this sinfully earth a mere human being, but he was found without sin from the moment he was born into this earth, reached adulthood, baptized, did His Father’s will, died on Calvary, resurrected and ascended and went up to heaven. Or in other words, he overcame sin, selfishness, and was victorious against selfishness all his life here on planet earth-Love prevailed in Him, that is why Love is victorious within this Great Controversy. That is why we need Him to overcome selfishness since; He is The Only True Way that leads to Life according to John 14:6, and The True Vine according to John 15, especially John 15:5. It’s really simple, “WE NEED JESUS CHRIST.” Without Him, we’re nothing-we cannot overcome sin and selfishness on our own, and we cannot have life-that eternal life that was promised to us by Jesus Christ in John 3:16. We need Christ within us through The Comforter, The Holy Spirit which He had previously promised us before he ascended up to heaven. Remember, when we have The Holy Spirit within us, we have Jesus Christ within us-since The Holy Spirit is part of our Trinity God: God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. When we have The Holy Spirit within us, we can be able to choose God’s principality of Love within this Great Controversy as our choice. Remember, “JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON, TIME IS SOMETHING WE ALL DON’T HAVE, AND THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS.”


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