Saturday, April 9, 2016

Illuminating The Great Controversy 3: Mind Control Evil.

Once again, this blog is a continuation of my previous blogs titled, Illuminating The Great Controversy 2: Telepathy Evil ( and Illuminating The Great Controversy ( This blog will focused mainly on The Holy Bible’s perspective of Mind Control.  Please take note that the noun satan will be deliberately spelt in lowercase letters throughout this blog because he is a looser in this Great Controversy-and personally, “I “ choose to do so! Firstly, sources of information acquired for this blog is provided within the bibliography and reference section at the end of the blog! To confirm what you’ve just read in this blog, I encourage you to personally look up the sources of information clearly stated in the bibliography and reference section at the end of this blog. I also encourage you to personally read the Texts from The Holy Bible stated within this blog, using your own Bible to better understand what this blog is trying to portray. To make it more simple and understandable for any grade eight and primary school student, this blog is formatted in a questionnaire format. Cut the long introduction story short and let’s get straight into it-simple!

Question: What is Mind Control?
Answer: Well let’s start with what WordWeb dictionary has to say. To better understand the term, let’s separately define the word mind and control;
  • ·        Mind- that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason.
  • ·        Control- power to direct or determine.

Avoiding being biased, let’s see what Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary has to say. To better understand the term, let’s separately define the word mind and control;
  • ·        Mind-the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel.
  • ·        Control-the ability to make somebody or something do what you want.

Combination… Mind Control can be defined as the power or ability to control someone’s mind. Mind Control is categorized under selfishness which is satan’s principality. If you need further explanation in understanding the difference between God’s principality of Love and satan’s principality of selfishness, view my previous blog titled: The Great Controversy.

Question: What are some devices and equipment created for Mind Control today?
Answer:  Today in this Day and Age, there are many examples, experiments and so called experiences of mind control. Let’s take a brief look at them. Check out the sources of information at the bibliography and reference section at the end of this blog, search the Internet or any library for more information on the information presented below.

Listed below are some so called Mind Control Projects;
  • ·        Project MKUltrais the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency-or better known as the “CIA?” It’s sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program.
  • ·        Project ARTICHOKEwas a CIA project that researched interrogation methods and arose from Project BLUEBIRD on August 20, 1951, run by the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence. A memorandum by Richard Helms to CIA director Allen Welsh Dulles indicated Artichoke became Project MKUltra on April 13, 1953.
  • Project Bluebird-later renamed Project Artichoke, whose stated purpose was to develop “the means to control individuals through special interrogation techniques.”

Listed below are the US Patents for Mind Control Devices;

  • ·        USP # 3,951, 134 (April 20, 1976)Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves.
  • ·        USP # 5, 159, 703 (October 27, 1992) – It is a Silent Subliminal Presentation System.
  • ·        USP # 5, 017, 143 (May 21, 1991)Method and Apparatus for Producing subliminal images.
  • ·        USP # 6, 052, 336 (April 18, 2000) – Apparatus and method of broadcasting audible sound using ultrasonic sound as carrier.
  • ·        USP # 5, 539, 705 (July 23, 1996)Ultrasonic speech translator and communications system.
  • ·        USP # 6, 488, 617 (December 3, 2002) – Method and Device for producing a desired brain state.
  • ·        USP # 6, 239, 705 (May 29, 2001)Intra-Oral electronic tracking device.
  • ·        USP # 6, 091, 994 (July 18, 2000) – Pulsative manipulation of nervous systems
  • ·        USP # 5, 507, 291 (April 16, 1996)Method and an associated apparatus for remotely determining information as to person’s emotional state.
  • ·        USP # 4, 877, 027 (October 31, 1989) – Hearing system.

Question: Why is mind Control categorized under selfishness which is satan’s principality?
Answer: Firstly, God’s Character and Principality is Love according to 1 John 4:7-10. The total opposite of Love is selfishness: which is satan’s principality according to Isaiah 14:12-15,   Ezekiel 28: 15-19.  You see my friends because God is Love, He gave us all created beings including human beings the power of choice. He does not force us to love Him, by forcefully entering our hearts and mind, or by controlling our minds to do so, but He waits patiently for our request. If He forced Himself into our minds and hearts, than He would be selfish-but “thank God” He does not do that because He is Love!  Revelation 3: 20 reads, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My Voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”  Thus proving to us that mind control is one of the tool used by satan, to force humanity onto his side of the Great Controversy since he “IS” selfish and since there is no middle ground within this Great Controversy! Since we all are in this Great Controversy and there is no middle ground within this Great Controversy, engaging, believing, embracing and upholding such activity like “mind control” is actually choosing satan’s principality! 

 Question: Give the solution in being protected against satan’s deceptions like mind control?
Answer: To have or wear the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6:11-17 reads, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against Flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to with stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;” Let’s briefly simply explain the whole armor of God according to the above text in Ephesians 6:11-17;
  • 1.     Helmet= Salvation.
  • 2.     Sword of the Spirit= The Word of God-The Holy Bible.
  • 3.     Shield= Faith.
  • 4.     Girded waist/belt= Truth.
  • 5.     Breastplate= Righteousness.
  • 6.     Shod feet, shoe= Peace.

We can wear the whole armor of God-have Salvation, The Word of God, Faith, Truth, Righteousness and Peace in our lives by willingly accepting Jesus Christ into our lives. By opening the doors of our minds and our hearts to God: God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. By having being infilled and baptized with The Holy Spirit. That is how we can wear and have the whole armor of God…

To summarize, we can say devil satan is really old. He was cast out of heaven to earth because iniquity was found within him. He was cast out with one-third of the angels that he corrupted in heaven. Mind control is one of satan’s deception to fool humanity (as much as he can) into his side of this Great Controversy since he is selfish! Yes, this is “The Great Controversy.” But thankfully Love, God’s principality is already victorious within this Great Controversy through Jesus Christ our Lord, according to Mathew 27:24-54. Yes, Jesus Christ was born into this sinfully earth a mere human being, but he was found without sin from the moment he was born into this earth, reached adulthood, baptized, did His Father’s will, died on Calvary, resurrected and ascended and went up to heaven. Or in other words, he overcame sin, selfishness, and was victorious against selfishness throughout his life here on planet earth-Love prevailed in Him, that is why Love is victorious within this Great Controversy. That is why we need Him to overcome selfishness since; He is The Only True Way that leads to Life according to John 14:6, and The True Vine according to John 15, especially John 15:5. It’s really simple, “WE NEED JESUS CHRIST.” Without Him, we’re nothing-we cannot overcome sin and selfishness on our own, and we cannot have life-that eternal life that was promised to us by Jesus Christ in John 3:16 without Jesus Christ: accepting Him, following Him, and having Him in our lives today. We need Christ within us through The Comforter, The Holy Spirit which He had previously promised us before he ascended up to heaven. Remember, when we have The Holy Spirit within us, we have Jesus Christ within us-since The Holy Spirit is part of our Trinity God: God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. When we have The Holy Spirit within us, we can be able to choose God’s principality of Love within this Great Controversy as our choice. Remember, “JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON, TIME IS SOMETHING WE ALL DON’T HAVE, AND THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS.”


  • ·        Philip. G. Zimbardo, Psychology and Life Tenth Edition, U.S.A: Standford University
  • ·        Rita L. Atkinson, Introduction to Psychology Eleventh Edition, U.S.A: University of California, San Deiego
  • ·        Spencer A. Rathus, Psychology Third Edition, U.S.A: Marist College, Poughkeepsie, New York
  • ·        Andrews University Press, Andrews Study Bible, U.S.A: Andrews University Press 2010
  • ·        Oxford University Press, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, UK: Oxford University Press 2010
  • ·        Word Web Dictionary < > accessed 05/04.2016
  • ·        Military Industrial Complex < > accessed 4/04/2016
  • ·        Project MKULTRA < > accessed 9/04/2016

·        Project ARTICHOKE  < > accessed 9/04/2016

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