Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Illuminating the Great Controversy 6: Astral Projection Evil

Once again, this blog is a continuation of my previous blogs. Our focus would be on the term Astral Projection, which is one of the latest words invented not found in the modern dictionaries. Astral projection or better referred to as astral travel is a term used in esotericism to describe a willful out-of-body experience (OBE),  a supposed form of telepathy, that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an “astral body” that is separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside of it throughout the universe. The idea of astral travel is rooted in esotericism and occultism, and was promoted by 19th century Theosophists-philosophers who explored the mystical and preternatural origins of the natural world. It is sometimes associated with dreams, and forms of meditations. Some individuals have reported perceptions similar to descriptions of astral projection that were induced through various hallucinogenic and hypnotic means (including self-hypnosis).

Question: Did God create human beings with the ability of Astral Projection?
Answer: No! Lets rewind back through creation and see how God created man. When we refer to “man”, we refer to both male and female according to Genesis 1:27. In Genesis 2:7, we see  that God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul: this is actually referring to the first man, the male. Or in other words simply speaking, dust of the ground plus God’s breath equals a living soul-separation of the dust and God’s breath equals death. Thus simply saying man, or a living soul is made up of both physical dust of the ground in this earth plus God’s breath, which is spiritual-separation of the combination of the dust of the ground with God’s breath results in death in a living soul.

Question: Explain why God did not create man with the ability of astral projection?
Answer: According to the definition to the term Astral Projection, the person’s spirit (which is God’s breath in him or her) leaves his physical body (the dust of the ground) for an experience (whether in traveling to another context away from his or her physical body for a specific purpose, etc...) before returning to their physical body (or dust of the ground). This is total error since God did not create man to do that! God created man to live and not die: death which is the separation of the dust of the ground and God’s breath). Due to the “Fall of Man” in Genesis 3, we now see mankind is now capable to experience the separation of the dust of the ground and God’s breath-which is death: the wages of sin. To say man was created with the ability of Astral projection is simply going against God’s creation of man and common sense-and fig-literally saying that man has the capability to give life to himself, which is totally impossible since only God, Jesus Christ Who is the Word in John 1:1-5 has the key to life or gives life, since He is the Creator in John 1:1-5 that created everything that was created corresponding to Genesis 1, especially verse 1 and 26.  Remember, Jesus Christ is the life in John 14:6. Only through Christ, the Word, the Life, the Creator, God, there is life: connecting to John 3:16. I mean if man has the ability of Astral Projection, than why can’t the people who are already dead capable of being alive today (to travel back with God’s breath  into their physical bodies becoming a living soul again)?  Thus simply saying, common sense would tell us that Astral Projection is impossible in a living soul according to The Holy Bible since it will only result in death, which is the separation of God’s breath and the physical body or dust of a living soul-and is a total error considering God’s Word or Truth to us, The Holy Bible: remember Jesus Christ is the Word in John 1:1-5 and the Truth in John 14:6.

Question: Then how can we explain the so called examples of Astral Projection or Out of Body Experience today in the world that we live in?
Answer: In order to answer this question, lets take a look at an example of Astral Projection in the world today. In Papua New Guinea, a third world developing country in the South Pacific, the belief of Astral Projection or Out of Body Experience is common. Astral Projection is a tool to murder people, rape people through astral sex, visiting distance lands, etc... However, it is not known as Astral Projection but commonly referred to as “Puripuri” which is the practice of witchcraft, in which the witch or so called “Sangumah” or expert in such practices, perform such practices-in our case, Astral Projection, to murder, to have astral sex, to travel to a far land, etc... Before we dig any further, we must understand the fact that such individuals practicing witchcraft or “Puripuri” such as witches, wizards or the so called “Sangumas”, go through initiation and learning process’ of such practices in order to be an expert in the practice of witchcraft or “Puripuri.” During these stream or processes, they invite demons or evil spirits to come into them in order for them to practice the things they practice-astral projection, etc... See, demons or evil spirits can only enter an individual only if they have the right to do so-in our case, the individual willingly summons these evil spirits to enter him or her in order for them to receive the power to perform the practices witches, wizards, and “Sangumas’” practice: through these learning and initiation processes. This is a form of willingly selling or giving their souls to the devil in exchange of such powers which are performed through the evil spirit living within them-such as astral projection.

For example, Sarah decided to become a witch with the help of her grand mother. After certain initiation and learning processes by her grand mother, she is now a witch! Mind you, through these processes she became possess by evil spirits-which gives her the power to perform the acts, practices and wonders witches perform. Anyways, after five years, Sarah the witch or so called “Sanguma” residing in the suburb of Rainbow in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, wishes to engage in Astral Projection or “Puripuri” to travel to Boroko, another distant suburb in Port Moresby and rape Enoch, a man she previously knew through astral sex. She then finds a quit time, let’s say during mid-night in her room in their family home at Rainbow Estate, and lays down in her bed comfortably to travel to Boroko: and that is the act of engaging in astral projection. Furthermore, according to her belief, her spirit came out of her physical body, traveled to Boroko, had sex or raped Enoch in his room at his family’s house at Boroko for 1 and a half hour after Enoch came in her with a total of six rounds of semen, and then returned back to her physical body in her room at Rainbow Estate, sometimes around 1:50 am. However, what really happened was, Sarah only had a sensation of her hallucination (in which was caused by the evil spirit living within her) that lasted for 1 and a half hour, while the evil spirit within her traveled to Boroko, to Enoch’s house and performed the acts on Enoch, similar to it’s slave, Sarah’s desires! In which, Enoch on the other hand, would believe he was raped during the night by a witch physically that came to his notice after analyzing the difference in his condition and his context in the morning, Sarah the witch would really believe she had raped Enoch last mid-night. However, the funny thing is that after nine months, Sarah the witch never gave birth to any child as a result of that astral sex with Enoch that lasted for 1 and a half hour giving and receiving six rounds of Enoch’s sperm according to her hallucination, in which meant that she was never pregnant at the first place-proving both their beliefs about the entire scenario wrong: in which the evil spirit fooled them both! Meaning she never had sex with Enoch at the first place!

That is what actually happens, the evil spirit fools both the person practicing witchcraft and the person affected by it to believe in it-and that is to believe in astral projection in our case. Or in other words simply speaking, Astral Projection is another tool used by satan and his fallen evil angels to fool and deceive humanity cunningly into satan’s principality within this Great Controversy!

Question: As Christians, what is our best defense against this deception and harmful acts by satan and his evil angels?
Answer: To put on The Whole Armor of God! Ephesians 6:11-17 reads, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against Flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to with stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;” Let’s briefly simply explain the whole armor of God according to the above text in Ephesians 6:11-17;
  • 1.     Helmet= Salvation.
  • 2.     Sword of the Spirit= The Word of God-The Holy Bible.
  • 3.     Shield= Faith.
  • 4.     Girded waist/belt= Truth.
  • 5.     Breastplate= Righteousness.
  • 6.     Shod feet, shoe= Peace.

We can wear the whole armor of God-have Salvation, The Word of God, Faith, Truth, Righteousness and Peace in our lives by willingly accepting Jesus Christ into our lives. By opening the doors of our minds and our hearts to God: God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. By having being infilled and baptized with The Holy Spirit. That is how we can wear and have the whole armor of God.

Remember, God did not create mankind with the ability of Astral Projection according to God’s Word to us, mankind, The Holy Bible. The very definition of the term Astral Projection is in total error considering the fact that a living soul is the combination of God’s breath and dust of the ground. Separation of the dust of the ground and God’s breath will only result in the death of a living soul. Therefore, Astral Projection is evil! Only the Creator God in Genesis 1:1, the Word in John 1:1-5, Who is the Truth and the Life in John 14:6 has the key and the power to give and create life: apart from Him, there is none, not even satan! Remember, God is Love in 1 John 4:7-10, His Character and Principality. Love is already victorious within This Great Controversy through Jesus Christ according to Mathew 27:24-54. Because God is Love, He gave the power of choice to all His created beings. The power of choice is yours: every choice has a consequence. Eternal life or death depends entirely on your choice. Unfortunately, time is something we all don’t have-only God controls time: knows the future, our death dates, etc... Eternal Life or death depends entirely on your choice! Remember, David, a man after God’s own heart sinned throughout his life, but the important lesson out of his life is that, he always comes back to God seeking forgiveness. This clearly shows that he was a sinner like you and me. And that is what we all should do when we sin. We should come back to God seeking forgiveness through pray, forgive others considering Mathew 6:14 & 15, and ask God for the baptism of The Holy Spirit. Remember we all are inconsistent changeable sinners, that is why we need Jesus Christ, a consistent unchangeable righteous Person-through His Character throughout His Life here on earth and eternally universally speaking in the past, in the present, and in the future. Whether you fly or fall, go rich or go poor, sick or healthy, sad or happy, never ever give up on Jesus Christ because He never gave up on you, in Mathew 27:24-54.”

  • ·        Astral Projection <https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astral_projection> accessed 2nd / 01/2017
  • ·        Andrews University Press, Andrews Study Bible, U.S.A: Andrews Uniersity Press 2010

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