Tuesday, January 9, 2018

True Love in a Romantic Relationship

Romantic relationship and marriage is meant for a male and a female considering Genesis 1 & 2. It's almost valentines day, which is another human event in mankind's cultures. However, a romantic relationship between a male and a female and marriage is biblical considering The Holy Bible-specifically in Genesis 2:22-25. Furthermore, The Holy Bible is actually God's Word to us humanity. The Word in John 1:1-5 is Jesus Christ, Who is the Truth in John 14:6. Now, Jesus Christ is God The Son in our Trinity God Heads united in their Principality and Character of Love, according to 1 John 4:8. God is Love. Love is eternally consistant and unchangeable, the same in the beginning, the same today, and still will be the same in the future.

True Love is God. God is Love according to 1 John 4:8. He is the one and only true Love or true God. That is why today in this world that we live in, Love has many definitions-Love cannot be truly defined into its entire capacity of being Love because God is Love.

Mankind were previously created in the Image of Love. According to Genesis 1:27-29, man, both male and female were previously created in the Image of Love. Therefore, without Love in our lives today, life would be meaningless, empty, and unsatisfactory. The Fall of Man or sin separates and disconnects us from Love.  When we connect to Love, we may have life. Life is satisfying with Love because we were previously created in the Image of Love.

True Love in a romantic relationship between a male and a female lasts! It lasts and is satisfying then a romantic relationship based on looks, money, talent, sex, status, arranged, cars, etc.., which is not satisfying, goes through alot of problems, and has a high chance of failure. Yes, many problems, especially divorces are results of not having True Love within their marriages and relationship.

A romantic relationship and marriage with True Love lasts and is satisfactory. When a male has a strong relationship with God or Love, when the female has strong relationship with God or Love, while, both are in a romantic relationship or marriage, that is satisfying and will last. That is True Love in a romantic relationship. Furthermore, the state of true Love in a romantic relationship is based on both the male and female's personal relationship with Love-failure happens when they have a poor personal relationship with God. This applys to all other relationships.

You cannot Love someone else without first having Love. When we have Love, God or have a strong personal relationship with Christ, we will be able to Love-bear the fruit of The Holy Spirit.

God is Love. When you're saying 'I love you' to someone or something, please know that you're putting God in between you and that someone or something, making God your means of connection or relation to that person or thing. God is Love-He loves you. That is why the Plan of Salvation existed. All because God loves you. Remember, whether you're flying or falling, going rich or going poor, happy or sad, healthy or sick, never ever give up on Jesus Christ because He never gave up on you, in Mathew 27:24-54!

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