Saturday, March 3, 2018

Illuminating The Great Controversy 9, Joseph Fled but David Fed

Every human being born into this sinful planet we call earth after the Fall of Mankind in Genesis 3:1-7 has been demon harassed (tempted) one way or another undetected or detected. Even Pastor Doug Bachelor agrees with us on this in one of his sermon’s uploaded via, click and visit this link in order to watch or even download this video: For more information on demon harassment, click and visit the following link: Here within this blog, we’re going to have a brief look at few examples of demon harassment within The Holy Bible in order to better understand what actually happens when someone has been demon harassed (experiencing demon harassment). Mind you, demon harassment (temptations and mind attacks by satan and his demons) is not a one day thing, it is an everyday thing for every human being born into this sinful planet earth. It doesn’t mean when you baptize into Christianity satan will stop attacking you, as long as you’re alive in this earth while awaiting Jesus Christ’s second coming, satan will still attack your mind persuading and tempting you and I into choosing his selfish principality! This “IS” The Great Controversy! Anyways, let’s get on with it…

Our First Biblical subject within this Great Controversy is David. Throughout David’s life, from his childhood even unto his death, he has experienced this Great Controversy and have made some choices in his life, in which he himself is held accountable for the consequences of his many choices. However, our focus will be on a segment of his life here on earth, in which will help us illuminate this Great Controversy and how satan attacks the minds of humanity within this Great Controversy! And the same would apply to our second biblical character within The Holy Bible, Joseph.

Firstly, our story of David is based in 2 Samuel 11… According to 2 Samuel 11:1 we see that kings normally go out for battle, in which David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel, while he remained in Jerusalem. Reading from 2 Samuel 11:2, “Then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king’s house. And from the roof he saw a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful to behold.” Here we see that the subject within this Great Controversy (David) was in a peaceful and relax environment (his house)-actually he arose from the bed (which is an object used for resting): and to make it even sensational, it was during the evening (the time of the day where human beings normally are in a relax state of being with minimum activity in general, whether it be after a long day’s work, etc…) What a better “TIME” and “PLACE” for satan to attack (stimulate his mind) David into choosing sin (sexual immorality)! Furthermore, from the roof, David “SAW” a woman bathing (normally human beings bath naked when in their shower at home)! These (plural because it’s in video mode-picture in action) are stimulus entering the sensory nervous system of David, in which runs up to his frontal lobe or short term memory pending for analysis and decision making. During that very moment, satan stimulates (attacks undetectably) the mind of David directly, not through any of the five senses of humanity in which God created mankind with (like smelling, hearing, tasting, seeing, feeling), but through ESP (God did not create human beings with such abilities, but than again, angels were created a little bit higher than humans). That would mean that as soon as David “SAW” the woman bathing, as soon as this stimulus entered David’s (the subject’s) sensory nervous system, evil spirit/s (demons) attack or stimulate the mind of David through ESP (through sexual thoughts telepathically transmitted to the mind of David and feelings of sexual excitement through clairvoyance transmitted to David’s sensory nervous system with the intention to create sexual excitement and genital arousal within David), persuading David to find the woman attractive sexually, in which we see at the end of verse two, David finding the woman attractive-to be specific, “THE WOMAN WAS VERY BEAUTIFUL TO BEHOLD,” according to The Holy Bible. We see in 2 Samuel 11:3 that David wanted to know about the woman (inquired about the woman), in which may occur after the woman bathing or while the woman was bathing, all in all, satan continuously stimulated David with the same stimulus (lust of the woman)  due to the fact that David enjoyed it, lustful thoughts, in which inquired about the woman. Even after learning that the woman was married to Uriah, David sent messengers after the woman to bring her to him with the burning desire of sexual immorality and adultery in which he did not actioned-it-out yet (in which satan and his angels were continuously stimulating and conditioning his mind with such thoughts). 2 Samuel 11:4 reads, “Then David sent Messengers, and took her; and she came to him, and he lay with her, for she was cleansed from her impurity; and she returned to her house.” So here we see, after David giving into these lustful sexual adulterous thoughts about that woman (Bathsheba), accepting and enjoying these thoughts continuously in his mind undetectably from satan and his angels, he finally chose to “actioned-it-out” and actually having sex with that woman, who was in fact married to someone else! This is how the man after God’s own heart sinned! It all started in the mind... A combination of a stimulus of this world with satan’s very own undetectable stimulus attached together undetectably entering David’s sensory nervous system up to his frontal lobe...

Our second biblical subject within this Great Controversy is Joseph. Our story of an event in Joseph’s life is found in Genesis 39. Due to Joseph’s personal relationship with God (maintained relationship), Joseph was entrusted over all that his master had (accept his wife) considering Genesis 39:5 & 6. On the other hand Joseph was a very handsome young man considering verse 6. Genesis 39:7 reads, “And it came to pass after these things that his master’s wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and she said, ‘Lie with me.’” Here we see satan undetectably behind the seen stimulating (through ESP and not through one of mankind’s five senses) the mind of Joseph’s master’s wife with the stimulus absorbed into her eyes (from seeing Joseph’s physical appearance) into her sensory nervous system, up into her frontal lobe, creating a perception that “Joseph is attractive”, in which she willingly accepted this lustful thought-that is why she asked him to lie with her in verse 7. When the wife of Joseph’s master asked Joseph to lie with her, satan was also there-when that auditory and visual stimulus entered Joseph’s sensory nervous system up to his frontal lobe, satan and his angels undetectably stimulated the mind of Joseph persuading him to give into adultery. However, Joseph chose the other alternative within his mind (within his frontal lobe), and that is to turn down the offer considering Genesis 39:8 & 9. This other alternative is the still small voice of The Holy Spirit of God within this Great Controversy stimulating the mind of Joseph not to give into adultery. In Joseph’s case, we see that satan and his angels continuously indirectly attack (tempted) Joseph through the wife of his master-in which they already stimulated her mind into lusting to having adultery with Joseph, in which she willingly “CHOSE” it, that is why she came by more than once tempting Joseph considering Genesis 39:10. Genesis 39:11-12 reads, “But it happened about this time, when Joseph went into the house to do his work, and none of the men of the house was inside, that she caught him by his garment, saying, ‘Lie with me.’ But he left his garment in her hand, and fled and ran outside.”  Here we see how the wife of Joseph’s master, tempted Joseph through both auditory and physically (through touching) stimulus entering the sensory nervous system of Joseph, up to his frontal lobe, in which along side this stimulus, attached their stimulus, satan and his demons undetectably stimulated the mind of Joseph through ESP to give into adultery. Upon analysis and fast decision making process, Joseph chose the other alternative from God’s Holy Spirit, and that is to flee the scene, in which he did!

To conclude, demon harassment and manifestation will continue as long as this Great Controversy is not over! “DEMON HARASSMENT WILL NEVER STOP FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS, WHETHER IT BE DETECTABLE OR UNDETECTABLE, DEMON MANIFESTATION WILL STILL HAPPEN BECAUSE DEMONS WERE CAST DOWN TO THE EARTH CONSIDERING REVELATION 12:9-THE ONLY TIME DEMON HARASSMENT WILL STOP IS WHEN THE GREAT CONTROVERSY STOPS: WHEN JESUS CHRIST COMES AGAIN!” The only time this Great Controversy will end is when Jesus Christ returns in His Second Coming. On our own strengths trying to overcome satan’s temptation/s we are nothing, considering John 15:5! We overcome satan’s temptation/s (mind attacks through direct or indirect, detected or undetected stimulus) when we are connected to the True Vine in John 15! It is an everyday thing to maintain our connection to the True Vine in John 15! Remember, “JOSEPH FLED BECAUSE OF HIS PERSONAL-MAINTAINED-RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS GOD! NOT BECAUSE OF HIS OWN STRENGTH!” For more information into connecting to the True Vine in John 15, click and visit this link:

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