Friday, April 27, 2018

The Greatest Lesson For Mankind

This blog is short, sharp and straight to the point like all my other blogs. Furthermore, it is my personal favorite (the topic). Firstly, the term “man” within The Holy Bible according to Genesis 1:27 refers to both male and female-mankind: humanity. Also, in the same verse, we see how God created man in His Image-mind you, God is Love in 1 John 4:8, He, Love, created mankind in His Image. Love is the total opposite to selfishness (satan’s principality). Anyways, we will be looking at the greatest lesson for man/mankind/humanity, within this blog.

Let us start with the greatest mistake of mankind. The story of the greatest mistake that mankind did is found in Genesis 3:6. In Genesis 3:6 we see, how the woman choosing to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, gave it to her husband, and he willing ate it, without saying any word. Yes, and I repeat, “without saying any word,” without replying with a “wait”, or an “I’ll think about it”, etc… Thus concluding, that the first man (Adam) ate the fruit in which his wife gave him simply because he loved her more than God! This was man’s greatest mistake-this was mankind’s greatest mistake!

The greatest lesson for mankind is based on the greatest mistake of mankind. 1 John 2:15 reads, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him.” Its really simple, God should be first in our hearts! We should choose to put God first in our hearts! We literally do that by Growing in Christ everyday-being born again everyday: according to John 3:5, to be born again means to be born of the water (symbolizes baptism of repentance) and of the Spirit (symbolizes baptism of The Holy Spirit). Mind you, to be born again is an everyday thing-Growing in Christ! Furthermore, Jesus Christ even said that if you and I love Him, we should keep His Commandments, according to John 14:15!

Boldly speaking, one can never love someone else without first having Love. We will never keep God’s commandments without first loving Him and we can never Love God if we are not connected to Him (having Him/Love within us through The infilling of The Holy Spirit). One can never love without first having love! This is how important the infilling of The Holy Spirit is! What it means to be born again-growing in Christ everyday! When we are infilled with The Holy Spirit, we are connected to the True Vine in John 15: we have Christ. Click and visit this link for more information about the importance of the Baptism of The Holy Spirit:, chronologically speaking, in John 3:5, to be born of the water (symbolizes baptism of repentance) must always come first before born of the spirit (symbolizes baptism of the Holy Spirit)! The Holy Spirit will never abide within us if we have stains of sin/selfishness/unrighteousness within our hearts! This is why we must seek God’s forgiveness first and repent from our known and hidden sins through prayer before asking Him to infill us with The Holy Spirit of The Word! It is an everyday thing-growing in Christ!

Yes, “God loves the sinner but He hates the sin!” Even though He is the  Creator of this entire universe, the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, incomparable and indescribable God, and defeated selfishness and satan on mankind’s behalf within this Great Controversy, through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He will never force a single soul to accept Him, Love Him, or put Him first in the heart of any particular person, simply because He is Love-this is just Who He is: if He would have forced us, than He would have been selfish, but thankfully He is not, because Love is eternally consistent! The power of choice is yours whether to put God first in your heart or not-every choice has a consequence: the eternal life in John 3:16 and the wages of sin in Romans 6:23 depends entirely on your personal choice! Whoever you choose, I hope you understand that time is something we all don’t have: