Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Time is something we all don't have!

Only God controls time. No created being, entity, or person controls time except God. Meaning, no fallen angel or even government can control time except God-pause, rewind, forward, etc...

Since God controls time, only God knows the future and no one else. Not even satan!  Only God's prediction or prophecies about the future is factual and accurate-apart from Him, all predictions from His created beings are probable and based on assumptions ranging from a 0-100% of happening by chance.

Time is a scarce resource! Wasting time is wasting life. The amount of time wasted cannot be regained, unlike money, etc... For example, if you loose K100 today, you can still regain the same amount the next fortnight, or the next after that. But if you loose 100 minutes of your time doing nothing starring at the wall in your room, you will never regain that 100 minutes of your time that was previously lost.

Time is of most importance. If the amount of duration of time that we have, given to us by God is unknown, than it is of most importance. Since no one knows our future death dates except God since He controls time, the choices we make in this life is of most important since anytime could be your last.

Time is something we all don't have. The power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence. Eternal life or death depends on your choice. Anytime could be your last since the future is unknown. "Time is something we all don't have. I'm glad I'm your fb friend within this unknown duration of time allocated for me here on planet earth. Since eternal life is the most valuable thing one can ever attain, it would be wise for you and I to invest most of our unknown duration of time here on earth trying to attain eternal life. The power of choice is yours, but remember, time is something we all don't have: choose wisely."

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