Saturday, January 27, 2018

Building the Church

This is going to be simple and straight to the point,  for any eight grader to understand.  Firstly, grab your dictionary and define the term,  Church!  There is a difference between the Church,  the Church building,  the Church truck,  etc...  The Church is the people with a common belief in Jesus as the Christ...

These people may be of different backgrounds,  physical appearance,  etc..,  but are united in Jesus Christ,  Who is the Founder of the Church. Without Christ in the center of their lives,  the Church will never be united! Disunity dismentals and breaks the Church,  and is caused by the devil: a key aspect that leads to disunity is gossiping,  etc...  Or in other words,  Jesus Christ alone builds the Church if we let Him to be the center of our lives through our personal choice!  When all the members have Jesus Christ in the center of their lives,  the Church is united in Christ-we have a 'True' Church.

The Church is responsible to build the Church building.  The government,  the PNGDF,  etc..,  are not responsible to build the Church building,  the Church is...  Or in other words,  "if we do not have a Church united as one in Christ, then there will never be a 'True' Church to build the Church building."

The baptism of the Holy Spirit brings Jesus Christ to be the center of our lives. Jesus Christ ascended and went up to heaven but gave us the Comforter,  The Holy Spirit. When we receive the Holy Spirit,  we have Christ in us.  On the other hand, the Holy Spirit will never abide in us if we have sins,  whether it be hidden or for the whole world to see.  Remember,  only God searches and reads our minds and our hearts,  no one else can!  Nothing under the sun is hidden from the sight of God!  That's why we need the baptism of repentance before the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  When we forgive others,  ask God for forgiveness through pray,  we are cleans from all unrighteousness. Furthermore,  when we ask God for The Baptism of The Holy Spirit,  The Holy Spirit will abide in us.  When we have the Holy Spirit in us,  we have Jesus Christ in the center of our lives.  When we all do that,  then we have a 'true' Church united as one in Christ. When we have a true Church,  we will be able to build a Church building.

Remember,  the baptism of repentance and baptism of The Holy Spirit is an everyday thing in our spiritual growth in Christ. We ask God for both through prayer-God will never force them to us since God is Love in 1 John 4:8: Love will never force Love onto someone else,  that is why the power of choice exists!  The power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or death depends entirely on your choice!  However,  time is something we all don't have!  Whether you're flying or falling,  happy or sad,  going rich or going poor,  healthy or sick,  never ever give up on Christ because He never gave up on you in Mathew 27:24-54!

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