Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Basic Ingenious Introduction to Economics

"I noticed photos of some of the wonderful fruits and vegetables in one of the local markets in Papua New Guinea after randomly browsing my gallery... The only reason these products of fruits and vegetables are sold in a local market is because of the limited and scarce resources available on earth today.

These resources became scarce or tradtionally ingeniously introduced as limited into this earth due to The Fall of Man. That is when Resources, specifically, these products of fruits and vegetables became scarce after the Fall of Man, considering Genesis 3:17-19. Thus gradually traditionally ingeniousy introducing the basic ingenious law of supply and demand plus production when formal introductions and formations of such terms never existed. Face it, we go to school to know how to work, especially in the urban areas due to scarce resources and our unlimited wants and needs.

Imagine a world, planet earth without limited resources or scarce resources... Furthermore, that was the state of the earth before the Fall of Man. However, we could still live in such a place thanks to John 3:16. The power of choice is yours-that is if you want to live in such a place."

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