Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The True Judge!


Our focus will be on Mathew 7:1-6! Read it!
Only God is the true judge since He is "the" Truth in John 14:6! Righteous! Or in other words, His ways (Character and Principality) are always right! We became unjust and selfish since the Fall of Man in Genesis 3. Through Christ Jesus (the promised one in Genesis 3:15), we can beome just again in a righteous eternal life (in John 3:16)!

On the other hand, this is not a sermon! Many of us (like me *clear throat*, are not well educated with a Masters or PHD)!

Before we start, pray to God, confess your sins, ask Him to forgive all your sins as you forgive all those who have wrong you and repent with His help-then ask Him for the baptism of The Holy Spirit , Who will help you understand the Scripture (since the Word is the Infalible interpreter of the Word Himself) in prayer!

Get a dictionary and define the word, "Judge, opinion, report, thought and announcement!" Upon differentiating the following terms, Read Mathew 7:1-6 and see how it relates to the story in John 8:1-12!

After reading the above verses finding the relation between both, get your dictionary again and define the term, "correction, reproof and instruction!" Now summarize our topic with 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17!

Its so easy, you don't need a PHD or Masters to do so! Only with the help of The Holy Spirit!

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