Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Ellen G. White upholding the Truth in John 14:6

This is in response to the handful critics of Ellen G. White. The author of the book titled, 'QUESTIONS ON DOCTRINE,' Dr. Walter Martin's question, about Ellen G. White's interpretation of Scripture infallible or not, which left many confused! So here we go, "Ellen G. White is not the infallible interpreter of Scripture, however she is someone who upholds the Scriptures due to her personal relationship with the Truth or the Word. The infallible interpreter of Scripture is The Word Himself." The Holy Bible answers The Holy Bible.

The Holy Spirit helps man to understand Scripture. We're sinners by default due to the Fall of Man in Genesis 3. Therefore we cannot understand Scripture on our own, considering 1 Corinthians 2:14. With the help of The Holy Spirit, one can understand Scripture considering 1 Corinthians 2:13. Only The Holy Spirit interprets Scripture to man to understand since He only knows, considering 1 Corinthians 2:11.

Secondly, Ellen G. White's visions are real. According to the author of the site, Mr. Robert K. Sanders and his good friend Dr. Desmond Ford, stated that Ellen G. White's visions are not credible due to mental illness. Well, the answer is in my blog since it will take a long time to type everything here. Here's the link to the site:

According to The Holy Bible and The Holy Bible alone!  No one can modify, take away, add onto the Truth since it is eternally consistent and unchangeable-the same in the past, the same today, and the same in the future forever and forever. The Truth is Jesus Christ in John 14:6- the Word that created everything that was made in John 1:1-3. Never ever give up on Jesus Christ because He never gave up on you, in Mathew 27:24-54. :)

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