Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Does God tempt us?

God is Love in 1 John 4:8.  His Character and Principality is Love.  He created man,  both male and female in His Image of Love in Genesis 1:27-28.  When the Fall of mankind took place in Genesis 3,  He Himself came down in search of man all because He loved mankind-man did not search God in the Garden for fixing their nakedness problem in the cool of the day. Because God loves mankind and wants them to be saved from the wages of sin, He initiated the Plan of Salvation in which He pronounced to man in Genesis 3:15.

Only devil satan tempts!  It is as clear as that!  Ever since iniquity was found within lucifer,  he corrupted the one third of the total population of the angels in Heaven through 'tempting. ' When he could go no further,  he turned to humanity in Genesis 3:1-7 which led to The Fall of Mankind.  He tempted the woman indirectly through the serpent,  and the man indirectly through his wife who already ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...  The devil is still tempting us today indirectly or directly.

God does not tempt us but allows temptations our way. Its called the Great Controversy!  See,  God is Love, Love is already victorious within this Great Controversy in Mathew 27:24-54,  however,  Love does not force someone to Love,  choose Love or accept Love-that is just Who God/Love is: selfishness is the total opposite of Love.  That is why the power of choice or freewill exists for all God's created beings.

If God or Jesus Christ doesn't tempt us than we as Christians should not tempt other fellow Christians fulfilling the word 'Christian's definition.  I mean,  common sense would prompt us,  "why would Christ want to tempt us to fall into sin receiving the wages of sin when He returns when He loves us,  died for us and want us to overcome selfishness,  not sin and be saved when He returns? " Therefore,  if we tempt other fellow Christians,  it is the devil indirectly using us to tempt them to fall into sin. Mind you,  you and I are not the first so don't be discouraged,  even Peter without realising tempted Jesus not to fulfill His purpose when Jesus turned to him saying to the devil behind him using him,  "Get thee behind me devil satan. "

We all,  as long as we're alive in this sinful planet,  go through temptations by the devil and his angels. Its called The Great Controversy.  This Great Controversy will end when Jesus Christ returns.  Jesus Christ is already victorious within this Great Controversy in Mathew 27:24-54.  The power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or death depends entirely on your choice. However,  anytime within this Great Controversy,  when you're down,  feeling you can't take it anymore,  tired,  hopeless,  will not make it,  etc..,  open your Bibles to Mathew 27:24-54,  read and just remember; "NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON JESUS CHRIST BECAUSE HE NEVER GAVE UP ON YOU IN,  MATHEW 27:24-54. "


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