Sunday, January 7, 2018

As Christians, is facebook a killer?

As Christians, is facebook a killer in our spiritual walk with Christ? There’s a lot of speculation and assumption going on in and around the world today that we can see about facebook and it’s usage. Well in case there is any illiterate or dense slow unprogressive brains out there, we’re going to try to make this as simple as possible. Our goal is to shortly, accurately and clearly explain while drawing a conclusion to the question as our title, “As Christians, is facebook in fact a killer?” Answer: “No, we ourselves make facebook become a killer…” Now let’s further elaborate or discuss this issue by first defining the two words, Christians and facebook in order to have a better understanding of their meaning, while drawing into our conclusion.

Firstly, a Christian is a religious person who believes that Jesus is the Christ and is a member of a Christian denomination. Simple definition would say, a Christian is in fact a follower of Jesus Christ after believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Christians is the plural of a Christians-more than one Christian.

Facebook is a social networking website. Meaning, facebook was created for the purpose of social communication-making social communication easier, faster and smoother. Facebook is also categorized as a social media under the wings of technology within this modern age today. Facebook is also a popular social networking website since most people in and around the world use facebook as a means of communication.

With common sense we all understand that facebook (like everything else in this sinful planet earth except God’s Word The Holy Bible, which only has a huge advantage above everything else without any disadvantage) has advantages and disadvantages. You can even search for valid research into the advantages and disadvantages of facebook online or off-line. But that is not our purpose… So the question would be, “how is facebook not a Christian killer?” Well according to facebook’s definition (or purpose of existence) it’s not a “killer”, but only a means of communication. On the other hand, “when does facebook become a killer (meaning being a distraction toward the true way that leads to eternal life)?” Simple, when we put facebook first before God. Meaning, whatever advantages or features facebook may have, we value facebook first before God.1 John 2:15 reads, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Him.” If we do not have the love of the Father within us, Jesus Christ or God within us (since God is love, His principality and Character is love according to 1 John 4:8), than we cannot have “that” eternal life which was promised to us all in John 3:16. As Christians, God should be first in our lives and in our hearts (through our love for Him, God should be first and the center of our lives and hearts). If we love God, we should keep His commandments. Deuteronomy 11:13 reads, “And it shall be that you earnestly obey my commandments which I command you today, to love the Lord your God and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul,” As Christians, God must be first before anything and everything else. When God is first above everything and anything else, we are connected to “that” True vine as clearly stated in John 15. Let’s not forget John 15:5, without Jesus Christ The True vine, we can do nothing-we cannot even have that eternal life which was promised to us by Jesus in John 3:16 without Jesus Christ.

In this life today, whether it’s facebook, twitter, soccer, rugby, money, a beautiful woman, biological family, extended families, a bar of gold, a new car, a degree, a PHD, etc.., nothing should come first before God in our personal lives and in our hearts (considering 1 John 2:15) simply because He is The Way, The Truth and The Life according John 14:6. We are connected to the True Vine in John 15 when we choose to put God first in our hearts. Furthermore, Jesus Christ is the true way that leads to eternal life in John 3:16. There is no other Way that leads to eternal life apart from “The” Way in John 14:6!  Nothing’s wrong with facebook, twitter, soccer, rugby, money, a beautiful woman if you’re single man, families, etc.., while considering their advantages and disadvantages. It becomes wrong when “we choose to put” any of these things first before God in our hearts. It becomes wrong when we love the things of this world and not God with all our hearts, minds, and soul considering 1 John 2:15. Remember, “Jesus Christ is coming soon, time is something we all don’t have, and the power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or death depends entirely on your personal choice.”

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