Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The New World Order!

This is one of the so called interesting topics of our time today in this Morden Era. What is the New World Order?  Some say a one world  government,  some say a one world currency,  others say a one world religion,  and the list goes on...  The New World Order theory is actually the 'surviving' Roman Empire's attempt to rule the entire earth "once again. "

It started during the Middle Ages. The Roman Empire previously was 'one' ruled by a single Emperor during the Antiquity period. However,  due to its growth and expansion,  it was divided into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman. During the start of the Middle Ages,  the Western Roman Empire fell. This left only the Eastern Roman Empire in power ruled by Emperor Constantine. During that time,  Christianity was not legalized in the existing Eastern Roman Empire.

Emperor Constantine tried his very best to restore the Roman empire to its earlier state back in the antiquity period.  That was always his ambition and aim.  That was always been the surviving Roman Empire's ambition,  aim and objective.  Today in this Morden Era,  we just know it as "the New World Order. " That was the start of the New World Order theory.  Even today,  some people even question Emperor Constantine's real motive of converting to Christianity and legalizing Christianity in the surviving Eastern Roman Empire. For more information into this sub-topic,  please visit or download the video using a youtube downloader app in the following link:

The only New World Order will be the Second coming of Jesus Christ!  The so called theories and attempts of a New World Order by humanity will never be possible even after atempts! Why am I so sure?  Well,  read Daniel chapter 2.  After the legs of iron which represents the Roman Empire (during the antiquity period ruling the earth),  we have the feet of iron and clay which represents the Divided nations in which we are living in today (which started during the Middle Ages).  After the feet of Iron Clay,  we have the stone which destroys the image,  in which represents the Kingdom of God. There will never be any other entity of nation to rule the entire planet earth after the Age of Iron and Clay or divided nations period!  The only New World Order or event that is going to happen is the Second coming of Jesus Christ,  considering Daniel 2 according to The Holy Bible!

Remember,  God's Word to us,  humanity or mankind is The Holy Bible.  The Word is Jesus Christ in John 1:1-5,  Who is the truth in John 14:6.... The Holy Bible is God's living testimony to us,  humanity through inspired human beings due to their personal relationship with God.  Mankind's predictions are uncertain and full of possibilities. God's predictions are always factual and full of certainty! God,  Love,  The Creator of this entire universe,  Who is omnipotent,  omniscient,  omnipresent,  consistent,  eternal,  incomparable, unchangeable,  righteous,  and perfect God!  What The Holy Bible says will happen will still happen: what God say will happen will still happen! Unfortunately,  time is something we all don't have...  Since God is Love and Love doesn't force someone else to accept Love,  the power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or death depends entirely on your choice!  Never ever give up on Jesus Christ because He never gave up on you in Mathew 27:24-54!

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