Saturday, May 12, 2018

Can The Word be Changed?

This is going to be very short and sharp, straight to the point! The Word in John 1:1-4 is the Truth in John 14:6! According to John 1:1-4, the Word created everything that was created in the beginning!  John 1 verses 1-4 reads, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” Considering the above verses in-line with Genesis 1:1 we come to realize that the Word created everything that was created in the beginning within the book of Genesis 1 and 2.  Yes, Jesus Christ or God the Son specifically is the Word in John 1, Who is also the Truth in John 14:6!

Frist of all we must come to understand that our Creator God is a Trinity God Head which is one of the Seventh Day Adventist Church’s fundamental Doctrines based on God’s Word to us The Holy Bible. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are three different persons united in their Principality of Love! Or in other words, they are “one” in their Principality and Character of Love! Furthermore, our focus is on God the Son, Jesus Christ, the Word! All three took part in the creation of the heavens and the earth and all living creatures and vegetation on the earth, however, Jesus Christ the Word specifically created the heavens and the earth (was in charge of creation), furthermore, the Word Himself formed the first man from the dust of the earth (ground) and breathed into His nostrils  the breath of Life (when Life in John 14:6 is the Word in John 1, Who is Jesus Christ) and the first man became a living soul/being according to Genesis 2:7! When we worship God, we worship all three. All three play an important and specific role in the Plan of Salvation of Mankind or the fallen human race.

The Word is Omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Since the Word is part of the Trinity God Heads, the Word is Omnipotent (all powerful), Omniscient (All knowing-searches the minds and hearts of men and knows everything) and Omnipresent (present everywhere within this entire universe at the same time)! All these three characteristics only God has!

The Word is Everlasting! Since the Word is part of the Trinity God heads, the Word is everlasting or eternal. The Word was the same in the beginning during creation, still the same today, and still will be the same in the future. Furthermore, when the Word was born into this sinful planet earth, He was consistently the same in His Character throughout His entire life here on earth, till He died on the Cross, resurrected, ascended and went up to heaven…  I’ve got two words for you, “consistently eternal!”

Mind you, God’s Word to us is The Holy Bible! When we try to change or modify The Holy Bible, we are attempting to change The Word, which is totally impossible and insane to do so! How can you and I, mere created human beings change God (God the Son)? Impossible! Only a crazy dumb civilized or uncivilized idiot will attempt to do so! We attempt to change the Word by adding or subtracting what God’s Word to us The Holy Bible clearly states!

Finally, the Word is consistently eternal and unchangeable! Furthermore,  the “INFALLIBLE” interpreter of the Word (God’s Word to us The Holy Bible) is the Word Himself! Mind you, the Word is currently in heaven right now as our High Priest interceding on our behalf, but promised us the Comforter (The Holy Spirit). When we have The Holy Spirit, we are connected to The Word in heaven right now, and when we are connected to The Word, we come to understand God’s Word to us humanity exactly as how God intended it to be! For further information regarding receiving The Holy Spirit, click and visit the following link;

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