Monday, May 27, 2019

Parenting A Huge Responsibility

We are all God's children! God created the first man in Genesis 2:7 from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life and man became a living soul. Or in other words,  the first man's DNA is actually the dust of this earth and God's breath of life. Life here is none other than the Life in John 14:6-Jesus Christ Himself! So we in the state of a living human being (our DNA), are part of this earth and part of Christ. Thus explaining the fact that even though this earth did not commit any sin,  it was cursed because of mankind's disobedience clearly stated in Genesis 3:17-19-even though Jesus Christ never commited any sin,  he had to take on the wages of mankind's sin on our behalf all because we are part of Him: He even told the first man and woman in metaphor in Genesis 3:15! This clearly explains why Christ had to come,  show us the right way (when He is the Way in John 14:6) to eternal life as our perfect example and role model,  and died for us all because we are part of Him, His family,  and His responsibility (created in His Image in Genesis 1:27)!

All children are a blessing from God considering Psalms 127:3! Apart from the fact that all children are a gift and blessing from God to their parents whether biological or adopted,  children are also a responsibility to their parents and guardians! Parents and guardians not only have to take care and raise their children but train them up in the way they should grow considering Proverbs 22:6! Or in other words,  children are a dangerous tool called "Human Resource!" You can train them,  mold them and teach them to become soccer stars,  guitarists, etc... Within this responsibility of parenting,  the middle core of it all is "Disciple making!"

The core responsibility of parenting is disciple making! It is important for parents and guardians to understand that they are not responsible of some tangible or intangible asset,  they are responsible of human beings/ living souls. Therefore, what they input into the child's development is important in determining the child's future in terms of eternal life in John 3:16 or the wages of sin in Romans 6:23! This means that the core or most important part of the parents and guardians responsibility over the child is molding them to become disciples and followers of Jesus Christ! Parents and guardians are to train up and teach their children God's Word to us The Holy Bible!

Therefore,  it is important for us (especially young people who are not married yet and do not have kids yet) to really think critically about the responsibility of parenting before venturing into parenting! Parenting is a huge responsibility and within it,  is the disciple making aspect of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The parents and guardians are not responsible of a tangible or intangible asset but are responsible of another living soul/ living human being. Their responsibility plays a huge role in determining the child's (soul's) salvation from the wages of sin in Romans 6:23!

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