Additionally we now dig further deeper into my Andrews Study Bible, gazing inward and expanding from my previous blog "Meaning Church Portraying Remnant Illuminating Love which is God!" So with that which was previously stated in mind, now you and I can determine which "is" the true Church within the context of Christianity here on earth today. But before we even get to that, let us not forget that the Church is unified in Jesus Christ, God or Love: His Principality and Character. I know that doesn't make any sense, due to the fact that we now have more than one denomination within the context of Christianity itself. So that probably got you thinking by now, "Which is the true Church?"
First of all, let us not forget the fact that Jesus Christ is in fact the true Church. Or in other words, His life previously here on earth (born as a man) portrayed the real meaning and purpose of the Church. Yes, He was born into this sinful world but was found without sin or iniquity till the day He died on Calvary. Which simply means, He had maintained strong relationship with God (which Adam and Eve were created for: the purpose of the Church) which was connection-less or endless till He died on Calvary. He even said Himself that He was the true Church (an example to us mankind) as clearly stated in John 15: 5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." Furthermore simplifying and simply speaking, Jesus Christ was "our" perfect example of being "Church" since the Fall of mankind (Adam and Eve sinned).
The Virgin woman |
Digging further down into our search of treasure within the Holy Bible, the true Church are the followers of Jesus Christ. Which simply means, the true Church here on earth would not only reflect but have God's character and principality (which is explained to us simply as His Laws) and keep His character, Principality and Law within their lives to their deaths as clearly stated in Revelation 12: 11 (And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death). That would mean that they are the true Church. Yes, the Bible did not mentioned anything about being in a particular denomination of religion (whether Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, or Baptist) guarantees a one-way ticket to heaven! There may be differences in identifying the truth within these Churches to come to a conclusion and certainty that they are in fact teaching and following what Christ thought and done thousands of years earlier, by observing their teachings, The Holy Bible and their "fruits" (whether it be fruits of The Holy Spirit or the unclean spirit).
The Prostitute woman |
There is a difference between a virgin and a prostitute. Within the book of Revelation, the virgin woman symbolizes the true Church as stated in Revelation 12. The prostitute symbolizes the counterfeit Church as clearly stated in Revelation 17. Well turn your eyes North gazing from my perspective, the virgin symbolizes those who analyze the teachings, The Holy Bible and the fruits of the various denominations we have today and choose to follow the truth: which are then in fact in an established strong relationship with God (without sin through Jesus Christ till their deaths: following His example). That would mean the Christians and non-Christians who heard and knew the truth but refused to follow the truth, are in fact the prostitute here within this scenario. Thus saying that the gospel must be preached to all the world before Jesus Christ returns as clearly stated in Mathew 24: 14 (And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.) Furthermore, it doesn't mean belonging to a particular denomination within the context of Christianity (like Seventh Day Adventist for instance) is a guarantee to eternal life: simply because there has to be a maintained strong endless never ceasing relationship with God through Jesus Christ until one dies here on earth as clearly stated in Revelation 12: 11 and Revelation 14: 4.
Furthermore in conclusion to our last hole of treasure searching within the Holy Bible, there is no "middle". Thus saying that there is only "Love" and "Selfishness" (God's principality and the devil's). Thank goodness God is love. He gave the gift of eternal life as clearly stated in John 3:16. Remember, "JESUS CHRIST IS COMING SOON, THE POWER OF CHOICE IS YOURS, AND TIME IS SOMETHING WE DON'T HAVE..."
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