Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Truth about the Truth

The Truth is unchangable and consistent-you and I are changable because we're NOT consistent ever since The Fall of Man in Genesis 3. Jesus Christ is the Truth in John 14:6-He is The Word that created everything that was made in John 1 coressponding to Genesis 1. He is God the Son-God refers to our trinity God Heads, God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit, united or one in their Principality of Love, in 1 John 4:7-10. Now God is consistent since He is everlasting: Truth is consistent meaning its everlasting or unchangable. Therefore the Word of God to us humanity The Holy Bible cannot be changed, modified, subtracted or added because it is the Truth-God's Truth or Word to us.

Only the devil tries to change the Truth-his sole purpose within this Great Controversy. That has always been his intension, ever since the beginning of the Great Controversy up until now. Unfortunately, the Truth, God's Word specifically Genesis 3:15 existed and prevailed through Christ's life, death and ressurection-especially in Mathew 27:24-54, proving God's, the Truth's or Christ's victory within this Great Controversy.

The Truth will never be changed and cannot be changed. There were many attempts according to history, like the Dark Ages of the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages of the antiquity period, etc... But the Truth prevailed because the Truth cannot and will not be changed. Even human beings were persecuted but the Truth still prevailed through time, right up until now. And it will still prevail.

The Truth in John 14:6 is the Word in John 1:1-4, He is Jesus Christ. Therefore, who are you and I compared to the Truth, Jesus Christ or the One Who has all authority in heaven and earth according to Mathew 28:18? Nothing! Absolutely nothing created out of nothing to be something! If there's an oil, some witchcraft god, or telepathic monk scripture, etc.., that can be proven to be the truth than I will glady stop being a Christian and follow it! But unfortunately, there can only be One Truth, and He is Jesus Christ or God the Son in John 3:16. Few or many may persecute me (fig-literally speaking) but will never, ever change the Truth-just like what happened in history. Who am I or you to be  above the Truth? Curse any individual seven times in the Name of Jesus Christ that trys to change The Truth (like satan the first creature who has being trying to change the Truth ever since the start of the Great Controversy, in which, got himself cursed considering Isaiah 14:14-21)! May the Truth enlighten that person and hold him or her in a prision unable to find peace until he or she acknowledges the Truth! ONLY THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU AND I FREE-LIFE HERE ON EARTH WITHOUT THE TRUTH WILL BE LIKE LIVING IN A PRISION AWAY FROM PRISION, UNABLE TO LIVE OR LEAVE THIS LIFE WHEN YOU'RE LIFE'S THAT PRISION!

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