Monday, May 27, 2019

Finding Your Other Half: Finding The Right Partner

Let's start with a personal testimony of mine. When it comes to romantic relationships,  I totally suck. Back in high school there was this girl from a mix parentage of Madang and Aroma in which I kind of really like or fell in love with the idea of her,  in which I frozed,  panic all inward-outward,  and never got to ask her out,  in which my best friend Nevil John asked her out and ventured into a relationship with,  in which got me heart broken silently while never wanting to fall in love with someone again. This was my weakness which is sort of a disease! Every girl that I really really like,  I always froze up and panic to ask them out. Never really had a girl friend for more than one year. Every girl that I became friends with are basically from those random chemistry reaction in getting to know someone first before being in a relationship with them ever since 2010 upwards... Or basically just passing time with someone so that my friends won't consider me a looser,  in which I felt nothing anchor ed inside. My first friend was from small Buka and is cousin to a senior of mine in Lae City Mission Hostel. I dumped her after months of calling,  texting and passing time,  in which afterwards,  I never really felt anything inside my heart-even up until today,  I still think this was the right thing to do! Furthermore,  I've being doing that to the so called friends I come accross in life simply because I do not feel anything within. I always end up being friends to woman I don't like while finding it hard to be with the ones I really really like from within and outwards. This is the story of my life. Furthermore,  I still am searching for this right partner in which God created her to be my other half,  however if its according to God's perfect will for me to be alone than so be it.

Finding the right partner in a romantic relationship is very important compared to how HR managers initiate the recruitment process of hiring the right new employees for the job vacancies. See,  these job applicants in a recruitment process must have the qualifications and experience meeting the job requirments and specification,  you cannot just hire someone randomly off the streets-the success of your organization in terms of profit or loss will be determined by the people you hire. Metaphorically speaking,  this is similar to finding the right partner for a life time.

What insights into this issue will we find within The Holy Bible? Well firstly lets take a closer look at Genesis 2:21-24 to draw some important lessons out of;
- the woman was created out of the man's rib indicating that she is part of the man,
- Adam upon seeing her concluded that she was created or meant to be with him in verse 23,
-Adam named her woman.
-God Who is Love in 1 John 4:8 is the bridge or connection between the woman and the man since God brought the woman to the man,
For further information into this,  click and visit the following link;

On the other hand,  we see Paul's advice in 1 Corinthians 7! According to Paul,  it is better for a man not to get married,  however,  if filled with the desire than so be it. Here Paul is trying to stress the responsibility within the boundage of marriage in which we all must consider very carfully before veturing into it.

To conclude,  not all man and woman are meant to get married according to God's perfect will. People like Paul and even Jesus Christ never got married because the responsibility of their purpose of being in this earth according to God's perfect will was greater than the responsibility of venturing into a romantic relationship and getting married. I mean just imagine what the world would be like if Jesus Christ chose to get married to someone avoiding the cross and His Mission here on earth or if Paul chose to get married avoiding the gospel? See? That's how important God's perfect will is! Even Jesus Christ and Paul had the power of choice back then but chose God's purpose for them or His Perfect will rather than their own.

Like you all,  I do have the power of choice. If its according to God's perfect will,  I don't want to be with anyone else randomly but to be with that woman who God created to be with me. 👌Phone numbers don't mean anything or don't make me anything-I don't need anyone, I only need the right one who is meant to be created to be! 💗 Furthermore,  like in a HR recruitment process all I could do is scan all the possible friends that pop up my way but would really love to finally come across that someone who is meant for me: someone who loves me not for what I have but for who I am,  someone who is comfortable and can handle my worse but happy in my best,  someone who loves me and faithful to me and no one else apart from God,  etc..,  than I will gladly do the same in loving that person regardless if she is not a good cook,  very lazy,  bossy,  or is a little bit older or younger than me,  etc... On the other hand,  If its not according to God's perfect will for me to be with someone in a romantic relationship than so be it,  because God's perfect will is always the best. I hope you would do the same in choosing God's perfect will rather than your own when it comes to such matters!


1 comment:

  1. Yes we all have choice. Understanding goals and consequences are important in the choice of a help meet. Every man and woman is born with the human nature of attraction to the female or Male. Yet each must make a choice.
