Sunday, December 22, 2019

Your Emotions or God's Principles in Choosing a Partner?

The God of the Israelites made it very clear to the Children of Israel that they should not get married to anyone outside of the tribe of Israel. Reading from Deuteronomy 7:3 & 4, “Nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to their son, nor take their daughter for your son. For they will turn your sons away from following Me, to serve other gods; so the anger of the Lord will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly.” This is as simple and clear as possible. The reason why God does not want them to marry anyone outside of the nation of Israel is in verse 4 of Deuteronomy 7. Read it again to really understand why. Mind you, this was during the Old Testament times before the time of Jesus Christ. The same scenario also applies to us today in this Modern Day and Age that we’re living in. As Christians (specifically Seventh Day Adventist since I’m a Seventh Day Adventist), we as in youths who are not married yet, must marry someone within the context of our faith within Christianity and not an unbeliever or Non-Christian (someone outside of our faith). Marrying someone outside of our faith within Christianity can lead to us not following Christ considering Deuteronomy 7:3 & 4. Marrying someone within our faith as Christians will help us to follow Jesus Christ and The Holy Bible since both individuals will be of one mind and faith valuing the same thing, which is follow Jesus Christ the same Way in John 14:6 Who is the only Way. When we follow the Way in John 14:6, we are “BLESSED!” For more information about blessing, click the following link;

As an example of the difficulties we young people face in doing the right thing, I’ll share a personal testimony. I normally do an analysis similar to the recruitment process how HR do in any organization. Photos below this paragraph are some examples of what I do to the woman I’m in a relationship with for analysis before “sealing the deal” or “signing the contract” metaphorically speaking. For more information into why I do this, click the following link;
  I previous had a girlfriend by the name of Teinei Arofa from Tikopia Polynesia island in the Solomon Islands in which I broke up with her sometimes around December 5th to 6th 2019 days before our company Christmas party (my Christmas gift πŸ˜‚). Everything about her was so pleasing and so good. She’s a netball representative of the Solomon Islands netball team (she came in the previous South Pacific Games in PNG), she seems to love Papua New Guinea but taking precaution due to our violent way of life, she’s 34 years old which is 6 years older than me, has soft black hair, light skin, willing and talked about venturing into marriage, desires having only 1 or two kids, really rooted in her conviction, and finally from the Kingdom Harvest Church. Everything was fine, accept the fact that she doesn’t wanna “BOW” (what she said) to me and my denomination as an SDA (which was the only thing I asked of her to do for me to be really happy). I really liked her but because of this reason, I had to break up my relationship with her around December 2019 due to the fact that I believe that things won’t work out in the future (I might be tempted to go to her church as a reason to play soccer on Sabbath)-even she agreed that our relationship won’t work. Anyways, I really thought I could help assist to convert her into an SDA with the help of The Holy Spirit due to the fact that I liked her but I guess I was wrong… My point is that it is better to end the relationship than to continue out of selfish reasons without True Love in It. For further information of True Love in a Romantic relationship, please click and read the following link;

Secondly on the other hand, what about those of us who really are so called fall in love with someone outside of our faith in Christianity? Let’ go back to The Holy Bible to help us answer this question. 1 Corinthians 7:1 & 2 reads, “Now concerning the things you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.” Here we clearly see that we do have a choice as a human being to either get married or not-to get married to someone who is of the same faith as we are or not! All in all, let’s not forget what instructions God would want of us to choose in Deuteronomy 7:3 & 4.

Thirdly, what about those of us who are already married to someone who is not of the same faith within Christianity as we are? Well our answer to that question is found with 1 Corinthians 7:10-16. I will not spoon feed you, please open your Holy Bible to the above verses to find the answer…

Finally, we must come to understand that we are blessed when we follow Christ and cursed when we choose not to follow him. The end deliverable of choosing to follow Christ is the eternal life in John 3:16 while the end deliverable of choosing not to follow Christ is the Wages of sin in Romans 6:23! Choose at your own will since only you yourself will reap the consequences to your own choices-eternal life or the wages of sin for you is determined by your own personal choice! Choose God’s Principles within The Holy Bible and not your emotions!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Parenting A Huge Responsibility

We are all God's children! God created the first man in Genesis 2:7 from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life and man became a living soul. Or in other words,  the first man's DNA is actually the dust of this earth and God's breath of life. Life here is none other than the Life in John 14:6-Jesus Christ Himself! So we in the state of a living human being (our DNA), are part of this earth and part of Christ. Thus explaining the fact that even though this earth did not commit any sin,  it was cursed because of mankind's disobedience clearly stated in Genesis 3:17-19-even though Jesus Christ never commited any sin,  he had to take on the wages of mankind's sin on our behalf all because we are part of Him: He even told the first man and woman in metaphor in Genesis 3:15! This clearly explains why Christ had to come,  show us the right way (when He is the Way in John 14:6) to eternal life as our perfect example and role model,  and died for us all because we are part of Him, His family,  and His responsibility (created in His Image in Genesis 1:27)!

All children are a blessing from God considering Psalms 127:3! Apart from the fact that all children are a gift and blessing from God to their parents whether biological or adopted,  children are also a responsibility to their parents and guardians! Parents and guardians not only have to take care and raise their children but train them up in the way they should grow considering Proverbs 22:6! Or in other words,  children are a dangerous tool called "Human Resource!" You can train them,  mold them and teach them to become soccer stars,  guitarists, etc... Within this responsibility of parenting,  the middle core of it all is "Disciple making!"

The core responsibility of parenting is disciple making! It is important for parents and guardians to understand that they are not responsible of some tangible or intangible asset,  they are responsible of human beings/ living souls. Therefore, what they input into the child's development is important in determining the child's future in terms of eternal life in John 3:16 or the wages of sin in Romans 6:23! This means that the core or most important part of the parents and guardians responsibility over the child is molding them to become disciples and followers of Jesus Christ! Parents and guardians are to train up and teach their children God's Word to us The Holy Bible!

Therefore,  it is important for us (especially young people who are not married yet and do not have kids yet) to really think critically about the responsibility of parenting before venturing into parenting! Parenting is a huge responsibility and within it,  is the disciple making aspect of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The parents and guardians are not responsible of a tangible or intangible asset but are responsible of another living soul/ living human being. Their responsibility plays a huge role in determining the child's (soul's) salvation from the wages of sin in Romans 6:23!

Finding Your Other Half: Finding The Right Partner

Let's start with a personal testimony of mine. When it comes to romantic relationships,  I totally suck. Back in high school there was this girl from a mix parentage of Madang and Aroma in which I kind of really like or fell in love with the idea of her,  in which I frozed,  panic all inward-outward,  and never got to ask her out,  in which my best friend Nevil John asked her out and ventured into a relationship with,  in which got me heart broken silently while never wanting to fall in love with someone again. This was my weakness which is sort of a disease! Every girl that I really really like,  I always froze up and panic to ask them out. Never really had a girl friend for more than one year. Every girl that I became friends with are basically from those random chemistry reaction in getting to know someone first before being in a relationship with them ever since 2010 upwards... Or basically just passing time with someone so that my friends won't consider me a looser,  in which I felt nothing anchor ed inside. My first friend was from small Buka and is cousin to a senior of mine in Lae City Mission Hostel. I dumped her after months of calling,  texting and passing time,  in which afterwards,  I never really felt anything inside my heart-even up until today,  I still think this was the right thing to do! Furthermore,  I've being doing that to the so called friends I come accross in life simply because I do not feel anything within. I always end up being friends to woman I don't like while finding it hard to be with the ones I really really like from within and outwards. This is the story of my life. Furthermore,  I still am searching for this right partner in which God created her to be my other half,  however if its according to God's perfect will for me to be alone than so be it.

Finding the right partner in a romantic relationship is very important compared to how HR managers initiate the recruitment process of hiring the right new employees for the job vacancies. See,  these job applicants in a recruitment process must have the qualifications and experience meeting the job requirments and specification,  you cannot just hire someone randomly off the streets-the success of your organization in terms of profit or loss will be determined by the people you hire. Metaphorically speaking,  this is similar to finding the right partner for a life time.

What insights into this issue will we find within The Holy Bible? Well firstly lets take a closer look at Genesis 2:21-24 to draw some important lessons out of;
- the woman was created out of the man's rib indicating that she is part of the man,
- Adam upon seeing her concluded that she was created or meant to be with him in verse 23,
-Adam named her woman.
-God Who is Love in 1 John 4:8 is the bridge or connection between the woman and the man since God brought the woman to the man,
For further information into this,  click and visit the following link;

On the other hand,  we see Paul's advice in 1 Corinthians 7! According to Paul,  it is better for a man not to get married,  however,  if filled with the desire than so be it. Here Paul is trying to stress the responsibility within the boundage of marriage in which we all must consider very carfully before veturing into it.

To conclude,  not all man and woman are meant to get married according to God's perfect will. People like Paul and even Jesus Christ never got married because the responsibility of their purpose of being in this earth according to God's perfect will was greater than the responsibility of venturing into a romantic relationship and getting married. I mean just imagine what the world would be like if Jesus Christ chose to get married to someone avoiding the cross and His Mission here on earth or if Paul chose to get married avoiding the gospel? See? That's how important God's perfect will is! Even Jesus Christ and Paul had the power of choice back then but chose God's purpose for them or His Perfect will rather than their own.

Like you all,  I do have the power of choice. If its according to God's perfect will,  I don't want to be with anyone else randomly but to be with that woman who God created to be with me. πŸ‘ŒPhone numbers don't mean anything or don't make me anything-I don't need anyone, I only need the right one who is meant to be created to be! πŸ’— Furthermore,  like in a HR recruitment process all I could do is scan all the possible friends that pop up my way but would really love to finally come across that someone who is meant for me: someone who loves me not for what I have but for who I am,  someone who is comfortable and can handle my worse but happy in my best,  someone who loves me and faithful to me and no one else apart from God,  etc..,  than I will gladly do the same in loving that person regardless if she is not a good cook,  very lazy,  bossy,  or is a little bit older or younger than me,  etc... On the other hand,  If its not according to God's perfect will for me to be with someone in a romantic relationship than so be it,  because God's perfect will is always the best. I hope you would do the same in choosing God's perfect will rather than your own when it comes to such matters!


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Does God exist? Answering an atheist!


This will be one of the simplest and shortest straight-to-the-point answer you will ever find! This question is one of the most asked questions by the atheist community throughout the world with unbelief to the existance of God.

Quoting from Ethics Internet Encylopedia of Philosophy, British Pilosopher David Hume argued that "moral assessments involve our emotions, and not our reasons." Furthermore, "Ethics applies asmuch to behavior of the atheist as to that of devouted religious person." Oh, mind you, the founders of philosophy were not devoted Christians... So why do human beings both devoted Christians and atheist "FEEL" deep down within their hearts that it is unethical, immoral and wrong to kill, rape, etc...? Why does morality and immorality exist? How can we explain their existence?

Firstly, The Holy Bible clearly states the existance of a God. This God is the Creator of the entire universe-especially planet earth considering Genesis 1:1. This God is a God of Love according to 1 John 4:8-His principality and character. His Law in Exodus 20 is based on His Principality and Character.

So why believe The Holy Bible? Well, The Holy Bible is God's Word to us, mankind or humanity. Meaning, the Word inspired certain human beings according to His Will in the past-the message from the Word to the people during that time of these certain inspired individuals, what actually happened, etc.., is all written down in The Holy Bible. The Word according to John 1:1-5 created everything that was created in the beginning in Genesis 1 & 2-this Word is the only Truth according to John 14:6, and His Name is Jesus Christ. This Word even made it clear that only those who believe in Him (The Word, furthermore, what The Word clearly states in The Holy Bible) should not perish but have eternal life, according to John 3:16!

Face it, if you're an atheist who doesn't believe in the existance of God, I would like you to ponder upon the following questions... If God or Love (1 John 4:8) does not exist, then why do you as a human being desire to be loved by someone else or to love  someone else in general? Why do you feel that you love your parents, your kids, your wife, or your husband? If Love does not exist, why is it wrong to kill someone, steal, etc...? What makes you feel its wrong to kill someone, steal, etc...? What did you thing happen to the minds of the individuals who made our societies laws to think that its wrong to murder, steal, etc...? Why do we (globally speaking) have laws that is like a line that seperates morality from immorality or from right from wrong? Why do you feel morality and immorality or right and wrong exists at the first place?

See my friends, because God (Love in 1 John 4:8) exists you feel its wrong to murder, etc.., considering the fact that we (mankind) were created in the Image of God in Genesis 1:27, Who is Love in 1 John 4:8! Morality and immorality eixsts due to The Great Controversy which started in heaven considering Revelation 12:7-this Great Controversy is is now faught in this earth in which mankind fell according Genesis 3... Right and Wrong, Morality and Immorality exists because God exists, and so is the devil. Anyways, every choice has a consequence-eternal life or death will depend entirely on your personal choice: "believe at your own choice!"

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Circumcision a Necessity

Circumcision can be simply defined as the surgical removal/ excision of the prepuce (the foreskin on penises). Circumcision is part of the culture of the Israelites dating way back to the time of Abraham. Acts 7:8 reads, “Then He gave him the covenant of circumcision; and so Abraham begot Isaac and circumcised him on the eighth day; and Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot the twelve patriarchs.” Here we see how circumcision is a covenant in which God gave to mankind (His faithful in particular), in which this covenant became a tradition within the bloodline and descendants of His faithful, Abraham. Genesis 17:10 reads, “This is my covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised; and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you.” Furthermore, here we see how circumcision is a “SIGN” of the Covenant between God and his faithful mankind. Cicurmcision is for the man-man fig-literally in Genesis 1:27 refers to both male and female.

Circumcision is also not only limited to members of the families but also to servants or any other human beings considered part of the household, within the nation of Israel as a whole and communities within Israel in a micro-perspective. Failure to circumcise resulted in exclusion from the community. Genesis 17:14 reads, “And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.” Furthermore, Jews normally see or perceive the uncircumcised gentiles as unclean. Therefore, separating themselves from them, drawing a line in terms of being clean and being unclean-this was one of the major issues that results in disunity between the Jews and the gentiles during the time of the early church after Christ’s resurrection and ascension into heaven.

In the past especially within the New Testament times, one of the main barriers between Jews in the early church and gentiles in the early church is over the issue of circumcision. Let’s take a sneak preview at an example from the New Testament times. We see in Acts 15 verses 1 to 5 the Conflict over circumcision, in which certain men taught that unless one is not circumcised according to the customs of Moses, he cannot be saved, in which is not slightly but I should say “totally” misunderstood. Even some of the Pharisees during that time agreed with what these men were upholding and teaching. We see that in Acts 15:5 which reads, “But some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, ‘It is necessary to circumcised them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.’” These teachings of circumcision were totally misunderstood and slightly going off-track from the true meaning of circumcision according to The Holy Bible.

Then what is the true meaning of Circumcision? Considering the above paragraphs, Circumcision is covenant between God and His faithful human beings here on earth. Romans 2:29 reads, “but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose phrase is not from men but from God.” Or in other words, circumcision is the renewal of the heart and the Spirit, which can only be accomplished through Faith and by the Grace of Jesus Christ alone. Romans 3:28 reads, “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.” Thus heading more weight that through faith in Jesus Christ because of His Grace, man can be able to renew his heart and spirit to the original state they were created in, according to Genesis 1:27-29. This is the true meaning of circumcision! Read verses 25 to 29 for more information… A good example of this found in Acts 4 verses 1 to 4 which portrays the theme of how Abraham was justified by faith-in which concludes that He is indeed circumcised. Furthermore, the physical Circumcision is a “SIGN” of this covenant of circumcision from the heart and spirit in which God first gave His faithful, Abraham…

Circumcision is for the man only-man fig-literally speaking is both male and female according to Genesis 1:27. Circumcision is a covenant between God and His faithful which means to renew the heart and spirit from our selfish nature ever since the Fall of Mankind in Genesis 3:1-7 to the original state in which God created us in Genesis 1:27, upholding Genesis 3:15 (The Plan of Salvation). This can only be accomplished through faith in Jesus Christ alone, the keeping of God’s Law through the Grace of Jesus Christ alone. The physical Circumcision is a “SIGN” of this covenant of circumcision from the heart and spirit in which God first gave to His faithful, Abraham… Which means, only the circumcised are accepted by God and will enter His Kingdom when Jesus Christ returns in His Second Coming-only the Circumcised will believe in Him considering John 3:16: which also means that only the circumcised are connected to the True Vine in John 15, who receive the Holy Spirit which renews their hearts and spirit enabling them to bear the Fruit of The Holy Spirit. For more information about the Fruit of The Holy Spirit, click and read the following link: Furthermore, this means that both Jews and Gentiles, Papua New Guineans and Americans, etc.., or humanity in general may able to enter God’s Kingdom if they are circumcised (considering its meaning in the above sentences).

Saturday, June 9, 2018

What does it mean to "BELIEVE?"

This is going to be short, sharp and straight to the point. The term “believe” can be simply defined as; to accept as true, particularly without absolute certainty (i.e., as opposed to knowing). Or in other words, believing is a choice that someone must make from within and outwards externally, that something or someone is true without absolute certainty or proof! Get any dictionary of your choice and define the term, I’m not going to spoon feed you…

There is no way one would enter God’s Kingdom when Jesus Christ returns in His clouds of glory without first believing in Him! John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” It is as simple as that, only those who believe in Jesus Christ will enter His Kingdom when He returns in His Second Coming.

So, what does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ? John  1:11-13 reads, “He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His Name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God.” According from the above verses, those who Jesus Christ gave the right to become children of God are those that believe in His Name (the Name of Jesus Christ), and those who believe in the Name of Jesus Christ are actually those who are in fact “BORN AGAIN!” For more information of the blessing to be born again and become children of God, click and visit the following link:

To be born again means to go through Water Baptism and Baptism of the Spirit. John 3:5 & 6 reads, “Jesus answered, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of the water and born of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that is which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” To be born of the water here symbolizes baptism of repentance and to be born of the spirit symbolizes baptism of The Holy Spirit. Furthermore, Jesus Christ stressed it out chronologically in John 3:5, that water baptism or baptism of repentance must always come first before the baptism of The Holy Spirit-The Holy Spirit will never abide within us when we still have sin within us: God loves the sinner but He hates the sin! That is why we must ask God through prayer to forgive us our sins and help us repent from our sins truly from the heart prior to asking Him to infill us with The Holy Spirit, through prayer. For further information, click and visit the following link:

To be born again (to believe) is an everyday thing and not a one-time event! The “VERB” believe in John 1:12-13 means those who continue to believe-those who continue to be “BORN AGAIN” over time everyday in their lives here on earth (which is of unknown duration considering time, which is something we all don’t have): or in other words “GROWING IN CHRIST”, which is one the Seventh Day Adventist Church fundamental beliefs. Or in other words, it is an everyday thing… Quoting from the footnotes of my Andrews Study Bible of John 1:12,”It indicates a constant action over-time and not a one-time event at a particular moment. Thus, it does not in any sense support a ‘once saved, always saved’ understanding of salvation.”

Jesus Christ the Word in John 1:1-4 is currently in heaven as our High Priest but left us the Comforter The Holy Spirit. When we are “Born Again” we have The Holy Spirit within us. When we have the Holy Spirit us, we are connected to the True Vine in John 15,Who is the Truth in John 14:6, Who is the Word in John 1:1-4, Who is none other than Jesus Christ. When we have Jesus Christ through our connection to Him through The Holy Spirit, we are able to love God and Keep His Commandments (considering John 14:15), and love our fellow human beings, from inward (from the heart) and outward (to the world). The power of choice is yours, whether to choose to believe in Jesus Christ or not-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or the wages of sin which is death in Romans 6:23 depends entirely on your personal choice…

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Illuminating The Great Controversy 10, Politics Within The Family Of God (The Church/ God's community)

This is going to be short, sharp and straight to the point. Politic can be defined as an archaic or relating to polity, or civil government promoting a policy especially a national policy; well-devised adapting to its ends, whether right or wrong. Or in other words, it is in relation to the devising and advancing a system of management. You can check out its definition from any dictionary of your choice for reference’s sake. Like our title portrays very clearly, politics within God’s family (community) started with Lucifer in heaven when iniquity was found within him-the start of the Great Controversy. For further information into the start of the Great Controversy, click and visit the following link; we talk about politics within God’s Family (The Church/ Community), we talk about the Great Controversy between Jesus Christ and satan!

Iniquity within the Lucifer led to pride within Lucifer like how we see in Isaiah 14:12-14 which reads, “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of congregation, on the farthest side of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” This was the start of the Great Controversy and politics within God’s Family (Community/ Church) in heaven, which led to Lucifer corrupting one-third of the unknown total population of the angels in heaven  which were cast down to the earth with him, according to Revelation 12:7-9. Yes, this was the start of politics within God’s Family (The Church/ Community) and the start of this Great Controversy! As a result of Lucifer starting politics within God’s Family corrupting one-third of the unknown total population of the angels in heaven, they were cast down to the earth with him! Ever since then, politics within God’s Family prevailed (which is within the context of The Great Controversy), even up to this Modern Era that we are currently living in.

Secondly, lets have a look at the introduction of politics within God’s Family here on earth. According to Genesis 2:22-23, God created the second man (female), and brought her to the first man to name, in which he called her woman prior to their marriage (they becoming one). Furthermore, God (Who is the True Love in 1 John 4:8) was the connection that joined them in marriage since He brought the woman to the man in which He had previously created. With that in mind, we come to see the introduction of politics into God’s Family here on earth in Genesis 3:1-7, in which satan behind the serpent (used the serpent) through politics persuaded the woman to choose his principality (government style) by disobeying God’s command cunningly before influencing the woman to persuade her husband in choosing to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, in which he ate in verse 7 of Genesis chapter 3. The tragic consequence of  the introduction of politics into planet earth as we can see in Genesis 3, the serpent, the woman and the man got the consequences of their disobedience before God casting them out of His Garden of Eden considering Genesis 3:15-24.

Let’s take another look at an example of politics within God’s Family here on earth that ended drastically in ruin. In Genesis chapter  4 we see the story of Cain and Able. Both brothers were trying to give an offering to the Lord. However, Cain chose to bring fruits to be offered as offering to the Lord after accepting the idea of bringing fruits to be offered to the Lord as offering from satan and his angels , which was their political strategy to get Cain to do something else in which the Lord does not desires of him to do (which is to offer an innocent lamb as an offering to Him considering Genesis 3:21, which the Lord God did as an example giving Adam and Eve tunics of skin from the lamb from the first sacrifice to wear in order to hide their nakedness). On the other hand, Able brought the first born of his flock, an innocent lamb to be offered as his offering of sacrifice to God (which is according to what God desires), in which God respected or accepted Able’s offering over Cain according to verse 4-5 of Genesis 4. This led to Cain being angry which led him to murder his brother considering Genesis 4:6-8. Again, due to politics within God’s Family here on earth, the end-deliverable or consequence was fatal in which Able died while Cain was cursed by God!

Let’s see another example of politics within God’s Family here on earth which have ended fatally within the New Testament times of The Holy Bible. Lets look at an example from the story of Jesus Christ the Word Himself… Throughout the life of Jesus Christ here on earth we have seen many examples of politics within God’s Family here on earth-especially with the Scribes and Chief Priests, etc… One good example of all these, is during the last moments of Jesus Christ here on earth before being crucified on the cross. Specifically in Mathew 27:20 which reads, “But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barnabbas and destroy Jesus.” Here we see how satan and his angels stimulated the minds of these chief priests and elders with their political strategy (getting Jesus Christ’s own people to reject him, hoping He would give up on them, and even further, to kill and destroy him) to choose and agree to convince the multitudes by persuading them to choose Barabbas and destroy Jesus, in which they did…

Throughout The Holy Bible and even today, we have experienced and seen politics within God’s Family (Church) here on earth and its devastating and fatal results which are part of this Great Controversy. Generally speaking, politics within God’s Family (Church) is one tool in which satan and his fallen evil angels use to attack the Church (God’s people and family here on earth) with the intention to “DESTROY” them considering Revelation 12:13-17, especially verse 17.

The best defense against politics within God’s Church (Family) is to wear the whole Amor of God. .”Ephesians 6:11-17 reads, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against Flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to with stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;” Let’s briefly simply explain the ‘whole armor’ of God according to the above text in Ephesians 6:11-17;
1.     Helmet= Salvation.
2.     Sword of the Spirit= The Word of God or The Holy Bible.
3.     Shield= Faith.
4.     Girded waist/belt= Truth.
5.     Breastplate= Righteousness.
6.     Shod feet, shoe= Peace.

We can wear the whole armor of God-have Salvation, The Word of God, Faith, Truth, Righteousness and Peace in our lives by willingly accepting Jesus Christ into our lives. By opening the doors of our minds and our hearts to God: God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit.  Or in other words, through the infilling and baptism of The Holy Spirit. That is how we can wear and have the whole armor of God… For further specific information on the infilling of The Holy Spirit, click and visit the following link;

When we as church members or Christians are being infilled with The Holy Spirit, we wear the whole amor of God, connect to the True Vine in John 15, etc… When we are infilled with The Holy Spirit, we as church members or Christians will be able to “WALK IN UNITY” in our daily spiritual life with Jesus Christ (Growing in Christ). Ephesians 4:1-4 reads, “I, therefore, the prisioner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling;” Also, Philippians 2:1-4 reads, “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” There should be "NO" politics within the Family of God (Church)! Only the devil wants politics within the Church (Family of God) with the intention to destroy God's Family (Church)!