Sunday, December 22, 2019

Your Emotions or God's Principles in Choosing a Partner?

The God of the Israelites made it very clear to the Children of Israel that they should not get married to anyone outside of the tribe of Israel. Reading from Deuteronomy 7:3 & 4, “Nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to their son, nor take their daughter for your son. For they will turn your sons away from following Me, to serve other gods; so the anger of the Lord will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly.” This is as simple and clear as possible. The reason why God does not want them to marry anyone outside of the nation of Israel is in verse 4 of Deuteronomy 7. Read it again to really understand why. Mind you, this was during the Old Testament times before the time of Jesus Christ. The same scenario also applies to us today in this Modern Day and Age that we’re living in. As Christians (specifically Seventh Day Adventist since I’m a Seventh Day Adventist), we as in youths who are not married yet, must marry someone within the context of our faith within Christianity and not an unbeliever or Non-Christian (someone outside of our faith). Marrying someone outside of our faith within Christianity can lead to us not following Christ considering Deuteronomy 7:3 & 4. Marrying someone within our faith as Christians will help us to follow Jesus Christ and The Holy Bible since both individuals will be of one mind and faith valuing the same thing, which is follow Jesus Christ the same Way in John 14:6 Who is the only Way. When we follow the Way in John 14:6, we are “BLESSED!” For more information about blessing, click the following link;

As an example of the difficulties we young people face in doing the right thing, I’ll share a personal testimony. I normally do an analysis similar to the recruitment process how HR do in any organization. Photos below this paragraph are some examples of what I do to the woman I’m in a relationship with for analysis before “sealing the deal” or “signing the contract” metaphorically speaking. For more information into why I do this, click the following link;
  I previous had a girlfriend by the name of Teinei Arofa from Tikopia Polynesia island in the Solomon Islands in which I broke up with her sometimes around December 5th to 6th 2019 days before our company Christmas party (my Christmas gift 😂). Everything about her was so pleasing and so good. She’s a netball representative of the Solomon Islands netball team (she came in the previous South Pacific Games in PNG), she seems to love Papua New Guinea but taking precaution due to our violent way of life, she’s 34 years old which is 6 years older than me, has soft black hair, light skin, willing and talked about venturing into marriage, desires having only 1 or two kids, really rooted in her conviction, and finally from the Kingdom Harvest Church. Everything was fine, accept the fact that she doesn’t wanna “BOW” (what she said) to me and my denomination as an SDA (which was the only thing I asked of her to do for me to be really happy). I really liked her but because of this reason, I had to break up my relationship with her around December 2019 due to the fact that I believe that things won’t work out in the future (I might be tempted to go to her church as a reason to play soccer on Sabbath)-even she agreed that our relationship won’t work. Anyways, I really thought I could help assist to convert her into an SDA with the help of The Holy Spirit due to the fact that I liked her but I guess I was wrong… My point is that it is better to end the relationship than to continue out of selfish reasons without True Love in It. For further information of True Love in a Romantic relationship, please click and read the following link;

Secondly on the other hand, what about those of us who really are so called fall in love with someone outside of our faith in Christianity? Let’ go back to The Holy Bible to help us answer this question. 1 Corinthians 7:1 & 2 reads, “Now concerning the things you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.” Here we clearly see that we do have a choice as a human being to either get married or not-to get married to someone who is of the same faith as we are or not! All in all, let’s not forget what instructions God would want of us to choose in Deuteronomy 7:3 & 4.

Thirdly, what about those of us who are already married to someone who is not of the same faith within Christianity as we are? Well our answer to that question is found with 1 Corinthians 7:10-16. I will not spoon feed you, please open your Holy Bible to the above verses to find the answer…

Finally, we must come to understand that we are blessed when we follow Christ and cursed when we choose not to follow him. The end deliverable of choosing to follow Christ is the eternal life in John 3:16 while the end deliverable of choosing not to follow Christ is the Wages of sin in Romans 6:23! Choose at your own will since only you yourself will reap the consequences to your own choices-eternal life or the wages of sin for you is determined by your own personal choice! Choose God’s Principles within The Holy Bible and not your emotions!

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