Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Am I worthy enough for love? Can I find true love?

"LOVE..." I hear the term love often used in our societies today, and often expressed in various means and ways. Some describe love as the deep affection or feeling of admiration and submission toward someone else. Others say it's when a male and a female unite in complete submission and connection. Mothers say, it's the unconditional feeling of affection, connection and submission they have toward their offspring/s. Complex as it may seem judging from my perspective, "LOVE" cannot be defined in a single sentence. Why not? Why can't there be only one definition to the word love? 

There can't be one complete meaning or definition to the word love itself, simply because God is love. Love is God and God is love: as stated in 1 John 4:8 (He that loveth not knoweth God not; for God is love.) Or in other words, God's characteristic is based on love. His principality is based on love.Thus saying, we cannot even understand love to it's entire capacity of being "love" simply because we cannot understand God (because He is the creator: He created us). God is love and love is God (He is Higher than the Highest: The Creator, Omnipotent, Omnipresent God). Also in 1 John 4:16 "And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." Yes, the only "TRUE LOVE" we can ever find within this universe is "GOD". Mathew chapter 27, the entire Bible and the life of our Lord Jesus Christ previously here on earth illuminate God's character, His principality, His government, and love: which is God. Just imagine, Jesus Christ (within Mathew chapter 27) was rejected by the very people He came to save. He was mocked by them, literally spat on by them, stripped from His own clothes by them, whipped by them, even killed by them, but because He loves them (because He is love), He accepted their cause (which was manipulated by sin: the devil) and gladly bowed His head and said "It is finished..." in the event of being crucified by them and died. He loves everyone and anyone (sick, poor, rich, murders, thieves, presidents, savages, black people, white people, yellow people, brown people, fat people, thin people, pretty people, ugly people, etc...) that's is why He had to save us all from the wages of sin and reestablish the relationship between God (as stated in John 3:16) and humanity which was previously lost due to the introduction of sin (as stated in Genesis 3). This is who our trinity God (God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit) really is...

Basic mathematical theory for any grad school student to understand, "1+1+1 = 3, 1*1*1=1 and 3/3=1." Or in other words, three is equal to a perfect one... With subtraction there is negativity: there can be no perfect love, perfect infinity, perfect power and perfect word cause three is dimensionally perfect and righteous: which is equal to the oneness circle of love. Yes, "love needs someone else to love." Or in other words simply speaking, if our God is not trinity in nature, then there would be no love: perfect love. 

Yes indeed, God's community is based on love. Perfect and righteous love. You and I can be a part of it. All we have to do is accept His love. Accept His gift of eternal life which was given out of love (as stated in John 3:16). And if we have love, we have God: and if we have God, we'll express love to this gloomy, dark, and sinful earth. "Yes, you and I are loved, we can know love, we can express love, we can live in love, all we have to do is to accept love (as stated in John 3:16)"

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