Sunday, February 1, 2015

Was Lucifer cast out from heaven before or after the earth was created?

Before we go into the further illuminating some aspects or panoramas behind the question, we have to first understand how and what made Lucifer fall (the origin of sin). We have to understand that he, satan (intentionally spelled in lower case letters) was created by God beautiful and intelligent in nature as stated in Ezekiel 28: 11-15. Created meaning, his beauty and intelligence comes from God. The text specifically referred to the King of Tyre but fig-literally illuminate the spiritual power behind him: satan! We have to understand that Lucifer was previously perfect and in righteousness before sin was found within him: as stated in Ezekiel 28: 15. 
God created Lucifer with perfect beauty and intelligence.

So how could Lucifer who was created perfect, living in a righteousness environment, was found with iniquity or sin when sin did not exist at all? First of all, we have to understand that iniquity was found within Lucifer: as stated in Isaiah 14:12-14. Lucifer was with pride or selfishness because of his wisdom or intelligence corrupted by his beauty: as stated in Ezekiel 28:17. Or in other words, because of the beauty God gave him, he was found with iniquity. Yes, God gave him! God gave him every thing he had... But why did not God destroy Lucifer from the moment sin was found within him? It's simply because of the fact that God is love and Love is God: as stated in 1 John 4:8! If God destroyed Lucifer, than God is not love: He would be going against His own principality and character. The same scenario applies to humanity today in this sinful earth. Why did not God destroyed Adam and Eve when iniquity was first found in them? Why did God place the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the garden, when it could lead to the Fall of mankind? If God destroyed Mankind when Adam and Eve first sinned, than He would be going against His own principality: which is love, His character. Because His principality and character is love (while devil satan's based upon selfishness), he gave the free will to choose or power of choice to His created beings: even angels. If God did not, than He is not love

So was Lucifer cast out of heaven before the earth was created or after the earth was created? Well according to my perspective, Lucifer was cast out from heaven after the earth was created: as stated in Revelation chapter 12: 9 (And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.)  If Lucifer was cast out before earth was created, than there would be no earth to house or accommodate him and his angels. Therefore, he was indeed cast out from heaven after the earth was created!

Yes, indeed he, that serpent of old was cast out because of iniquity but  thank God for reestablishing the relationship between mankind and God Himself: which was previously broken. Thank God for life and the escape from the wages of sin. Thank God for eternal life: as stated in John 3:16. Remember Ephesians 6  12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. " Yes, "IT ALL HAPPENS UP IN OUR MIND: WHEN INPUT FROM OUR SENSES ARE TRANSMITTED INTO OUR MINDS, THEN THE MIND PROCESS THESE INPUTS FOR CHOICE: WHICH RESULTS IN YOUR CHOICE: FINAL GROUND EVERY DAY!" So where do you stand?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


  1. Greetings

    i understand the part were lucifer was cast out because of his pride and selfish deeds, but when he was cast out of heaven to earth, were mankind also on earth or after lucifer

  2. I believe the answer is: mankind were also on the earth
    This adds to Lucifer's Pride and Selfishness, the sin of "Envy"
    Envy of the human race and may have been the predominate motive for his rebellion against God
