Saturday, March 3, 2018

Israel's Rejection Our Lesson

The noun Israel basically is another name of Jacob the son of Isaac. The angel of the Lord changed the name of Jacob to Israel and blessed him after wrestling with him almost to day-break. Genesis 32:26-29 reads, ‘And he said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me!” So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” And He said “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” Then Jacob answered saying, “Tell me Your name I pray.” And he said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And he blessed him there.’ Therefore, the descendants of Jacob or Israel are today known as the Israelites. For more information about this blessed nation, click and visit this link: Our discussion today will be on Israel’s rejection concerning Romans 9. In Romans 9:1-5 we see how Paul the faithful follower of Jesus Christ expressed his sympathy for the Israelites, how he acknowledges the Israelites as a blessed nation, and how he confess of telling the truth in Christ while bearing witness with The Holy Spirit.

Israel have been rejected of being Israel! Romans 9:6 reads, “But it is not that the Word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel.” This is a very interesting verse! It clearly states how the nation of Israel, who are by blood and DNA descendants of Israel (Jacob), who are not all of Israel. Even though they all, the Israelites are by blood and DNA descendants of Jacob (Israel), they are not Israel (the blessed name in which the angel of the Lord gave to Jacob prior to blessing him). The so called million dollar question is, “why?” Why are not all Israelites who are by blood descendants of Jacob (Israel) are “NOT” Israel? Why would Paul in Truth considering Romans 9:1-5 say such a thing? Our answer lies in the arrival (birth) of Jesus Christ, life here on earth, until his death on the cross at Calvary!

We must come to understand that ever since the Fall of Man in Genesis 3:1-7, God promised a Savior, a Messiah to crush the serpent (satan) on the head and save mankind according to verse 15 of Genesis 3. For a very long time mankind have being waiting for this coming Messiah, in which is a blessing to the entire human race (for more information about this blessing to mankind, click and visit this link: Furthermore, many prophets during the Old Testament times, have prophesied about the coming of this Messiah or Savior. In fact, considering the first few chapters of Ellen G. White’s book titled ‘The Desire of Ages’, it took the fullness of time before the Messiah was to come-the Savior’s coming was according to God’s perfect timing and perfect will: the Christ came into this world in a time where humanity degraded into selfishness in character… When Jesus Christ the seed in Genesis 3:15 finally arrived into this sinful earth, the very people that were waiting for Him (His arrival) did not know that He had already arrived (born into this world), only few knew! Even during His ministry here on earth, the very elect like the Teachers and Scribes doubted Him and were against Him and His Ministry, even unto His death-in which his very own people betrayed him leading to his death, considering Mathew 27:24-54. Because Israel in general (nearly all), rejected the seed in Genesis 3:15 in which they themselves have been waiting for, they became “NOT ALL OF ISRAEL.”

Even though the nation of Israel (nearly all) rejected Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ was one of them by blood and DNA! Continuing and reading from Romans 9:7, “nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, ‘In Isaac your seed shall be called.’” Here we see how, Jesus Christ was an Israelite by blood and DNA, born in the bloodline of the faithful (descendant of Isaac) within the house or descendants of Jacob (Israel). Furthermore, this fulfilled God’s promised in Genesis 3:15… For further information into the bloodline of the seed in Genesis 3:15, click and visit this link:

Israel is a name given to Jacob with a blessing. Israel is a blessing. That is why, those Israelites by blood and DNA who rejected Jesus Christ were referred to as “NOT OF ISRAEL”. Or in other words, they are not part of this blessing-they do not inherit this blessing (which is rightfully theirs or meant for them)! Romans 9:8 reads, “That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed.” Here we clearly see how, those who are children of the flesh (people who choose selfishness within this Great Controversy, whether Israelite by blood and DNA, Papua New Guineans, Americans, Melesians, Africans, etc…) are not Children of God! On the other hand that would mean, people who choose Love within this Great Controversy are children of God-Israel, the blessed group of people that inherit the blessing and shall enter God’s kingdom considering John 3:5 and have the eternal life in John 3:16! Romans 8:14 reads, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." When we are infilled with The Holy Spirit, we are connected to the True Vine in John 15-we become sons of God.

All I can say is that, it is all according to God’s perfect will and plan! Because the Israelites by blood and DNA (nearly all) rejected Jesus Christ, He was persecuted without any crime! Because Jesus Christ died on the Cross at Calvary, the entire human race (even the people of Israel who rejected Him, Papua New Guineans, Australians, Chinese, Africans, Malaysians, Americans, etc…) can inherit the ultimate blessing of being re-instated to the state of being in which God created mankind in, considering Genesis 1:27, and that is a state of being in the “Image of God” Who is Love in 1 John 4:8-His Character and Principality (can be able to have the eternal life in John 3:16)! That is why we have the article “the” in front of “way, truth, and life” (which represents Christ) in John 14:6! There is no other way, shortcut, or hidden passage that leads to the eternal life in John 3:16! The only “Way” to the eternal life in John 3:16 is the “WAY” (only Way) in John 14:6! We too are like them (the people of Israel during the time of Christ), whether we choose to accept Jesus Christ into our hearts or reject Him when He's standing at the door of our hearts knocking considering Revelation 3:20, the power of choice is yours... Yes!  The power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life in John 3:16 or the wages of sin in Roman 6:23 depends entirely on your personal choice! For further information in following “THE WAY” in John 14:6, click and visit the following link:

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