Friday, March 2, 2018

Illuminating The Great Controversy 8, EXORCISM

This is going to be very short and straight to the point. According to the Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary page 531, “exorcism is; the act of getting rid of an evil spirit from a place or a person’s body by prayers or magic; a ceremony where this is done.” Still on the same page, “exorcist is a person who makes evil spirits leave a place or a person’s body by prayers or magic.” On the other hand, there is a difference between demon harassment, demon manifestation and demon possession! Let’s simply define the following terms; Firstly according to page 404 of Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, “a demon is an evil spirit.”

According to Oxford Advance Learner’s dictionary page 706, harass is; 1) somebody to annoy or worry somebody by putting pressure on them or saying or doing unpleasant things to them. 2) Somebody/Something to make repeated attacks on an enemy. Combining the word demon and harassment together, demon harassment is an evil spirit’s repeated attack on a human being (especially a Christian) as stimulus whether direct or indirect, detected or undetected, pressuring, persuading and stimulating the person’s mind into choosing his selfish principality within the context of this Great Controversy! Every human being born into this sinful earth has been demon harassed (tempted) or stimulated (conditioned) by satan and his demons to sin (accept selfishness) and disobey God! Even Pastor Doug Bachelor agrees with us on this, click and visit this link for more information: For example, John was traveling to work. On the bus, there sat beside him a young attractive woman (a young woman in which John finds attractive). Upon literally viewing the young woman’s face, body and sniffing her perfume blown by the wind (which are stimulus entering John’s sensory nervous system up to his frontal lobe or short term memory), John thought that the woman was sexy and hot, and would be nice to have sex with (which is his perception)-this thought is an harassment (undetected stimulus) from satan and his demons persuading John to lust (which leads to sin-sexual immorality)! Another good example would be in Mathew chapter 4…

Manifestation according to Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary page 936 is; an event, action or thing that is a sign that something exist or is happening; the act of appearing as a sign that something exist or is happening. Demon manifestation is an event, action or thing from an evil spirit that something exist or is happening (because of the evil spirit). For example, John was walking back to his home from work one night near the old mango tree, and saw a black tall figure standing there that looked like a ghost of a really tall man. Other people have also reported similar encounters of such entity near or by that same old mango tree.

Possession according to Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary page 1,180 is; 1) the state of having or owning something. 6) the situation when somebody’s mind is believed to be controlled by the devil or by an evil spirit. Demon possession is the situation in which someone’s mind is being controlled (mind controlled) by the devil or an evil spirit. By the way, the mind is the process that the brain does, in which controls the entire body of a human being! There is a difference between the mind and the brain! However, demon possession is when an evil spirit is in charge of the mind (mind control), in which influences the entire body. Think of it as a puppet and its master or the Television and the person with the remote control (for the television)-the person being possessed is at the control of the evil spirit, if it wants that person to cry, he or she will cry, if it wants the person being possessed to run, that person will run, etc… For further information on mind control, click and visit the following link: Furthermore, during this stage, the person being possessed at most occasions does not recall doing anything he or she had done during the period of time being possessed. A good example of demon possession, read Mathew 8:28-34… On the other hand, a good example of demon possessed human beings would be people engaged in the practice of witchcraft (which is traditional satanist-who willingly open up their souls to demons in order to get the things they desire like, astral project sensations, etc...) who are witches and wizards, like Dynamo and Chriss angels (demonic magicians who are fools selling their souls to satan for something worth less than the eternal life in John 3:16).

There is only one true exorcist, and His name is Jesus Christ. We see how the evil spirit/s obey the command of Jesus Christ and came out of the man they previously possessed in Mark 5:1-20. This exorcist not only has the power to cast out evil spirits but has the authority over everything in heaven and in earth considering Mathew 28:18! Or in other words, you and I do not have the power to cast out any evil spirit, only Jesus Christ has the power to do so! Even Jesus Christ made it very clear in John 15:5 that we are nothing without Him. We see an example of this in Acts 19:11-20, when the sons of Sceva failed to exorcize the person being demon possessed (failed exorcism)! Furthermore during this attempt of exorcism, we see very clearly how the authority of Jesus Christ (considering Mathew 28:18) is upholded by the evil spirit/s in Acts 19:15, which reads, ‘And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?”’ This clearly shows how only Jesus Christ has the power (the one with all the authority considering Mathew 28:18) to command and cast out the evil spirit, and also, those who are connected to Him (like Paul) through His help because of His presence through The Holy Spirit.

To conclude, only Jesus Christ has the power to cast out an evil spirit. Jesus Christ has all the authority in heaven and in earth considering Mathew 28:18! On our own strength we will never cast out any evil spirit from a demon possessed person considering John 15:5 and Acts 19:15! Yes, “THE NECESSITY OF JESUS CHRIST!” Mind you, Jesus Christ is in heaven right now as our High Priest, the only way we connect to Him (the True Vine in John 15) is through the baptism of The Holy Spirit. When we are connected to the True Vine Jesus Christ, He will be able to cast out the evil spirit/s from a demon possessed person we are praying about, not because of our own strength but because of the presence of Jesus Christ Himself with us through the Holy Spirit (just like Paul considering Acts 19:15). For more information about our connection to the True Vine in John 15, click and visit this link: However on the other hand, “DEMON HARASSMENT WILL NEVER STOP FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS, WHETHER IT BE DETECTABLE OR UNDETECTABLE, DEMON MANIFESTATION WILL STILL HAPPEN BECAUSE DEMONS WERE CAST DOWN TO THE EARTH CONSIDERING REVELATION 12:9-THE ONLY TIME DEMON HARASSMENT And DEMON MANIFESTATION WILL STOP IS WHEN THE GREAT CONTROVERSY STOPS: WHEN JESUS CHRIST COMES AGAIN!” Yes, we are in this Great Controversy! The Power of Choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life in John 3:16 or the wages of sin which is death in Romans 6:23 depends entirely on your personal choice! If you are tired of this Great Controversy, never fear, be ready, Jesus Christ is coming soon-we are in the Age of Iron and Clay considering Daniel 2…

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