Saturday, January 27, 2018

Building the Church

This is going to be simple and straight to the point,  for any eight grader to understand.  Firstly, grab your dictionary and define the term,  Church!  There is a difference between the Church,  the Church building,  the Church truck,  etc...  The Church is the people with a common belief in Jesus as the Christ...

These people may be of different backgrounds,  physical appearance,  etc..,  but are united in Jesus Christ,  Who is the Founder of the Church. Without Christ in the center of their lives,  the Church will never be united! Disunity dismentals and breaks the Church,  and is caused by the devil: a key aspect that leads to disunity is gossiping,  etc...  Or in other words,  Jesus Christ alone builds the Church if we let Him to be the center of our lives through our personal choice!  When all the members have Jesus Christ in the center of their lives,  the Church is united in Christ-we have a 'True' Church.

The Church is responsible to build the Church building.  The government,  the PNGDF,  etc..,  are not responsible to build the Church building,  the Church is...  Or in other words,  "if we do not have a Church united as one in Christ, then there will never be a 'True' Church to build the Church building."

The baptism of the Holy Spirit brings Jesus Christ to be the center of our lives. Jesus Christ ascended and went up to heaven but gave us the Comforter,  The Holy Spirit. When we receive the Holy Spirit,  we have Christ in us.  On the other hand, the Holy Spirit will never abide in us if we have sins,  whether it be hidden or for the whole world to see.  Remember,  only God searches and reads our minds and our hearts,  no one else can!  Nothing under the sun is hidden from the sight of God!  That's why we need the baptism of repentance before the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  When we forgive others,  ask God for forgiveness through pray,  we are cleans from all unrighteousness. Furthermore,  when we ask God for The Baptism of The Holy Spirit,  The Holy Spirit will abide in us.  When we have the Holy Spirit in us,  we have Jesus Christ in the center of our lives.  When we all do that,  then we have a 'true' Church united as one in Christ. When we have a true Church,  we will be able to build a Church building.

Remember,  the baptism of repentance and baptism of The Holy Spirit is an everyday thing in our spiritual growth in Christ. We ask God for both through prayer-God will never force them to us since God is Love in 1 John 4:8: Love will never force Love onto someone else,  that is why the power of choice exists!  The power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or death depends entirely on your choice!  However,  time is something we all don't have!  Whether you're flying or falling,  happy or sad,  going rich or going poor,  healthy or sick,  never ever give up on Christ because He never gave up on you in Mathew 27:24-54!

Death and Resurrection


Life is a gift. It is a gift from God (judging from my perspective: within Christianity's context). Due to the fact that God, The perfect creator created the earth, and mankind within it. Thus, the sense of mankind’s very existence is a “gift” from the creator God Himself. Yes, God created man (mankind, all living creatures, the earth and the heavens above the earth, within it and outside it) to live and exist in perfect righteousness eternally. Through sin (the fall of mankind/humanity after creation), life itself was indeed degraded from what God intended "it" to be (at the first place at creation): everlasting life in righteousness. Therefore, the wages of sin is death.

Death is the result of sin. When man/mankind first sinned (Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden), God cursed man/mankind for sinning (Genesis 3:15-19), and death was a part of it: the curse of sin (Genesis 3:19 "In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread
Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return." Upon reading from Genesis chapter three verses fifth teen-nineteen (the curses God implemented due to sin), you'll realize that on verse nineteen God was referring to Adam. So why then do female/woman die or experience death (you would wonder and not only man: since the Bible only stated man)? It's simply because of "creation itself": how God created woman/the very first female (God created man, Adam: and took out one of his ribs and created female/woman after laying him into a deep sleep: as described according to Genesis chapter 2:21-23); furthermore, man and woman are "one" as a whole when joined (together in marriage). Or in other words, Eve (woman/female) “is” a part of Adam (man/male).

On the other hand, the death we experience today (while awaiting Christ's Second coming) is described as "sleep". As King David described in Psalm 13:3 "Consider and hear me, O Lord my God; Enlighten my eyes, Lest I sleep the sleep of death;" Similar to as what described above, the state of sleep that God had put Adam into: prior to creating Eve (found in Genesis 2:21-23). Thus saying that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and unrighteous when Jesus Christ returns to this earth. Which indeed tells us that the dead today are in fact awaiting Jesus Christ’s second coming: which automatically means they are sleeping in their graves, “in a deep sleep”. Or in other words, this simply means the real "death" is yet to come.

The second death (final death: in which death “itself” is also destroyed, along with evil, the devil and sin) is taking place after Jesus Christ's second coming. As described in Revelation 20:14-15 "Then Death and hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of life was cast into the lake of fire. The life we have today (according to my judgment) can be viewed as a duration of unknown time in which we have no control over. Unfortunately, since only God controls "time" (and no one else: even the devil or any angle), the future is "unknown", meaning each and every human being alive today cannot and do not know the hour, the exact day and date of their own death: furthermore, the Second coming of Jesus Christ. In clear contrast, the "detailed-record, history and choices" (in regards to the power of choice within the barriers of The Great Controversy) starting from an individual's life here on earth (from birth) to the day he/she is laid to rest (sleep/first death) is all recorded in "The Book of Probation". What the record states in the book of probation determines the end-deliverable or future of that in particular individual (you, me, or us all): in terms of eternal death or eternal life.

Resurrection on the other hand represents "life" after death. Paul describes (in Act 24: 15) that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both just and unjust (according to their records in the Book of Probation, which determines their faith or end-deliverable within the barriers of The Great Controversy: to be on God's side or the devil's) for judgment when Jesus Christ returns. Our lives/life (the life we have today: according to my own judgments) can be viewed as a state of consciousness in a mortal body plus the spirit of life from God (which is a soul: the state of being alive/mortal). Or the existence of a soul (Soul equals: spirit/breath of life from God plus dust/body: as described in Genesis 2: 7).

 Apart from Jesus Christ resurrecting Lazarus from the dead (like described in John 11:38-44, which only He has the power to do so, since He is God: God The Son), He Himself was also resurrected and ascended up to heaven (as described in Luke 24: 51). This we must surely understand that no other being or angel has the power to "resurrect" the dead rather than God Himself. Thus symbolizing the "life" after death and the "gift of eternal life" which He "had" promised (found in John 3:16), towards those who "would" in fact accept Him: His gift of eternal life after His second coming and judgment. This life is different from the life we have today, because it's eternal (supported in John 3:16, Titus 1:2, etc...) and it's righteous (or without sin: since God would absolutely, and definitely destroy sin once and for all after Judgment Day: as found in Revelation 20:14-15).

Yes, today death is a sleep. And each and every individual alive "today", that "had" been alive in history, or still "soon" to be alive in the near future (according to time's uncertainty and unknown characteristics: according to its definition) are recorded in detail (according to their will/choices during their duration of time/life here on earth) into the Book of Probation; therefore, the outcome of their choices within this duration of time/life "will be" their end-deliverable or result on Judgment Day (after the Second coming). But the death tomorrow is final, real and eternal (the second death). As described in Revelation 20:14-15 "Then Death and hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of life was cast into the lake of fire”. Resurrection on the other hand, is the life after death, or represents “life” after death. Physically Jesus Christ awoke Lazarus from the dead because He is God, The Creator, and has the key to life and death. Secondly, He Himself resurrected from death and ascended to heaven which proves that “there will” be a resurrection following Jesus Christ’s second coming. Thus illuminating the gift of eternal life which He Himself had promised (while here on earth: has found in John 3:16). Therefore, death is the wages/result of sin, and righteousness is the wages/result of life. God is righteousness and satan is evil. Whoever (mankind/humanity) chooses God’s side within his/her duration of time/life here on earth chooses life, eternal life. And whoever chooses satan’s side within his/her duration of time/life here on earth chooses death. Therefore, the power of choice rests upon each and every individual (human being) that have been here on earth since the “Fall of Man” or when sin begin here on earth for humanity.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Look unto Jesus Christ!

Sub-title: "Never give up like your life depends on Looking..."

Eternal life in John 3:16 is a life without sickness, pain, sorrow, or basically the consequences of sin considering the Fall of Man in Genesis 3. It is an everlasting life in Love, which is God’s Principality within God’s Kingdom. This is the life that every Christian hopes for! However, on the other hand, choosing to become a Christian (according to the term Christian’s definition) doesn’t guaranty one an easy, peaceful, luxury and satisfying life here on earth! In fact Jesus Christ in His ministry while he was here on earth, did not guaranty us that if we choose to accept Him one would have an easy, luxury, peaceful and satisfying life here on earth! Even Jesus Christ Himself, from His introduction, first coming or birth into this sinful earth, to His life here on earth, to His death on the cross at Calvary, did not experienced an easy, luxury, or rich life! He in fact was born into this world in a manger and not in a hospital! He was born in a carpenter’s family and not a rich ruler's family! His disciples were fishermen and tax collectors, not scribes, scholars or people with PHDs! He roam with the poor and minister to gentiles! He even dine with a so called corrupt tax collector once! Furthermore, He even road on a donkey into the Holy City, Jerusalem, His last entrance on a donkey and not a chariot, while the crowd were chanting “the King of the Jews”. He even died a painful, horrific and humiliating death! Therefore, as our “perfect” example, Jesus Christ Himself lead the Way in which we should follow-a selfless or unselfish life! The Way in John 14:6-Jesus Christ's example!

Jesus Christ made it very clearly that choosing to follow Him won’t guaranty us an easy, luxury, or an happy life here on earth! Jesus Christ is the Way that leads to the eternal life in John 3:16 according to John 14:6! Mathew 7:13-14 reads, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” For more information specifically on following Jesus Christ, visit the following link;

We are to look upon Jesus Christ every second everyday and maintain our relationship to the True Vine in John 15. Hebrews 12:2 reads, “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” The first part of the verse goes on to say that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. These witnesses refer to the unfallen beings within this entire universe including the two-third of the angels in heaven who are still loyal to God! The weight and sin ensnares us due to the Fall of Mankind in Genesis 3 and the consequences of their disobedience, that, we must lay aside and look unto Jesus Christ. Looking unto Jesus Christ is the only way we will endure the “race of faith” that is set before us, considering the above verses in the book of Hebrew.

Looking onto Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith is what we all should be doing! A great example of looking onto Jesus is found within the Old Testament, in the book of Numbers 21:9 which reads, “So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.” Quoting from my Andrews Study Bible commentary, ‘This Scripture was not for worship, although later Israelites treated it as an idoil (in 2 Kings 18:4). Nor was it an instrument of magic. Rather, it was a test of individual faith.’ Jesus Christ is like that bronze serpent! This is the test of faith! The only way for humanity to escape the wages of sin which is death (in Romans 6:23) and to have the eternal life in John 3:16, is to look unto Jesus Christ! John 3:13-15, “No one has ascended to heaven but He Who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man Who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” What does it mean to look onto Jesus Christ? Mathew 22:37-39 reads, ‘Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”’  When we do that the “LOVE” in 1 John 4:8 will abide within us, considering 1 John 2:15, which reads, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Love of the Father is not in him.” Furthermore considering John 14:15 which reads, “If you love Me, keep my commandments.” For further information into looking onto Jesus Christ, click and visit the following link:

The only way for mankind to endure all temptations and wiles of the devil and all obstacles, even the wages of sin which is death, is to look unto Jesus Christ! To look unto Jesus Christ is to have him within the center of our hearts! However, the True Vine in John 15 (Jesus Christ) is in heaven right now as our High Priest in the heavenly Sanctuary. Prior to Him ascending to heaven, he gave us the Comforter the Holy Spirit. When we have the Holy Spirit, we connect to the True Vine in John 15. For further information into having the Holy Spirit within us, click and visit this link:
When we have the Holy Spirit within us, not only will we have eternal life and understand the Scripture, but we will also bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit automatically. For further information into the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, click and visit the link:
The power of choice is yours since God is Love in 1 John 4:8, to choose and accept Jesus Christ and His principality or to choose satan and his principality! Every choice has a consequence-eternal life or death depends entirely on your personal choice: time is something we all don’t have, Jesus Christ is coming soon and no one knows that day or the hour!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

God or Money?

Money is a means of exchange! That’s as simple as you get to define it! According to Oxford Advance learners dictionary, money is; 1) what you earn by working or selling things, and use to buy things. 2) Coins or paper notes. 3) a person’s wealth including their property. Basically speaking, due to scarce resources or limited resources, money is valued and used to purchase the limited resources that come with a price (since resources are scarce)! For more information on scarce resources, click and visit this link;

Today in many cities around the world, money is the basic means to life in the city! Money is used to purchase; food, drinks, water bill, sewerage bills, power bills, school fees, bus fares, air travel fares, hospital bills, rent a warehouse for business purposes, etc… Or in other words simply speaking, money is the key to have everything you could ever need or want in this life here on planet earth! On the other hand, within this “Last Days” that we are currently living in, within this “Age of Iron and Clay” considering Daniel 2, the love of money is a tool that the devil is using to get as many as he can get to not follow God’s Word to us The Holy Bible, to not Love and put God first in their hearts! Revelation 13:12, 16, 17 reads, “And he exercises all authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and all who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wounds were healed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the beast, or the number of his name.” For more information about 666 and the increase demand of money for survival, click this link; Here we see how satan increases the demand of money for satisfying our unsatisfied wants and needs (or basically survival) due to scarce resources, in which persuades us to put money first before God in our hearts!

The love of money is the root of all evil! When we put money first in our hearts, not only will we not have eternal life and face the wages of sin in Romans 6:23, but we face many issues and problems in life! Some consequences of the increase demand of money and the love of money are; prostitution (leading to diseases such as STD and HIV & AIDS), stealing, corruption, drug dealings (to accumulate money), killings (because of money), marriage breakdown (wife marrying the husband because of money, and when without money leaving him or adultery because of money), heart-attack (money pressure due to the demand of money and lack of money), etc…

Money is not the key to everything! Some of us think that money is the key to everything in this world. Well we are wrong according to The Holy Bible! Mathew 6:33 reads, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Jesus Christ even assures us that we will be okay if we put Him first in our hearts… Mathew 6:34 reads, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

When we put money first in our hearts we are disconnected from the True Vine in John 15! 1 John 2:15 reads, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Money is part of this world, like facebook, your wife, your boy friend, your work, soccer, etc… When we put money first in our hearts (or any other things of this world), we are disconnected to the True Vine in John 15 Who is in heaven right now as our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, when we are disconnected to the True Vine in John 15 (Jesus Christ), we will not have eternal life considering John 15, especially verse 5!  For more information on our connection to the True Vine in John 15, click on this link;

God is love in 1 John 4:8! Love does not force love into or onto someone else! That is why the power of choice exist for all His created beings ever since creation-that is why God gave all of us the power of choice! Even though Love is already victorious within this Great Controversy fulfilling Genesis 3:15 through Jesus Christ especially in Mathew 27:24-54, Jesus Christ (Love:God) will never “FORCE” you to accept Him and believe in Him, all because He loves you-all because He is Love: that is just Who Love is (unselfish)! The power of choice is yours whether to choose to accept Love’s Principality or satan’s-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or death depends entirely on your personal choice! Romans 6:23 and John 3:16, the power of choice is yours!

Saturday, January 13, 2018


The term blessing may be defined in simple definition as God’s help, favour and protection. In the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary blessing is simply defined as; 1) God’s help and protection, or a prayer asking for this: to pray for God’s blessing. 2) Approval or permission for something. 3) Something that is good or helpful. Within the Context of God’s Word to us The Holy Bible, We can see very clearly that mankind were previously created blessed by “default” according to God’s creation (the God Who is Love in 1 John 4:8). Genesis 1:28 reads, ‘Then God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Also in Genesis 5:2… Here we can see, God not only blessed the first man and woman but gave them dominion or stewardship over the His creation here on earth (in which He is the rightful owner). The moment the first man and woman disobeyed God, they were cut off from this blessing. Or in other words, due to the Fall of Mankind in Genesis 3, the first man and his wife, all living creatures on the earth, and the earth became cursed-due to the introduction and consequences of sin, considering, Genesis 3: 15-19! Due to sin (which is the disobedience of God), humanity was cursed! On the other hand, there’s still hope, because, before God gave the curse for the humanity, he started by giving the first promise of hope for mankind (the plan of Salvation) of a Savior, Messiah or Christ that will crush the serpent (which symbolizes satan) on the head and have victory over selfishness on mankind’s behalf (which is blessing to mankind, in a sense that He alone will reinstate mankind to their original blessed state of being without curse and the consequences of sin) and save them, considering Genesis 3:15, which reads, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”  Specifically speaking in simple terms, when we are connected to the True Vine in John 15 (the Vine in the Tree of Life) we are blessed! But as we can see in Genesis 3:22-24, due to the Fall of  Man, mankind was cut off from the Tree of Life. The only Hope they now have to connect back to the Tree of Life is their hope in Genesis 3:15-the coming Savior, the Messiah or the Christ!

Due to this promise of being reinstated to mankind’s “blessed state of being” as how God previously created them mankind now have a hope and something worthwhile looking forward for in the years to come in their lives in this, now, sinful planet earth. Or in other words, while waiting that Savior or Messiah promised by God in Genesis 3:15, mankind now had to go through a lot daily just to maintain their connection and relationship to the True Vine in John 15 being blessed-and that is, sacrifice to God  for His mercy and forgiveness of their sins! As we can see in Genesis 4, due to Able’s obedience in God’s instructions in sacrifice, his offering was accepted by God and not His brother Cain! Anyways, after Cain murdered his brother and was cursed by God in Genesis 4:11, Adam and Eve had a second son named Seth after Able and Cain. Seth had a son named Enosh in Genesis 5:6. Enosh had a son named Cainan in Genesis 5:9. Cainan begot or had a son named Mahalalel in Genesis 5:12. Mahalalel had a son named Jared in Genesis 5:15. Jared had a son named Enoch in Genesis 5:18. Enoch had a son named Methuselah in Genesis 5:21. Methuselah had a son named Lamach in Genesis 5:25. Lamach had a son named Noah in Genesis 5:28, 29. Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth in Genesis 5:32. Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord considering Genesis 6:8-the “blessing” that existed due to his faithfulness and obedience to God-as we can see, not only Noah but the blessing of mankind came from his ancestors the house of Seth: for example, Enoch was one of Noah’s ancestors with God's blessing while here on earth because of his faithfulness and obedience to God, considering Genesis 5:22,24. The blessing from God (the genealogy of mankind’s hope came from his DNA) remained in Noah’s bloodline…

After the flood, the “blessing” of mankind’s hope remained in the DNA of Noah and his sons considering Genesis 8. Specifically speaking, the blessing of mankind remain in the DNA of Noah’s two sons Shem and Japheth after their father blessed them in Genesis 9:26-27, and cursed their brother Canaan in Genesis 9:25. The blessing of Mankind’s hope remained in the bloodline or house of Shem Noah’s son, who is the ancestor of Terah according to Genesis 11. Tereh was the father of Abram considering Genesis 11:31. As we can now see in Genesis 12, because of Abram's faithfulness and obedience to God, the blessing of mankind’s hope was now in his DNA, bloodline or house. Genesis 12:1-3 reads, ‘Now the Lord said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house. To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I Will bless those who bless you. And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” We see God’s blessing-protection, help and presence throughout Abram’s life, like in Genesis 13-15, etc… Continuing on, Abraham’s promised son Isaac was his bloodline that had the blessing of mankind’s hope-within the DNA and blood of Isaac, Abraham’s promised son. Isaac on the other hand had two sons, Esau and Jacob. Isaac’s son Jacob was the one whom he blessed considering Genesis 27 and in 28:1, in which the blessing of mankind’s hope vested within his DNA. Jacob also was blessed again, in which his name was changed to Israel (struggled with God and with men and have prevailed) according to Genesis 34:28,29. Jacob or Israel had twelve sons, in which the blessing of mankind’s hope prevailed in their DNA or bloodline.

The blessing of mankind’s hope was in the DNA or bloodline of Israel (Jacob)’s descendence. Specifically speaking, the blessing of mankind’s hope was in the bloodline of Israel’s son Judah considering Mathew 1:2,3. This same blessing passed on to Judah’s descendant Perez considering Mathew 1:3. The same blessing prevailed to Perez’s descendant Hezron in his bloodline (DNA), to Ram, to Amminadab, to Nashon, to Salmon, to Boaz, to Obed, to Jesse, to David the King of Israel, to Solomon, to Rehoboam, to Abijah, to Asa, to Jehoshaphat, to Joram, to Uzziah, to Jotham, to Ahaz, to Hezekiah, to Manasseh, to Amon, to Josiah, to Jeconiah, to Shealtiel, to Zerubbabel, to Abiud, to Eliakim, to Azor, to Zadok, to Achim, to Eliud, to Eleazar, to Matthan, to Jacob, to Joseph the husband of Mary in which Jesus Christ was born to considering Mathew 1:1-17. These (all the way to Adam) was the geneaology of Jesus Christ, the Savior and Messiah, the hope of mankind, the blessing (the True Vine in John 15) in which will reinstate mankind to its original blessed state of being connected to the tree of Life, once again like how God previously created them…

Through Jesus Christ, the entire human race will be blessed. Luke 19:9 & 10 reads, ‘And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he is also a son of Abraham; for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Here we see that through Jesus Christ anyone (either Jews, Israelites, Papua New Guineas, Brazilians, etc…) can be able to be part of Abraham’s blessed family-also, his purpose was not only to save the Israelites but the entire human race which was lost due to the Fall of Man in Genesis 3 (the introduction and consequences of sin). Furthermore, Jesus Christ clearly stated in John 3:16 that “who so ever” (anyone) that believes in him should not perish or face the consequences of sin in Romans 6:23, but have eternal life! Furthermore, only those who wish to follow Jesus Christ and believe in Him will have that eternal life.

To conclude, only through God we are blessed. Only through Jesus Christ Who is the Word in John 1:1-4, the Truth in John 14:6 and the True Vine in John 15, the True Light in John 1, etc.., one can be blessed. Or in other words, “BLESSING COMES FROM JESUS CHRIST OUR GOD!” On the other hand,  we cannot trick God into blessing us because God is omniscient! He already knows our hearts and our motives, considering 1 Chronicles 28:9, Romans 8:27, 1 Corinthians 2:10, Revelation 2:23, etc… I’ll just quote one, Revelations 2:23 reads, “I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He Who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.”  Yes! Nothing within this universe or under the sun is hidden from the sight of God! God is omniscient! Also, He wants you to be blessed! Never forget John 3:16 and Romans 6:23! If you decide to take your first step, second step or maybe more than two steps to “really” follow Jesus Christ, click the following link for further information:

Friday, January 12, 2018

What it Means to Leave All and Follow Christ!

Our key text is found in  Luke 14:26-33. We’re going to briefly analyze these verses. These verses are actually Jesus Christ’s statement toward the great multitudes that followed Him considering Luke 14:25.  In the following verses we see Jesus Christ giving the requirements one should take to follow Him, if he or she decides or choose to follow Him. We’re going to take a detail look individually at each verse before summarizing each verse.

Firstly, the conditions to follow Jesus Christ are clearly portrayed basically in Luke 14:26. Let’s recite or read it… Luke 14:26 reads, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Our key word here within this verse is the verb ‘hate!” God is Love in 1 John 4:8, His Character and Principality! He in-fact instructs us to “love” one another according to 1 John 4:7 & 8! Reading from 1 John 4:7 & 8, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is Love.” Why would Jesus Christ (the Word in John 1:1-4) instruct us to hate our fathers and mothers, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even ourselves, when He also instructs us to love one another? Well our answer is found in 1 John 2:15-17! Reading from 1 John 2:15-17, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.” A simple summary to these verses answering our question would say that, we should put God first in our hearts (lives), “NOT” our father, mother, wife, children, or ourselves (including our jobs, wealth, soccer, etc…) if we want to follow Him in His footsteps and become His disciples! Or in other words, we should love the Lord our God with all our hearts, first of all, considering Deuteronomy 14:5; 19:1,13,&22; 26:9; Mark 5:30, etc… Deuteronomy 14:5 reads, “You shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” In fact Jesus Christ said it is the first commandment! Reading from Mark 5:30, “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment.”

Secondly, Jesus Christ added onto the conditions the burden of following Him and becoming His disciples. Luke 14:27 reads, “And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be my disciple.” In simple explanation, the cross during the time of Jesus Christ during the antiquity period of the European history, symbolizes a shameful, painful, slow and horrible death! Remember, Jesus Christ went through “this type of death” on the cross considering Mathew 27:24-54, all because He loves the fallen human race-all because He is Love in 1 John 4:8: and through it all, He remain consistent (in Love His Principality) and never gave up on us (gave into selfishness and quit) His mission (to seek and to save that which was lost considering Luke 19:10)! “It was indeed in a huge burden to bear in which only Christ Jesus could bear on our behalf all because He loves us!” Or in other words, He fulfilled His (the Word’s) promise to our great ancestors in Genesis 3:15, crushing the serpent on the head metaphorically speaking (symbolizing Love’s victory over satan within this Great Controversy)! So what does it mean to “carry his cross” in Luke 14:27? Carrying the cross symbolizes the burden of following Jesus Christ! The Holy Bible doesn’t say following Jesus Christ would be easy! In fact, The Holy Bible clearly states how narrow or difficult it would be in the path to follow Christ Jesus in Mathew 7:13-14, which reads, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Furthermore, it is an everyday thing! Luke 9:23 reads, ‘Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” That is how it is an everyday thing!

Thirdly, verse 28 states the costs adding onto the burden and condition of following Jesus Christ. Luke 14:28 reads, “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it-“ The simple definition of cost in this context is the amount in value of our lives that we undergo to acquire what we desire! Specifically speaking, the cost here within this scenario is found in John 3:5, which reads, ‘Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” Here water symbolizes water baptism (which represents baptism of repentance) while, the Spirit symbolizes the baptism of The Holy Spirit, in which both makes up what it means to “be born again!” Or in other words, “BORN AGAIN = WATER BAPTISM OR BAPTISM OF REPENTANCE + BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!” You cannot have one without the other! In fact, water baptism or baptism of repentance must always go first before the baptism of the Holy Spirit-we need to be cleansed and forgiven from our sins which separates’ us from God before seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit through prayer! Even Jesus Christ went through baptism of repentance or water baptism first before the baptism of The Holy Spirit as our perfect example in Mathew 3, before entering the wilderness to be tempted by satan in Mathew 4! In fact, that is the only way we connect and maintain our relationship (connection) to the True Vine (in John 15), Who is in heaven right now interceeding on our behalf *(that is how important the Holy Spirit is within the context of John 15, Who connects us to the True Vine in heaven right now as we await His Second Coming)! Furthermore, it is an everyday thing like the burden and the condition of following Jesus Christ! The cost of following Jesus Christ (value in terms of our seeking God’s forgiveness, repent and baptism of the Holy Spirit everyday in our lives)!

Fourthly, verse 29 and 30 states the regret and shame of the consequences of “not applying the above paragraphs that we have previously discussed!” Luke 14:29 & 30 reads, “-least, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, this man began to build and was not able to finish.”  It would be sad for us, Christians, people who have claimed to accept Jesus Christ and to be followers of Jesus Christ to not actually “follow” Him according to The Word The Holy Bible on that very day when He comes again in His Second Coming to this planet earth!  When we become part of the Church of God, we automatically have a mission according to Mathew 28:19 which was His Commission to the early disciples, assuming that we are already connected to the True Vine in John 15! In fact, Jesus Christ, instructed His disciples to wait in the upper room “for the Day of Pentecost” (baptism of The Holy Spirit) before they could carry out their mission during their time here on earth considering Acts 1:4-5!

To conclude, that is how important it is for anyone who considers himself or herself a Christian! If we want to become a Christian according to what we have just analyzed with The Holy Bible, we must abide by the “Condition” (which is to put God first in our hearts), bear the “Burden” (carry our cross), and incur the “Cost” (water baptism or baptism of repentance and baptism of the Holy Spirit) daily (everyday here on earth)! All three should go together hand-in-hand every day in our lives-you cannot have one without the other two!  That is the only way we will be able to connect and maintain our relationship or connection to the True Vine in John 15 Who is in heaven right now interceeding on our behalf as the heavenly High Priest in the heavenly Sanctuary! “Remember, God is Love in 1 John 4:8! Even though He is already victorious within this Great Controversy according to Mathew 27:24-54, He will never force you to believe or accept Him into your life because He is Love! The power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence-eternal life or death will be determined by your personal choice!”

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Truth about the Truth

The Truth is unchangable and consistent-you and I are changable because we're NOT consistent ever since The Fall of Man in Genesis 3. Jesus Christ is the Truth in John 14:6-He is The Word that created everything that was made in John 1 coressponding to Genesis 1. He is God the Son-God refers to our trinity God Heads, God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit, united or one in their Principality of Love, in 1 John 4:7-10. Now God is consistent since He is everlasting: Truth is consistent meaning its everlasting or unchangable. Therefore the Word of God to us humanity The Holy Bible cannot be changed, modified, subtracted or added because it is the Truth-God's Truth or Word to us.

Only the devil tries to change the Truth-his sole purpose within this Great Controversy. That has always been his intension, ever since the beginning of the Great Controversy up until now. Unfortunately, the Truth, God's Word specifically Genesis 3:15 existed and prevailed through Christ's life, death and ressurection-especially in Mathew 27:24-54, proving God's, the Truth's or Christ's victory within this Great Controversy.

The Truth will never be changed and cannot be changed. There were many attempts according to history, like the Dark Ages of the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages of the antiquity period, etc... But the Truth prevailed because the Truth cannot and will not be changed. Even human beings were persecuted but the Truth still prevailed through time, right up until now. And it will still prevail.

The Truth in John 14:6 is the Word in John 1:1-4, He is Jesus Christ. Therefore, who are you and I compared to the Truth, Jesus Christ or the One Who has all authority in heaven and earth according to Mathew 28:18? Nothing! Absolutely nothing created out of nothing to be something! If there's an oil, some witchcraft god, or telepathic monk scripture, etc.., that can be proven to be the truth than I will glady stop being a Christian and follow it! But unfortunately, there can only be One Truth, and He is Jesus Christ or God the Son in John 3:16. Few or many may persecute me (fig-literally speaking) but will never, ever change the Truth-just like what happened in history. Who am I or you to be  above the Truth? Curse any individual seven times in the Name of Jesus Christ that trys to change The Truth (like satan the first creature who has being trying to change the Truth ever since the start of the Great Controversy, in which, got himself cursed considering Isaiah 14:14-21)! May the Truth enlighten that person and hold him or her in a prision unable to find peace until he or she acknowledges the Truth! ONLY THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU AND I FREE-LIFE HERE ON EARTH WITHOUT THE TRUTH WILL BE LIKE LIVING IN A PRISION AWAY FROM PRISION, UNABLE TO LIVE OR LEAVE THIS LIFE WHEN YOU'RE LIFE'S THAT PRISION!

The Basic Ingenious Introduction to Economics

"I noticed photos of some of the wonderful fruits and vegetables in one of the local markets in Papua New Guinea after randomly browsing my gallery... The only reason these products of fruits and vegetables are sold in a local market is because of the limited and scarce resources available on earth today.

These resources became scarce or tradtionally ingeniously introduced as limited into this earth due to The Fall of Man. That is when Resources, specifically, these products of fruits and vegetables became scarce after the Fall of Man, considering Genesis 3:17-19. Thus gradually traditionally ingeniousy introducing the basic ingenious law of supply and demand plus production when formal introductions and formations of such terms never existed. Face it, we go to school to know how to work, especially in the urban areas due to scarce resources and our unlimited wants and needs.

Imagine a world, planet earth without limited resources or scarce resources... Furthermore, that was the state of the earth before the Fall of Man. However, we could still live in such a place thanks to John 3:16. The power of choice is yours-that is if you want to live in such a place."

The New World Order!

This is one of the so called interesting topics of our time today in this Morden Era. What is the New World Order?  Some say a one world  government,  some say a one world currency,  others say a one world religion,  and the list goes on...  The New World Order theory is actually the 'surviving' Roman Empire's attempt to rule the entire earth "once again. "

It started during the Middle Ages. The Roman Empire previously was 'one' ruled by a single Emperor during the Antiquity period. However,  due to its growth and expansion,  it was divided into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman. During the start of the Middle Ages,  the Western Roman Empire fell. This left only the Eastern Roman Empire in power ruled by Emperor Constantine. During that time,  Christianity was not legalized in the existing Eastern Roman Empire.

Emperor Constantine tried his very best to restore the Roman empire to its earlier state back in the antiquity period.  That was always his ambition and aim.  That was always been the surviving Roman Empire's ambition,  aim and objective.  Today in this Morden Era,  we just know it as "the New World Order. " That was the start of the New World Order theory.  Even today,  some people even question Emperor Constantine's real motive of converting to Christianity and legalizing Christianity in the surviving Eastern Roman Empire. For more information into this sub-topic,  please visit or download the video using a youtube downloader app in the following link:

The only New World Order will be the Second coming of Jesus Christ!  The so called theories and attempts of a New World Order by humanity will never be possible even after atempts! Why am I so sure?  Well,  read Daniel chapter 2.  After the legs of iron which represents the Roman Empire (during the antiquity period ruling the earth),  we have the feet of iron and clay which represents the Divided nations in which we are living in today (which started during the Middle Ages).  After the feet of Iron Clay,  we have the stone which destroys the image,  in which represents the Kingdom of God. There will never be any other entity of nation to rule the entire planet earth after the Age of Iron and Clay or divided nations period!  The only New World Order or event that is going to happen is the Second coming of Jesus Christ,  considering Daniel 2 according to The Holy Bible!

Remember,  God's Word to us,  humanity or mankind is The Holy Bible.  The Word is Jesus Christ in John 1:1-5,  Who is the truth in John 14:6.... The Holy Bible is God's living testimony to us,  humanity through inspired human beings due to their personal relationship with God.  Mankind's predictions are uncertain and full of possibilities. God's predictions are always factual and full of certainty! God,  Love,  The Creator of this entire universe,  Who is omnipotent,  omniscient,  omnipresent,  consistent,  eternal,  incomparable, unchangeable,  righteous,  and perfect God!  What The Holy Bible says will happen will still happen: what God say will happen will still happen! Unfortunately,  time is something we all don't have...  Since God is Love and Love doesn't force someone else to accept Love,  the power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or death depends entirely on your choice!  Never ever give up on Jesus Christ because He never gave up on you in Mathew 27:24-54!

The True Judge!


Our focus will be on Mathew 7:1-6! Read it!
Only God is the true judge since He is "the" Truth in John 14:6! Righteous! Or in other words, His ways (Character and Principality) are always right! We became unjust and selfish since the Fall of Man in Genesis 3. Through Christ Jesus (the promised one in Genesis 3:15), we can beome just again in a righteous eternal life (in John 3:16)!

On the other hand, this is not a sermon! Many of us (like me *clear throat*, are not well educated with a Masters or PHD)!

Before we start, pray to God, confess your sins, ask Him to forgive all your sins as you forgive all those who have wrong you and repent with His help-then ask Him for the baptism of The Holy Spirit , Who will help you understand the Scripture (since the Word is the Infalible interpreter of the Word Himself) in prayer!

Get a dictionary and define the word, "Judge, opinion, report, thought and announcement!" Upon differentiating the following terms, Read Mathew 7:1-6 and see how it relates to the story in John 8:1-12!

After reading the above verses finding the relation between both, get your dictionary again and define the term, "correction, reproof and instruction!" Now summarize our topic with 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17!

Its so easy, you don't need a PHD or Masters to do so! Only with the help of The Holy Spirit!

Time is something we all don't have!

Only God controls time. No created being, entity, or person controls time except God. Meaning, no fallen angel or even government can control time except God-pause, rewind, forward, etc...

Since God controls time, only God knows the future and no one else. Not even satan!  Only God's prediction or prophecies about the future is factual and accurate-apart from Him, all predictions from His created beings are probable and based on assumptions ranging from a 0-100% of happening by chance.

Time is a scarce resource! Wasting time is wasting life. The amount of time wasted cannot be regained, unlike money, etc... For example, if you loose K100 today, you can still regain the same amount the next fortnight, or the next after that. But if you loose 100 minutes of your time doing nothing starring at the wall in your room, you will never regain that 100 minutes of your time that was previously lost.

Time is of most importance. If the amount of duration of time that we have, given to us by God is unknown, than it is of most importance. Since no one knows our future death dates except God since He controls time, the choices we make in this life is of most important since anytime could be your last.

Time is something we all don't have. The power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence. Eternal life or death depends on your choice. Anytime could be your last since the future is unknown. "Time is something we all don't have. I'm glad I'm your fb friend within this unknown duration of time allocated for me here on planet earth. Since eternal life is the most valuable thing one can ever attain, it would be wise for you and I to invest most of our unknown duration of time here on earth trying to attain eternal life. The power of choice is yours, but remember, time is something we all don't have: choose wisely."

Ellen G. White upholding the Truth in John 14:6

This is in response to the handful critics of Ellen G. White. The author of the book titled, 'QUESTIONS ON DOCTRINE,' Dr. Walter Martin's question, about Ellen G. White's interpretation of Scripture infallible or not, which left many confused! So here we go, "Ellen G. White is not the infallible interpreter of Scripture, however she is someone who upholds the Scriptures due to her personal relationship with the Truth or the Word. The infallible interpreter of Scripture is The Word Himself." The Holy Bible answers The Holy Bible.

The Holy Spirit helps man to understand Scripture. We're sinners by default due to the Fall of Man in Genesis 3. Therefore we cannot understand Scripture on our own, considering 1 Corinthians 2:14. With the help of The Holy Spirit, one can understand Scripture considering 1 Corinthians 2:13. Only The Holy Spirit interprets Scripture to man to understand since He only knows, considering 1 Corinthians 2:11.

Secondly, Ellen G. White's visions are real. According to the author of the site, Mr. Robert K. Sanders and his good friend Dr. Desmond Ford, stated that Ellen G. White's visions are not credible due to mental illness. Well, the answer is in my blog since it will take a long time to type everything here. Here's the link to the site:

According to The Holy Bible and The Holy Bible alone!  No one can modify, take away, add onto the Truth since it is eternally consistent and unchangeable-the same in the past, the same today, and the same in the future forever and forever. The Truth is Jesus Christ in John 14:6- the Word that created everything that was made in John 1:1-3. Never ever give up on Jesus Christ because He never gave up on you, in Mathew 27:24-54. :)

Does God tempt us?

God is Love in 1 John 4:8.  His Character and Principality is Love.  He created man,  both male and female in His Image of Love in Genesis 1:27-28.  When the Fall of mankind took place in Genesis 3,  He Himself came down in search of man all because He loved mankind-man did not search God in the Garden for fixing their nakedness problem in the cool of the day. Because God loves mankind and wants them to be saved from the wages of sin, He initiated the Plan of Salvation in which He pronounced to man in Genesis 3:15.

Only devil satan tempts!  It is as clear as that!  Ever since iniquity was found within lucifer,  he corrupted the one third of the total population of the angels in Heaven through 'tempting. ' When he could go no further,  he turned to humanity in Genesis 3:1-7 which led to The Fall of Mankind.  He tempted the woman indirectly through the serpent,  and the man indirectly through his wife who already ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...  The devil is still tempting us today indirectly or directly.

God does not tempt us but allows temptations our way. Its called the Great Controversy!  See,  God is Love, Love is already victorious within this Great Controversy in Mathew 27:24-54,  however,  Love does not force someone to Love,  choose Love or accept Love-that is just Who God/Love is: selfishness is the total opposite of Love.  That is why the power of choice or freewill exists for all God's created beings.

If God or Jesus Christ doesn't tempt us than we as Christians should not tempt other fellow Christians fulfilling the word 'Christian's definition.  I mean,  common sense would prompt us,  "why would Christ want to tempt us to fall into sin receiving the wages of sin when He returns when He loves us,  died for us and want us to overcome selfishness,  not sin and be saved when He returns? " Therefore,  if we tempt other fellow Christians,  it is the devil indirectly using us to tempt them to fall into sin. Mind you,  you and I are not the first so don't be discouraged,  even Peter without realising tempted Jesus not to fulfill His purpose when Jesus turned to him saying to the devil behind him using him,  "Get thee behind me devil satan. "

We all,  as long as we're alive in this sinful planet,  go through temptations by the devil and his angels. Its called The Great Controversy.  This Great Controversy will end when Jesus Christ returns.  Jesus Christ is already victorious within this Great Controversy in Mathew 27:24-54.  The power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or death depends entirely on your choice. However,  anytime within this Great Controversy,  when you're down,  feeling you can't take it anymore,  tired,  hopeless,  will not make it,  etc..,  open your Bibles to Mathew 27:24-54,  read and just remember; "NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON JESUS CHRIST BECAUSE HE NEVER GAVE UP ON YOU IN,  MATHEW 27:24-54. "


Answering an atheist's question "does God exist?"

This will be one of the simplest and shortest straight-to-the-point answer you will ever find! This question is one of the most asked questions by the atheist community throughout the world with unbelief to the existance of God.

Firstly, The Holy Bible clearly states the existance of a God. This God is the Creator of the entire universe-especially planet earth considering Genesis 1:1. This God is a God of Love according to 1 John 4:8-His principality and character. His Law in Exodus 20 is based on His Principality and Character.

So why believe The Holy Bible? Well, The Holy Bible is God's Word to us, mankind or humanity. Meaning, the Word inspired certain human beings according to His Will in the past-the message from the Word to the people during that time of these certain inspired individuals, what actually happened, etc.., is all written down in The Holy Bible. The Word according to John 1:1-5 created everything that was created in the beginning in Genesis 1 & 2-this Word is the only Truth according to John 14:6, and His Name is Jesus Christ. This Word even made it clear that only those who believe in Him (The Word, furthermore, what The Word clearly states in The Holy Bible) should not perish but have eternal life, according to John 3:16!

Face it, if you're an atheist who doesn't believe in the existance of God, I would like you to ponder upon the following questions... If God or Love (1 John 4:8) does not exist, then why do you as a human being desire to be loved by someone else or to love  someone else in general? Why do you feel that you love your parents, your kids, your wife, or your husband? If Love does not exist, why is it wrong to kill someone, steal, etc...? What makes you feel its wrong to kill someone, steal, etc...? What did you thing happen to the minds of the individuals who made our societies laws to think that its wrong to murder, steal, etc...? Why do we (globally speaking) have laws that is like a line that seperates morality from immorality or from right from wrong? Why do you feel morality and immorality or right and wrong exists at the first place?

See my friends, because God (Love in 1 John 4:8) exists you feel its wrong to murder, etc.., considering the fact that we (mankind) were created in the Image of God in Genesis 1:27, Who is Love in 1 John 4:8! Morality and immorality eixsts due to The Great Controversy which started in heaven considering Revelation 12:7-this Great Controversy is is now faught in this earth in which mankind fell according Genesis 3... Right and Wrong, Morality and Immorality exists because God exists, and so is the devil. Anyways, every choice has a consequence-eternal life or death will depend entirely on your personal choice: "believe at your own choice!"

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

True Love in a Romantic Relationship

Romantic relationship and marriage is meant for a male and a female considering Genesis 1 & 2. It's almost valentines day, which is another human event in mankind's cultures. However, a romantic relationship between a male and a female and marriage is biblical considering The Holy Bible-specifically in Genesis 2:22-25. Furthermore, The Holy Bible is actually God's Word to us humanity. The Word in John 1:1-5 is Jesus Christ, Who is the Truth in John 14:6. Now, Jesus Christ is God The Son in our Trinity God Heads united in their Principality and Character of Love, according to 1 John 4:8. God is Love. Love is eternally consistant and unchangeable, the same in the beginning, the same today, and still will be the same in the future.

True Love is God. God is Love according to 1 John 4:8. He is the one and only true Love or true God. That is why today in this world that we live in, Love has many definitions-Love cannot be truly defined into its entire capacity of being Love because God is Love.

Mankind were previously created in the Image of Love. According to Genesis 1:27-29, man, both male and female were previously created in the Image of Love. Therefore, without Love in our lives today, life would be meaningless, empty, and unsatisfactory. The Fall of Man or sin separates and disconnects us from Love.  When we connect to Love, we may have life. Life is satisfying with Love because we were previously created in the Image of Love.

True Love in a romantic relationship between a male and a female lasts! It lasts and is satisfying then a romantic relationship based on looks, money, talent, sex, status, arranged, cars, etc.., which is not satisfying, goes through alot of problems, and has a high chance of failure. Yes, many problems, especially divorces are results of not having True Love within their marriages and relationship.

A romantic relationship and marriage with True Love lasts and is satisfactory. When a male has a strong relationship with God or Love, when the female has strong relationship with God or Love, while, both are in a romantic relationship or marriage, that is satisfying and will last. That is True Love in a romantic relationship. Furthermore, the state of true Love in a romantic relationship is based on both the male and female's personal relationship with Love-failure happens when they have a poor personal relationship with God. This applys to all other relationships.

You cannot Love someone else without first having Love. When we have Love, God or have a strong personal relationship with Christ, we will be able to Love-bear the fruit of The Holy Spirit.

God is Love. When you're saying 'I love you' to someone or something, please know that you're putting God in between you and that someone or something, making God your means of connection or relation to that person or thing. God is Love-He loves you. That is why the Plan of Salvation existed. All because God loves you. Remember, whether you're flying or falling, going rich or going poor, happy or sad, healthy or sick, never ever give up on Jesus Christ because He never gave up on you, in Mathew 27:24-54!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

As Christians, is facebook a killer?

As Christians, is facebook a killer in our spiritual walk with Christ? There’s a lot of speculation and assumption going on in and around the world today that we can see about facebook and it’s usage. Well in case there is any illiterate or dense slow unprogressive brains out there, we’re going to try to make this as simple as possible. Our goal is to shortly, accurately and clearly explain while drawing a conclusion to the question as our title, “As Christians, is facebook in fact a killer?” Answer: “No, we ourselves make facebook become a killer…” Now let’s further elaborate or discuss this issue by first defining the two words, Christians and facebook in order to have a better understanding of their meaning, while drawing into our conclusion.

Firstly, a Christian is a religious person who believes that Jesus is the Christ and is a member of a Christian denomination. Simple definition would say, a Christian is in fact a follower of Jesus Christ after believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Christians is the plural of a Christians-more than one Christian.

Facebook is a social networking website. Meaning, facebook was created for the purpose of social communication-making social communication easier, faster and smoother. Facebook is also categorized as a social media under the wings of technology within this modern age today. Facebook is also a popular social networking website since most people in and around the world use facebook as a means of communication.

With common sense we all understand that facebook (like everything else in this sinful planet earth except God’s Word The Holy Bible, which only has a huge advantage above everything else without any disadvantage) has advantages and disadvantages. You can even search for valid research into the advantages and disadvantages of facebook online or off-line. But that is not our purpose… So the question would be, “how is facebook not a Christian killer?” Well according to facebook’s definition (or purpose of existence) it’s not a “killer”, but only a means of communication. On the other hand, “when does facebook become a killer (meaning being a distraction toward the true way that leads to eternal life)?” Simple, when we put facebook first before God. Meaning, whatever advantages or features facebook may have, we value facebook first before God.1 John 2:15 reads, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Him.” If we do not have the love of the Father within us, Jesus Christ or God within us (since God is love, His principality and Character is love according to 1 John 4:8), than we cannot have “that” eternal life which was promised to us all in John 3:16. As Christians, God should be first in our lives and in our hearts (through our love for Him, God should be first and the center of our lives and hearts). If we love God, we should keep His commandments. Deuteronomy 11:13 reads, “And it shall be that you earnestly obey my commandments which I command you today, to love the Lord your God and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul,” As Christians, God must be first before anything and everything else. When God is first above everything and anything else, we are connected to “that” True vine as clearly stated in John 15. Let’s not forget John 15:5, without Jesus Christ The True vine, we can do nothing-we cannot even have that eternal life which was promised to us by Jesus in John 3:16 without Jesus Christ.

In this life today, whether it’s facebook, twitter, soccer, rugby, money, a beautiful woman, biological family, extended families, a bar of gold, a new car, a degree, a PHD, etc.., nothing should come first before God in our personal lives and in our hearts (considering 1 John 2:15) simply because He is The Way, The Truth and The Life according John 14:6. We are connected to the True Vine in John 15 when we choose to put God first in our hearts. Furthermore, Jesus Christ is the true way that leads to eternal life in John 3:16. There is no other Way that leads to eternal life apart from “The” Way in John 14:6!  Nothing’s wrong with facebook, twitter, soccer, rugby, money, a beautiful woman if you’re single man, families, etc.., while considering their advantages and disadvantages. It becomes wrong when “we choose to put” any of these things first before God in our hearts. It becomes wrong when we love the things of this world and not God with all our hearts, minds, and soul considering 1 John 2:15. Remember, “Jesus Christ is coming soon, time is something we all don’t have, and the power of choice is yours-every choice has a consequence: eternal life or death depends entirely on your personal choice.”